Nam-i-Budhani Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


These bleak, eternally snow-covered crags located between the cursed Lake Hali and the fearsome Shadowlands are the northernmost mountains in all of Akados and have a dire, ominous reputation among the Shattered Folk. Known to be riddled with caverns and tunnels and crawling with savage humanoid tribes, the Lost Mountains are also rumored to contain gateways to the realm of shadow from whence came the terrible Scaedugenga. The humanoids — goblins, kobolds, orcs, hobgoblins, and others — seem to fall under the shadow’s influence quite easily and have on at least two occasions swept out of the mountains in a seemingly irresistible flood to ravage the steppes in the name of their masters. Today, the mountains are forbidden by strict taboo, though many think it is only a matter of time before the wards set by the old Asran guardians weaken and allow the Shadow to emerge again.
Alternative Name(s)
Lost Mountains
Mountain Range


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