Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th Character in The Golden Frontier | World Anvil
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Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th

Synthrin Kulsavas (a.k.a. The Master of the Fog Lands)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The 10th child of the Golden Dragon and Bronze Queen, Synthrin, a lonely figure both in childhood and in adulthood. He grew up to be incredibly anti social, having little interests in spending time with other people, even his own parents, preferring to just stay in his room and read books and stories of both non fiction and of fiction. Even when he went to his lessons, he would always carry some sort of book that he would read in between lessons, and sometimes even during lessons.   Even as he grew up and his mind developed, he still would have little want to spend time with others, choosing the company of a library of texts rather than that of other people. He would begin his deep foray into stranger topics, such as those of ancient religions and books about the occult and spirits. He would learn of how magic would create strange natural phenomena, and the nature of the mortal spirit and its inner machinations   As time would go on however, he would slowly begin growing in his contact with other people, as he discovered others that had similar interests in the occult much like himself, with him and this group of people meeting deep into the night, discussing philosophy and the nature of the living soul. In fact, one could very much call it a book club of fiction, as the group would discuss stories that they have read with each other. He would begin learning strange forms of magic, that of druids but also of stranger sources, those which the empire was not yet knowledgable of. His studies would lead to him becoming knowledgable of the eastern point of the empire, especially the city of Gotish, the old trade hub of the eastern sea.   As he arrived, he began to immediately to feel at home, for Gotish was a strange place. It was a city of mystery and old magic of ancient people, and a city of fog that would envelop it. He began quickly meeting with people of occult in the city, quickly becoming popular as he grew closer and closer to the locals and became respected not only for his caring of their culture and traditions, but also his interest in it.   The city only became more mysterious after Synthrin arrived, for as less and less people chose to come to the city, it only became more and more mysterious in the eyes of the rest of the empire. Rumors began spreading of that strange magic was being practiced, and of monsters roaming the streets. As the city became more and more cut off from the rest of the empire, who knows if it was true or not.   Synthrin slowly moved his way back to Gatherlak, as news of his father's deteriorating health reached him. He was no longer the person that people once knew, as he arrived with much paler scales, speaking in a strange accent, and in general just seeming a bit off. Despite this, he conspired with his siblings to aim their eyes west, away from him, simply wanting to be isolated from the rest of them, and continuing his existence in the city.   As he seemed to have predicted, his father chose no successor. Because of his manipulation, his home was never directly attacked, besides raids by bandits. However, that could not be said about his neighbors, as news of people disappearing from isolated villages and strange sightings grew over the course of the war.   With the War of the Wyverns reaching it stalemate, and becoming the Silence, the Enclave became only more and more mysterious, as strange mists seemed to surround the entire state, with all those who entered never to return. One could only assume that it was powerful magic being cast by Synthrin himself to ensure the isolation of his people. Sometimes, strange creatures appear from the fog, perhaps wander in other states, and then simply return back into the fog, never to be seen again.   Now with the discovery of the golden frontier, and the winds of change flowing throughout the whole continent, few can say what Synthrin plans to do. But rumors do suggest that the creatures that come out of the fog are growing in number, so perhaps he is preparing for war. Who knows what is beyond the walls of fog.


Synthrin has a good formal education, being the top of his lessons in many subjects such as that of the arcane, of history, and of ancient religions and other cultural aspects. His language became very eloquent, as he would continue to read books and had a great mind for writing.

Mental Trauma

Choosing to isolate himself from a young age and not spending time with other people stunted his mental growth as an adult, making it much more difficult for him to socialize with other people when he doesn't for example already have a common interest with them. As such he can seem to act very lonely or shy when it comes to strangers, but in professional times he is able to show a degree of confidence.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Perhaps one of the things Synthrin enjoys the most is opening a book of fiction, and immersing himself in it. He can quickly become very interested in literature, happy to discuss it with others and its meanings, and reading about the worlds of fiction others have created to surround their stories. According to rumor, he even has a small club of people he meets to discuss books they all have been reading.   His biggest dislike is of people who are quick to discount ideas or to reject them, especially that of the paranormal, occult, or that within fictional writing, for he thinks it is close minded to be so willing to not listen to the exchange of ideas regardless of form. On top of this, in terms of physical, he detests loud competitive environments, preferring quieter and more harmonious ones instead.


Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Gargax, Emperor of Boven, the 11th



Gargax, Emperor of Boven, the 11th

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th



Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th

Brother (Important)

Towards Harann, Queen of Yiris, the 12th



Harann, Queen of Yiris, the 12th

Sister (Important)

Towards Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th



Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Uadjit, king of Grenile, the 13th



Uadjit, king of Grenile, the 13th

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th



Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th

Son (Trivial)

Towards Kaladan, The Golden Dragon



Kaladan, The Golden Dragon

Father (Important)

Towards Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th



Megren, Beast Lord of Nerlakia, The 8th

Sister (Trivial)

Towards Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th



Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th

Brother (Important)

Towards Megren, Beast Lord of Nerlakia, The 8th



Doudra, Emperor of Drubia, the 6th

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th



Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Doudra, Emperor of Drubia, the 6th



Arjan, King of Lonyth, the 4th

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th



Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th

Brother (Important)

Towards Arjan, King of Lonyth, the 4th



Mehena, Magi of Lelum, the 2nd

Brother (Important)

Towards Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th



Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th

Brother (Trivial)

Towards Mehena, Magi of Lelum, the 2nd



Year of Birth
45 BD 118 Years old
Dark brown, if not then black eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Silver scales
200 cm
100 kg
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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