Unliore Jrei'ein Character in The Fruit of War | World Anvil

Unliore Jrei'ein (Unn-LEE-orr DREY-eye'n)

Rel-Bloodsinger Mentor, Vitane-Jre'ein (a.k.a. Li)

Unliore is a bloodsinger specializing in Rel and, like many veterans of the War of the Six, finds herself in a strange state of reserve duty in the damaged peace in the wake of the Plague of the Bitter Hand. She has returned to Keismeb now that the war is over and past allegiances and borders are virtually meaningless, but resettling is proving difficult -- she has one foot in her quasi-adoption into the retainers of the Vitane Family, and the other in her old hedonistic ways in the underworld.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Appears to be in late thirties. Slender build, fairly fit but not very physically strong. Due to her nae'cthosai heritage, prolonged lack of exposure to sunlight will weaken/sicken her.

Facial Features

Elongated, leaf-shaped ears (two inches longer than a human's).

Identifying Characteristics

Ears pierced at top and bottom; small red tattoo of eye on left hipbone. Notably a "human-passing" nae'cthosai.   Fieron notes that her Ega appears to him as "an orangish-pink ... and gently shimmered like cloudweave in a breeze; what interested him was that this seemed a literal veil over an inner heart of lilac, from which a not-wholly-unpleasant gnawing feeling was trying to fight its way out every so often in bursts of crimson flame and deep bell-like tones." He also notes that it is the typical flame or flower shape of bloodsingers, particularly Rel adepts.

Physical quirks

Right-handed; snores when drunk; ugly laugh when caught off-guard; hearty appetite.

Special abilities

Rel channeler; she is also capable of mild aura-reading/detecting of those she knows well and with whom she has spent much time.   Her demonstrated Rel abilities include:
  • Candlefire; Light. (3:3)
  • Flamekin; Aegis. (3:3)
  • Exothermia; Heat. (4:3)
  • Fireball; Missile. (3:3)
  • Flame Gauntlet/Dagger; Construct. (4:3)
  • Firespit Circle; Flow. (4:2)
  • Flame Whip; Flow. (3:3)
  • Fire Shield; Aegis. (4:2)
  • Fire Wall; Construct. (3:2)
  • Fire Torrent; Flow. (3:3)
  • Lightning Spike; Light. (1:1)

Apparel & Accessories

Wears bloodsilk garments where possible; the more she expects to be casting, the higher the amount of bloodsilk in her clothing. She owns five full raiments and several partial raiments or individual garments, all of varying degrees of purity.   Her main bloodsilk raiment she bought in 965AC with her and Brinnlas's first big payout, and cost a significant amount of money; it is wine-colored brocade with teal bloodsilk, and rich brown leather. It is considered a 'near-bloom' set, with the cloth consisting of approximately 80% bloodsilk. The cloth was originally made plain but, as is typical of high-quality pieces, has since acquired a subtle pattern of delicate, hollow starbursts of varying diameters in drift-like formations. It can be classed as light armor, and consists of a tunic-robe, gloves, breeches, bracers, boots, and a cowled over-robe. The following mendings have been made: large comma-shaped blotch from right shoulder to right ribs patched (duel with an Uon user), shredded collar restitched (torture from Kastis warlocks), first two fingers and thumb of right hand replaced (simple overuse), long tear in left sleeve restitched (ambush during early war).   Her belt consists of two toggle-and-drawstring pouches fitted close to the belt; a leather-corded garnery with a small folding knife, a tiny compass-sundial, and a couple of keys and good fortune charms; a wicker egg-shaped case with her half of the penecta pair she shares with Kaavius; a larger dagger that she hardly uses; and a bachal horn hollowed-out and segmented to hold basic medicines and a short toothbrush and tooth powder.   In general she tends to prefer fine gowns where possible but will never shy away from ruining them if an unexpected situation demands it. She typically gravitates toward reds, violets, and earth tones. She is fond of wearing jewelry when she isn't traveling. For traveling, she has a charcoal gray, hooded, hip-length heavycloth cape fastened with a simple brooch, which is fairly water-repellant.

