Dragonbone Peak Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Dragonbone Peak

This high peak in the midst of the Deepfell mountain range is honeycombed with caves and roughhewn passages, a citadel of the Deepfells’ hobgoblins. Dragonbone today is a mere shadow of its former greatness, when it served as home to the demigod Kakobovia and his powerful hobgoblin empire. Kakobovia’s power reached its zenith in the late 1500s I.R., but Grand Duke Borell I of Reme finally defeated the demigod at the Battle of Ironhill. Without a leader, the Deepfell hobgoblins splintered into competing factions and scattered throughout the mountains, though the Dragonbone clan remains the strongest and most influential due to its control of the citadel.
Mountain / Hill


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