Foerdewaith Ethnicity in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


The Foerdewaith are by far the most commonly found ethnicity in the eastern half of Akados. These humans descend from the many indigenous tribes that dwelt in the lands conquered by Hyperborea thousands of years ago. During the years of Hyperborean rule, they largely assimilated into an amalgamated people, though regional differences certainly existed. After being left behind when the Hyperboreans withdrew from Akados, these folk eventually became part of the hegemony of Foere started by Macobert, the first Foerdewaith overking. Although the Foerdewaith were identified as a single people during the height of the Foerdewaith monarchy, this was true only as an ethnicity and a broadly shared cultural heritage from the Hyperboreans and the later rule of the overkings. Most Foerdewaith throughout Akados identify themselves as members of smaller regions. The term Foerdewaith is now commonly used to refer to the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Foere and those (mainly the nobility) who can trace ancestries leading back to the kingdom. These “Foerdewaith of Foere” consider the bloodline to be a sign of superiority.   The Foerdewaith of western Akados tend to have fair skin and aquiline features, with darker hair colors and eyes of gray, blue, or violet. Those of eastern Akados tend to broad features; brown, light brown, or blond hair; tan to light-brown skin; and brown, black, green, or hazel eyes. The Foerdewaith of southern Akados have lighter skin tones with brown to blond to red hair, and deep brown to light hazel eyes.   Almost all Foerdewaith speak Common, though some eastern Foerdewaith traditionalists still speak Gasquen.


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