Crossgate Hold Building / Landmark in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Crossgate Hold

Accommodations on the Rampart Road

Crossgate Hold is the largest of the gate-fortresses along the Rampart, once a veritable fortress that travelers passed through. The army of the Rampart reduced the stronghold during the Suilleyn Secession, and most of it now lies to either side of the causeway in the form of rubble and crushed bone. However, one walled stone platform still stands to the side of the causeway, the foundation for stone stables and the Causeway Inn. The King of Suilley, as a protection against the Foerdewaith troops, rebuilt two towers, one on each side of the high causeway, and the stone bridge between them. Suilleyn troops garrison here. The commander of the Hold is Sir Hual Benis, who commands 50 soldiers and a crew of catapult engineers.   Innkeeper Jarel Muggs owns and manages the Causeway Inn. His family has held a charter to operate the inn for the last seventy years, and they have done it well. Jarel, however, has unfortunately gotten into significant debt after becoming addicted to opium, and the inn’s finances are precarious. If anyone mentions opium to him, he immediately suggests that they go see his friend Luam Ghere in the city of Manas, whom he says is a dealer in “the finest opium.” Jarel emphasizes that they should mention his name as the person making the referral, for he hopes to gain some credit with the man who supplies him with the drug.


Crossgate Hold, Fortress of
Owning Organization


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