Ramaashta Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


This small village sits near the Pesha River, not far from where the Eastern Branch splits off in the Pesha River Delta on its way to the nearby sea. It is known for producing excellent grains and flavorful meats. Purveyors of gourmet beers, breads, and meats buy the products to serve to food connoisseurs in Khartous. Unfortunately for sellers in Ramaashta, most of its products go through middlemen located in the town of Xamesh, 35 miles downriver on the Pesha, for resale to buyers in Khartous or elsewhere. The village is not far from the beginning of the trade route from the banks of the Pesha to far Qiraam in Guurzan across the desert, but the leaders of Ramaashta have yet to find a way to take advantage of this proximity.


Ramaashta, Village of
Administrator Aramses Ottama

administrator appointed by regional governor

183 (mostly Ashurian)
Owning Organization


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