Edefu Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Edefu is on the east bank of the Stygian, about 35 miles south of Thybos. The oldest part of the city is thought to date back to the 6th Dynasty, and at times it has been an important administrative center, especially for the Hyperborean Empire when it had a presence in Khemit. The city’s most important feature, though, is the high seat of the temple of Horus, the falcon-headed god of law and war and protector of the pharaoh. A new temple was built during the 33rd Dynasty to replace one that had stood for millennia. The red sandstone building has been maintained in excellent condition, and many travel to see the carvings on the interior walls and the 50-foot-tall statues of Horus as a falcon wearing the crown of the triple kingdom. The temple’s scale is impressive, with a 50-foot-high arched gateway leading into the 400-foot-long main building. The area is surrounded by a 20-foot-high wall that is probably superfluous in this civilized day but may not have been when the temple was built more than 1,000 years ago.


Edefu, City of
Principal Administrator Qalanas-Iqbal


57,581 (mostly Khemitite)
Owning Organization


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