Session 19: The Page of Swords, Hunting the Refracted Stalker, Back on the Path! Report in The Gates | World Anvil
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Session 19: The Page of Swords, Hunting the Refracted Stalker, Back on the Path!

General Summary

The Page of Swords
  We started the session with the lot of you investigating the area that Tympi was last seen by you during your vision. There weren't any clues to go by here, no signs of violence or dark energy residue or anything, but you did hear some wings fluttering, a twig breaking and a very small "eeep!" before everything went silent again.   Hoping to get the jump on whatever this was, Kaswink and Hysteria jumped into some nearby bushes and began to sneak about. They used their stealthful states to sneak around towards where they last heard any noice, and Hysteria also tried to help DAN Wildcloak disguise themselves as a tree. DAN's efforts were incredibly successful, especially due to their history as a botanist, all but the most experienced arborists would be able to detect their tree disguise.   Meanwhile, Namina was calling out to whatever made the noise, letting them know that you were going to hurt them, and walking in the direction of the sound. Frode also peered through a nearby bush in the direction that there last was unfamiliar sounds, and Agave began moving in that direction as well. On the other side of this bush, you all saw (either stealthing or not) a treestump covered in moss. Another empty area, drat.
Agave approached the stump after Namina confirmed that whatever was out here was not the mothling child from the village, and he began to investigate this moss-covered stump. Kaswink took this time to close her eyes and begin listening for any unusual breathing while Frode investigated the area for any signs of troublemakers or ne'erdo'ells. Namina attempted to sus out any signs of an interloper by utilizing her innate ability to discover signs of magical activity, however, there didn't seem to be anything magical about this stump or the surrounding area.   Kaswink didn't pick up on any breathing that wasn't the group's, and Frode didn't find any illegal activity, no arrests today! However, Agave managed to pick up on the slightest movement from beneath the moss on this stump, suspicious! He decided to lean in close and try coaxing out whatever was hiding in the area while also informing the creature that he knew where it was hiding. His efforts eventually paid off and the little pale face of some creature was revealed. The long silver strands of general forest detritus were revealed to be this creature's hair, and as they blinked their eyes Agave saw that they reflected a foggy representation of the world around you.   Frode, seeing the movements of this creature's head, made a noise suggesting he may have been startled by its sudden presence. This frightened noise seemed to also frighten whatever was hiding here and it hid itself once again. After some more coaxing from Agave and Namina's combined efforts, it revealed itself again. It stared at you for a time while you discussed what exactly is a monster, or a mosster, until Namina healed it with some gentle words. This time it wriggled beneath the moss for a time until two arms appeared holding a notepad and a pen carved from some bark.
The creature finally spoke, their first question asking who you all are. Namina spoke for the group and provided all of your names mentioning that Hysteria and Kaswink are shy. The creature took notes about everything that was being said before asking why you all are here. At this point Namina asked what their name is.   After confirming that you all aren't evil and working for nefarious beings, they finally revealed that their name is Page of Swords as they fluttered their wings, scattering forest detritus and revealing themselves to be a mothling with moss-covered wings. They put on their trench coat over their wings, collected their writing tools, and continued the interview. They, much to DAN's chagrine, noticed the disguised halflings though did not notice that they are actually three people in a trench coat.
  • (Page of Swords)"What are you doin in this forest?"
    • (Namina)"We're here to learn and assist in Spirit World things!"
      (Agave)"We're just trying to search this area."
  • (Namina)"Have you seen a human... or whatever race he was around here?"
    • (Page of Swords)"Basil? That one was a human, and yes, I have seen him!"
    • (Namina)"Oh, we have his journal and we're trying to pick up where he left off and find him and his sister if we can.
  • (Page of Swords)" aren't looking for Tympi?"
    • (Namina)"Well, we are looking for Tympi too."
  • (Page of Swords)"Who sent you?"
    • (Agave)"We're explorers trying to explore the land, we've heard of some of these missing people and we feel they know a lot about the area."
    • (Namina)"We're from a different plane. We're from the 'material plane'"
  • (Agave)"Page of Swords, tell me, what kind of things do you like to write about?"
