Bicri Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Located where the Calno joins the larger Fara River, Bicri is one of three cities on the north side of the Fara. It has issues with flooding when all the snow melts upriver, so buildings on the lower side of town tend to be built on high foundations.   Because of its convenient location at the confluence of the rivers, Bicri has become a trade city for goods flowing toward and from the Scythirian Mountains. The smaller clans in that area provide much of the metal used in the country, and a large portion of the metal weapons and tools.   Magelah, the first patriarch of the clan and the founder of Bicri, is said to have been a renowned bard. In the city, he also established a notable bardic school for music and performance, the only one in Libynos that specializes in teaching satire. At the school, bards (and sometimes other students) are taught how to gather intelligence from their audiences and the use of codes and cyphers, including the use of code words or songs to communicate information secretly to other bards. Musicians from this school are welcomed throughout eastern and central Libynos and usually well-received even farther afield, but they tend to travel to places of interest to their clan rather than just wandering.   Jamnia, the clan matriarch, always has musicians present on formal occasions and knows all the musicians’ codes, though she is not herself musically inclined. She is very interested in codes and code-breaking, however, and has translated two coded messages from historical documents that had been unbroken for centuries. Matriarch Jamnia tends to be rather brusque with people she views as taking too much of her time, as she has a wide range of responsibilities and interests she could pursue instead. She believes life is too short to waste it in polite conversation.


Bicri, City of Clan Magelah

Jamnia, Matriarch of Magelah


47,621 (almost all Baalathite)

Owning Organization


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