Kaladan, The Golden Dragon Character in The Golden Frontier | World Anvil
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Kaladan, The Golden Dragon

The Golden Dragon Kaladan Kulsavas

Divine Domains

Kaladan's domain is war and light, as he inspires his followers to go out into the world and fight for the greater good of life, of order. He seeks to protect the Draken people, and destroy those that would hurt them, and protecting the light within all of his empire.

Holy Books & Codes

1. Protect your fellow Drakens, and they shall protect you   2. Stand together in the face of adversity   3. Believe in the Golden Dragon, for he believes in the heart of the people   4. Live heroically, and become more than a mortal to those around you   5. Long live the pantheon, for they shall guide us in this dark age

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Kaladan's symbol is that of a metal Draken head that has been painted gold.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The goals of the Golden Dragon is the ensure the safety of his people in dark times, but also to bring the fight to the creatures who would threaten them.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kaladan was an above average draken, he was large at 200 cm but was also heavy and strong at 120 kg. He was incredibly strong but still very fast, able to outrun a lot of people. Essentially, was built like a tree, with some of his friends in his youth nicknaming him the "Yellow Tree" as a joking insult.

Identifying Characteristics

He's a golden drake, along with this, he has a number of scars on his body, the one most visible being a large cut right under his left eye.

Special abilities

He was both a powerful warrior, and a power magician, thanks to rigorous training and studying.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kaladan was born to a relatively small clan of Drakens named the Kulsavas. There was no prophecy, or anything special to his birth, and it seemed he was destined to live a normal life with his clan. That changed when his clan was raided by a chromatic clan from across the sea, and if it was not for his heroics, his clan would most likely have been massacre, as he managed to fend them off and kill every last one of them. Unfortunately, the clan sage ended up being killed in the battle, and without a proper heir, the clan elected Kaladan to be their leader. Henceforth, it became his goal to ensure the safety of his clan, his people, and all metallic dragons. He began by gathering his people, he went to other clans, inviting them to join him. While some laughed him off, others joined with him, and as time went on, his flock had grown into the thousands, as he led them.
  As his momentum grew, news had spread that a chromatic warband had invaded and taken over the Gatherlak territory, one of the larger clans on the continent, leading to many refugees pouring northward, and into Kaladan's arms. He immediately prepared his people for war, training them to be stronger and teaching them how to fight. As he prepared, more and more people flocked to him, and whole clans began to join up with his band, with even other races who had been affected by the raiding, such as halflings, elves, and humans, joining them. Finally, they attacked the metallic army. The battle was brutal, and took many days, and many lives on both sides were lost, with Kaladan even losing his own siblings to the battle. But with one final blow to the enemy, they finally routed the chromatic warband, and retook the area. As things calmed down, and took their time to mourn, Kaladan announced to them that this can no longer happen too their people. He announced that hence forth, they shall begin their empire right at this spot, and call it Gatherlak, in honor of those they wanted vengeance for. The people agreed, and the city begun.
  This was the start of the legend of the Golden Dragon, as Kaladan would begin assimilating and conquering other areas, assimilating other draken clans, and the halfling kingdom in the process, while having to conquer other areas, all for the sake of draken security. As time went on, he began the first steps to a proper empire, introducing the concept of that all under his banner are drakens, and deserve protection. Allowing people of any race, even chromatic dragons (thought it was very rare), to become citizens. As his empire reached the the divide between north and south, he decided his people were safe enough, and began focusing inwards, leading to the Golden Growing.
  As this happened, he met someone he could love, a bronze draken named Zamiri, how they met, Kaladan never spoke of it. But nevertheless, the two of them would be happily betrothed, and have 13 children together. But tragedy struck at the 13th child, as Zamirii died during child birth, leaving Kaladan heartbroken, and thus taking care of his 13th child the most of them all.
  But, all things must end, even legends, and Kaladan slowly began to lose the battle against the crying reaper, as his body aged and gave up on him. As such, his last days were spent in his bed, surrounded by servants and family members, and his 13 children. This however, is when Kaladan made his biggest failure, he chose no successor, unable to choose any of his children to be the next Dragon. And with his death, his once proud empire shattered, leaving his children to fight in a brutal civil war.


