Desert Wall Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Desert Wall

Separating the caliphate’s populous western peninsula from its great eastern desert is the range of mountains known as the Desert Wall. It curves along the landward side of the peninsula, with high peaks in the middle and lower mountains toward the coast on both ends. The pattern of the islands near the caliphate in the Sea of Spices and Sea of Baal suggests the curved range continues out into the ocean for 100 miles or more. Many of the peaks show indications of volcanism in the past, though there is no evidence of any active volcanoes now or any suggestion of them since the formation of the caliphate almost 3,000 years ago. The easiest route through the Desert Wall is to follow the valley of the Havari River, and that is the route taken by caravans. Other passes do exist, though, for those who are willing to take a more difficult way.
Mountain Range


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