Pass of Hummaemidon Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Pass of Hummaemidon

On this hilly grassland, the legions of Hyperborea and Boros clashed in a climactic battle that forever changed Akados. After a titanic struggle, the Hyperboreans earned their independence and laid the foundations of their empire. On this day, the humans and the high elf descendants of the wild elves of the Green Realm reconciled. The alliance between men and elves put one old grudge to rest, but the actions of the Hyperborean legions gave birth to an enmity that still endures after 3,500 years. In an act known as the Great Betrayal, the dwarves’ human allies turned against their former friends. The horrific slaughter ended only when the last mountain dwarf fell at the hands of their human betrayers. Although numerous generations have come and gone since this fateful day, the mountain dwarves never forgot nor forgave the traitorous act.   The passage of time has not erased these old memories nor the scars from the land. To this day, salvagers periodically unearth metal fragments, old bones, and other personal effects from the freshly tilled soil. Hobgoblins, hill giants, or ogres sometimes interrupt these excavations while hunting or scavenging for scraps themselves. Worse yet, the restless spirits of the mountain dwarves who perished in the battle refuse to let death inhibit their thirst for revenge. These angry souls take their ire out against any humans, half-elves, or elves who cross their path. While vengeance seems to be their primary goal, scattered firsthand accounts also report seeing these undead monstrosities actively seeking something buried underneath the ancient battlefield. Their objective remains unknown, though some of the witnesses claim to hear the apparitions utter the word “Dweram.” No such word exists in the Dwarven language, which leads many to believe it may be a proper name or a contraction of two or more separate words.
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