    • (Page of Swords)"I write about everything, as a page I'm a messenger or a courier, my Parcel is knowledge. I know everything about the forest, the history of this land-" *Frode dashed forward*
  • (Frode)"So you're a Bard or a Historian? Who was the first king of the forest?"
    • (Page of Swords)"First king?" *they flip threw their notes, confused, until Frode explains what a king is* "Ah, I suppose that would be Tympi then. As far as I know."
    • (Frode)"And after that?"
    • (Page of Swords)"Well, Tympi is still the most important, but I suppose Croak was chosen as the new King."
  • (Agave)"What are your thoughts on Croak and Tympi and the like?"
    • (Page of Swords)"I'm pretty sure she's still out there, I've been looking for her for the past 50 years. Um, It's kind of my only mission now. Before that I just got to walk around and write down what I saw, but now all I have is finding her."
  • (Frode)"Is 50 years a long time?"
    • (Page of Swords)"Well, the longer you live the shorter time seems, but for something like this... every day seems like a long time to me when she's not here."
  • (Agave)"Mister Page, what do you know about the blight? Have you ever heard of a blight affecting plants, affecting life itself?"
    • (Page of Swords)*their eyes went dark for a while before their eyes closed and they stood motionless for some time before reopening their eyes which have returned to the normal reflective surface.* "Blight, not very often that we see blights here, but I have interviewed spirits and things that have connections to your plane of existence that do speak of blights, and a concern for such things. I would love to go down that path and find out more, but I have a mission right now." *They also provided a drawing of a spirit that resembles a desert plant*
  • (Kaswink)"Who sent you on this mission?"
    • (Page of Swords)"Myself."
  • (Agave)"If you are out looking for her, perhaps you would like to join up with us?"
    • (Page of Swords)"I would love to, and I have a lead I just haven't had the courage I normally have, the excitement to investigate anything and everything. Ever since she vanished, I've been indecisive... I have a place that I think would be great for you to look in to, it could be dangerous if you are okay with that."
  • (Kaswink) "Where is it? What do you know about it? How did you find it?"
    • (Page of Swords)"You reek of information, you know where it is, where to find The Old Woman's Cottage. It was on the map that you saw. It's not too far from here, definitely worth looking in to, I just can't bring myself to investigate the place. It's full of things, and the old woman that lives there is not right... I"m suspicious."
  • (Frode)"Is this a new thing, where you lack this ambition?"
    • (Page of Swords)"Yes, ever since she disappeared, it felt like who I was changed."
    • (Frode)"Has she ever disappeared before?"
    • (Page of Swords)"No, not that I can recall."
  • (Kaswink)"She was Tympi's friend, wasn't she?"
    • (Page of Swords)"Oh, no, she's one of the few people that Tympi didn't really know."
  • (Kaswink)"Do you know if she has any connection to the darkness that took her? It looks like Ink.
    • (Page of Swords)"That's what I think... it's a bit of a hunch, I'm not sure how I know it..."
  • (Frode)"Show did she disappear or was she taken?"
    • (Page of Swords)"She was definitely taken. I don't trust anyone that says she's dead. Especially not that Croak.
  • (Agave)"We previously encountered a spirit that made us all feel extremely Paranoid along with some other strange creatures in the forest, what do you know about this?"
    • (Page of Swords)"There are some Emotional Spirits out there. They could be an incredible boon to your group, or they could cause in-fighting, delusional thoughts and depression... Whether or not they are malevolent or just exist like that is a good question. From what I've seen they just grab something and latch on. Wherever you go, you'll find something like that.
    • (Kaswink)"Is there a way to protect agains them, or make them more helpful rather than hurtful?"
    • (Page of Swords)"If you can find a way to make something out of them...there are definitely ways. You could make them into armor, use their strange thoughts against other things the way they look, the way they can feel...but it can be a challenge to really think of positive things that can come from something so negative as depression or delusion. I've heard of travelers that, before Tympi found them, everything they looked at had the face of their father, or spoke to them with voices from their past, it can get incredibly confusing or awful... I don't see how that could be beneficial at all."
