Arenzana Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


For more than 200 years, Arenzana was the final link in the primarily land-borne trade route across Libynos at the Channel Lakes. The town rests at the bottom of a steep drop on the ocean side of the Seniaro Hills at the end of the Coast Road from Cordona Lake. With the completion of the River of Gold Locks almost 20 years ago, and the opening of the water route across the continent, the land trade has almost entirely disappeared. Arenzana now remains as the foothold of a small Alcaldrich colony on the coast of the Great Ocean Ûthaf. It has large docks that were built at the height of the land trade, but they are aged now and used almost solely by local fishing boats, a few traders, and the occasional small vessel of the Imperial Navy.   Besides fish for local consumption, the fishers of Arenzana harvest abalone. They sell the meat fresh when customers are available, but otherwise salt it or smoke it and sell it that way. Of most value are the shells, which are primarily sold to Alcaldrich traders and used for decorative purposes in the wealthy households of Alcaldar and its possessions.


Arenzana, Town of
Archon Francisca Ybanes of Ortís

archon (city governor) appointed by queen of Alcaldar

692 (almost all Alcaldrich)
Owning Organization


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