Harh-Ahu-Ra Hills Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Harh-Ahu-Ra Hills

This line of rough hills and rocky plateaus runs more-or-less north and south through Khemit’s Western Desert, with the southern end of the range curving and extending into Meroë. It is interrupted at several places by gaps of a few miles but is considered to be a single set of hills. The point where the Harh-Ahu-Ra meet the Stygian is generally considered the border between Khemit and Qesh. Caravans from Middle Khemit usually travel east of the hills while those from Upper Khemit, Meroë, or points south sometimes cross through one of the Southern Passes and travel west of the hills. Bandits threaten travelers on either side, though robbers in the Western Desert tend to be bolder as sources of authority are farther between. The Harh-Ahu-Ra Hills contain mineral resources such as different types of valuable stone (marble and granite, for instance), and possibly also silver or gold, depending on who one believes.
Rolling Hills


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