  You eventually decided to continue your journey with this newly met mothling with the intent of reaching the old woman's cottage. It took some convincing for some of you, there was some distrust going around, but a decision was made at some point. During your journey towards the cottage, Kaswink informed the mothling of Ilmater and provided them a red chord. The Page of Swords explained that they normally just use their trench coat to keep themselves grounded, a sort of manifestation of their own burdens, but they accepted the red chord anyways.   Namina also had another question for the Page while everyone was walking. She asked if Tympi's disappearance and the creature that took her may have something to do with a disruption in the life cycle that she was concerned about. The mothling stopped in their tracks, this question apparently shaking them to their core. They explained that they are uncertain of such things, but that they do think that it is true...they can't explain why, but they think there's something true about that. A new hunch to look into.
Hunting the Refracted Stalker
  While traveling, some tracks were detected by Kaswink. They were tracks that she had encountered before during the downtime between Nurend 06-12. They had the appearance of large jaguar footprints with three legs on either side. They were fresh enough to easily track, and Kaswink requested that a slight detor be made.   This detor ended up taking about an hour to find the end of the tracks. They abruptly ceased with no signs of any climbing on the trees around you, but Kaswink was able to find a nearby entrance to the Underground Tunnels. Kaswink began investigating this entrance while Hysteria continued scouting ahead of the group and keeping themselves hidden.   While she was investigating this entrance, the ground began trembling and shortly after this a massive beast erupted from the ground revealing another entrance to a cave. It took a stance that looked as though it were either ready to pounce or defend the entrance to this newly discovered cave.
The creature, a Refracted Stalker, was quickly dispatched by your combined efforts. It was discovered as it was being attacked by Kaswink that it absorbed electricity through the larger gems on its body, and Frode nearly suffered the consequences of this stored power, though they were able to resist whatever it was that may have happened.   While butchering this creature, Kaswink discovered that its flesh is made up of a numerous amount of tiny gems that are woven together with strings of flesh. Additionally, it was discovered by Hysteria that there was a newly orphaned kitten hidden in the cave it was defending.   Frode quickly adopted this creature and named it Squeaks.
Back on the Path
  With a new kitten, a pile of cat meat, and your guide you set back out on the path towards this cottage. It was another hour to get back to the area where you left to follow these tracks, and during the journey back the sun had fully set.   Some Fuzzy Green Beans were discovered and logged by DAN, and a fairy circle was avoided thanks to Hysteria's efforts to appease the pixies. At the center of this fairy ring was a single shrub of tea leaves which Hysteria eventually harvested after guaranteeing it would not hurt the feelings of whatever fae might be hanging out in the mushrooms around it.   This tea was revealed to be Moonleaf Tea, and as the moonlight was interrupted by thicker clouds in the sky the plant vanished for a moment before reappearing in the moon's light again. The leaves that Hysteria harvested, however, remained in existence with or without the presence of moonlight.
Aware that it was getting later, and that it may be time for a nice night's sleep, you all stopped to speak with your new mothling friend. They explained that the old woman at the cottage is more active during the day from what they've seen, and that if you wanted to sneak in to investigate now would be the time.   You all objected, saying that your group isn't that great at sneaking, and a camp was made. Future plans of simply speaking to the old woman directly were committed to, and a long rest was had by all.
Reporting to Quince
  Page of Swords - A guardian of knowledge... if it is a Mothling it was likely created by Tympi based on what was found in that Journal and in the village. So, she created this creature with the express purpose of keeping information safe? What could've led to needing that? What happened to all the other "Swords", we've seen Cups and Wands... It sounds like they may not be a fan of our dear friend Croak either, I wonder why that is. Though, from what you describe of their combat capabilities they are likely not dangerous, at least not to us, and they are likely just purely observational.   Old Woman's Cottage - This is a wonderful new lead! I hope that it has what you are looking for and we can finally put this dangerous cold war to bed. I'm not sure if waiting for the morning is the best idea, but do what you think is best, you know your skills better than I do. I'm looking forward to hearing more about what you find there, and about the old woman herself. From what I'm hearing from my researchers on this side, that Catoblepas could be dangerous. Be careful!