Kaladan had no formal education when he was younger, but as he grew older, he took every opportunity he could to read books and gain knowledge, amassing his own massive library of all kinds of books of all kinds of knowledge. Through it, he learned much of his world, and helped him become a true diplomat, The books even helped him begin to harness the power of magic, helping him become a powerful wizard.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Kaladan earned many achievements through out his time, but what are true and what are myth was to an extent only known by him. Many stories of his strength spread throughout the empire, stories of how he could lift a 500 kg bull on his back and hold it for ten seconds, the second was where he held two pillars (each 100 kg), with both his hands for 234 seconds, and even managing to shatter chains that were wrapped around him.
Tales of his resistance spread as well, such as the one where he had to convince a clan to join him by holding a hot iron without flinching for ten seconds. Along with his accuracy with a bow, reportedly able to hit a target that was 182 meters away. Finally, he was one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, beating many champions while in disguise. He helped modernize the continent, and helped connect many people and allow trade to flow everywhere, and helped connect his empire to other groups, solidifying friendly relationships or even alliances.

Failures & Embarrassments

The biggest failure of the Golden Dragon's life was his inability to choose amongst his children the next Dragon.

Mental Trauma

After the death of Zamiri, his wife, Kaladan was heart broken, and was never the same afterwards. He became more lonely and desolate, preferring to spend time by himself than with the people. The only person he spent the most time with was his 13th child, pampering him and spoiling him.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Kaladan was a man with a large curiosity for the world, and as such took to liking many things, such as the many types of food throughout his empire, or different games or books. He would always be open to new things, and loved physical activities One thing however that he did dislike was the strong spices used by the Tabaxi in their meat, despite being a draken, he hated how strong it was, and would always politely say not to such meals.


Family Ties

Kaladan had a previous family of a mother and father, along with two older brothers and one older sister, with all of them dying long before he did. He ended up getting married Zamiri, and had 13 children with her. Those left surviving in his clan became influential nobles within the empire.


Zamiri, the Bronze Queen

Wife (Vital)

Towards Kaladan, The Golden Dragon



Kaladan, The Golden Dragon

Husband (Vital)

Towards Zamiri, the Bronze Queen



Uadjit, king of Grenile, the 13th

Son (Vital)

Towards Kaladan, The Golden Dragon



Kaladan, The Golden Dragon

Father (Important)

Towards Uadjit, king of Grenile, the 13th



Harann, Queen of Yiris, the 12th

Daughter (Trivial)

Towards Kaladan, The Golden Dragon



Kaladan, The Golden Dragon

Father (Important)

Towards Harann, Queen of Yiris, the 12th



Gargax, Emperor of Boven, the 11th

Son (Important)

Towards Kaladan, The Golden Dragon



Kaladan, The Golden Dragon

Father (Important)

Towards Gargax, Emperor of Boven, the 11th



Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th

Son (Trivial)

Towards Kaladan, The Golden Dragon



Kaladan, The Golden Dragon

Father (Important)

Towards Synthrin, Lord of the Enclave, the 10th



Sethrek, Queen of Truvia, the 7th

Daughter (Important)

Towards Kaladan, The Golden Dragon



Kaladan, The Golden Dragon

Father (Important)

Towards Sethrek, Queen of Truvia, the 7th



Doudra, Emperor of Drubia, the 6th

Son (Vital)

Towards Kaladan, The Golden Dragon



Kaladan, The Golden Dragon

Father (Important)

Towards Doudra, Emperor of Drubia, the 6th



Perra, Queen of Stetile, the 5th

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Kaladan, The Golden Dragon



Kaladan, The Golden Dragon

Father (Vital)

Towards Perra, Queen of Stetile, the 5th



Arjan, King of Lonyth, the 4th

Son (Vital)

Towards Kaladan, The Golden Dragon



Kaladan, The Golden Dragon

Father (Vital)

Towards Arjan, King of Lonyth, the 4th



Kadana, the Chosen of Verithia, the 3rd

Daughter (Important)

Towards Kaladan, The Golden Dragon



Kaladan, The Golden Dragon

Father (Important)

Towards Kadana, the Chosen of Verithia, the 3rd



Mehena, Magi of Lelum, the 2nd

Son (Important)

Towards Kaladan, The Golden Dragon



Kaladan, The Golden Dragon

Father (Vital)

Towards Mehena, Magi of Lelum, the 2nd



Divine Classification
The Leader of the Pantheon
273 BD 0 BD 273 years old
Golden with red pupils
No hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Golden skin color
200 centimeters
120 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"May all the draken under my banner feel safe, and those that dare hurt those under my protection, may they quickly receive vengeance." Kaladan -197 BD
Known Languages
Kaladan began only with draconic, but as time went on, and he taught himself, he learned elvish, dwarfish, giant, and orcish. Few people, and few academics, had his capability for language.

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