Hysteria Scouts Ahead (Bonus Track)
  During the early morning of Nurend 15, 308, Hysteria decided to scout ahead after meditating the previous evening.   It took them about an hour to get to the old woman's cottage, and upon reaching this area they were met with an interesting sight. A hedge, well trimmed, some autumn flowers blooming within and around the natural fence, and a gate at its center. This gate was carved from a high quality dark red wood and had a swirling frame festooned with large flowers and vines.   The gate opened easily enough, there was a latch but the lock was picked with their skills, and as it swung open the softest creak was detected before they were able to slow it down, redistribute pressure, and relieve the hinges enough to remove the creaking noise altogether.   Crossing the threshold into this property was incredible. The moment their foot stepped into this yard they were momentarily blinded as the sun was suddenly visible right in front of them and rising behind this house. It was larger than any sun they had ever seen on the material plane, and it framed this house perfectly. Memories of the field guide came to mind and a drawing of this small cottage with the sun behind it suddenly made a bit more sense. The temporary blindness from this light source in the middle of the night passed and they could now see the gorgeous garden, yard, and adorable cottage in front of them.   This was immediately juxtaposed with the mentioned catoblepas standing behind the home and craning its neck around the left side looking for any signs of an intruder. Its long neck pulled its head from view once more and they were alone in this place.. the dark foreboding image of this avatar of doom put out of sight, out of mind, and the pleasant illusion of the spring day is all they could see.
Hysteria was able to inspect the house as described. They found different windows with views of the interior, a door on the front and back side, a vegetable and herb garden, a small farm with some adderfowl and a snoring catoblepas, and a clothesline with nothing on it but some old pins.   When they peered through the windows they didn't see anyone at home...unusual. A window into what appeared to be a bedroom revealed some bookshelves, a bed, some plants and so forth but nobody sleeping or there at all. Another window into the kitchen revealed a stove, oven, some old pots and pans, utensils, and a myriad of jars filled with different ingredients. These jars (and everything in this kitchen) were all covered in a thick layer of grime and dust. A tarp was covering some shelves near this kitchen and there was also a clear view of an unusual painting of a red barn.
Inside the house, Hysteria was able to investigate a bit more thoroughly. They discovered the following items in addition to the tarp covered shelves and general decor:   1) A mannequin of a medium sized, female human. The back was hunched, but otherwise it was featureless, lacking even a face. It was dressed in simple earth tone rags over a black gown with tangled branches wrapped around its head like a hat.   2) A Painting of a barn - Hanging on the wall was a painting of an old barn. It looked dilapidated, the red paint peeling from its sides... does this barn exist? Or perhaps it was painted from the imagination of some tormented soul.   3) Drawers full of tiny, child-sized shoes, creepy or normal, who's to say? One of these shoes seemed special to Hysteria: A pair of ballerina slippers with far less dust or wear and tear than the other shoes.   4) Pulling aside the tarp on the shelves, Hysteria was able to see several purple sparks which dissipated as quickly as they appeared. Completely removing the tarp they saw that there was nothing that would have reasonably made these sparks, but there was a missing jar.   5) Several of the jars on these shelves had different butterflies and moths which reacted to the sudden light source after the tarp was removed. Most of the jars had powders likely used for baking or cooking, some of them had disgusting bodily fluids, organs, fingers, and so forth.   6) One of the jars was filled with darkness, they couldn't quite tell what’s inside, but they knew something was looking at them from within. They could occasionally see the darkness separate and swirl though no form was really visible even in those instances.   7) A life size wooden doll dressed in Voldaren finery and missing a hand.
The Old Woman's Cottage
Session Recording:
Monday 3-07-2022  
In-game Date:
Nurend 14, 2022

Report Date
07 Mar 2022
Primary Location
Related Characters
Discovered Animals
Refracted Stalker
Discovered Plants
Fuzzy Green Beans
Moonleaf Tea
Mentioned Locations
The Old Woman's Cottage

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