Specialized Equipment

Her own tiny copy of the Bloodsinger Codex, carried in a pouch on her belt. It is bound with wood and leather, and its pages are incredibly thin. It has two ribbons: one for a bookmark, and another attached to a pencil.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She was born in poverty to Anavon and Iscu Jrei'ein, fishermen, in Jarilas, a small village on Unenshuut's westernmost border with Kiva when it ran through the Tycephaur Lake. This poverty informed much of her life well into adulthood, though she was in a loving home besides. When she was a young child, Jarlias was practically destroyed during a raid by the Jiermeb tribe and her parents killed; she and a handful of other survivors then made their way to Keismeb, where they dispersed and settled. Unliore scrounged a living doing odd jobs in the Beneath, through which she met Brinnlas Sousan when she was thirteen -- they became inseparable and, since Brinn was the son of a chronic gambler father, she easily fell into a life of disrepute. At fourteen their romantic attachments fully developed and they then ran away to ‘bigger things’, using their developing skills as a warrior and channeler to take on more mercenary tasks. Their goal was solely wealth due to their impoverished upbringings, though Brinn was more careless with it than Unliore. They embraced the hedonistic life; she called Brinn the King of Bounty, and he called her the Queen of Blessings.   Over the course of the next decade or so their jobs took them all over Icalar and, in late 968AC, to the village of Kastis in southern Unenshuut, where they were tasked by the villagers to investigate suspicious goings-on and rumors of warlocks; when the rumors turned out to be true and the job became too big to handle, Brinn abandoned Unliore and the villagers, took the promised money, and retreated. Though she rejoined him later this had altered her opinion of him -- when the Violet Accord and Pact of the Blessèd were formed Brinn refused to become involved, wanting to stay behind and continue their current life, but Unliore spitefully chose to get as far away from him as possible and went with the small contingent brought by Jal Shedrogard Affenblau when he sided with the Pact.   She and other bloodsingers were amalgamated into the Fiir division of the Golden Itoqir and this brought her inadequacies front and center. However, in the first days of the war she met Kaavius Springfist during her assignment to a scouting team; they would eventually be part of the Guljebb Detachment sent to Fort Guljebb, and through its trials and tribulations the two developed an unlikely friendship. Over the course of the war and the unfortunate natural attrition of her troupe, she achieved the Mentor role but -- more genuinely -- built on her practical and leadership skills, even if her progress with her channeling remained slow. Their mettle was tested when the detachment was called to the Central Theater, where -- among other conflicts -- both were involved with the Charge of the Martyrs; in the course of the unprecedented conflict Kaavius was wounded in the chest and, desperate, Unliore cauterized it until medical attention could be obtained. When the war ended, Unliore returned to Korzhun like many of the Fiir with Kaavius, but she soon returned to Keismeb; the two corresponded and often visited one another, with their last in-person visit being in 996AC.   In Keismeb she found employment with the Vitane Family. Lady Hynaeno in particular has taken a liking to her and as a result, Unliore is often with Lady Hynaeno's personal retainers and indeed lives in her compound in a house shared with two other retainers. Unliore attributes her continued employment even as a sub-par channeler to Lady Hynaeno's interest. She keeps in regular contact with Kaavius to the present day.




Self-taught, poor to average.


Past: Odd jobs; Mercenary Past: Rel-Bloodsinger with the Golden Itoqir   Current: Rel-Bloodsinger Mentor on formal military standby; retainer of the Vitane family in Keismeb, often of Lady Hynaeno in particular.

Accomplishments & Achievements

War veteran.

Failures & Embarrassments

The events at Kastis -- not only what happened to her personally, but that she feels they could have done more to prevent the villagers' fate at the hands of the warlocks. Carries a mild subconscious embarrassment knowing that she is a 'fallen' nae'cthosai in terms of her lifestyle, choices, and even falling short of traditional beauty ideals.

Mental Trauma

Prior to leaving home, when they were fourteen Brinn's father arranged Brinn and Unliore be sold as a sexual experience to a group of older human men looking to feel superior to nae'cthosai; though not wholly naïve, this was a markedly traumatizing event and a gross betrayal in Brinn's eyes, and acted as the catalyst for their leaving home. This was further compounded for her by the events at Kastis and her separation from Brinn.

Intellectual Characteristics

MBTI Type: EST/FP   Good with money/numbers and economics; 'street-smart'; good at gambling and haggling.

Morality & Philosophy

Hedonism that was tempered during the war and is starting to reemerge, but rarely at the expense of the downtrodden.

Personality Characteristics


Her own wellbeing and self-interests.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Strong swimmer; can fall asleep quickly and nearly anywhere.   Average liquor tolerance.   Poor handwriting.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes -- Sweets, reds, going barefoot being in nature / gardening/farming, cuddle time with her pets, kekawa wine, gifts, money and material wealth, cosmetics, baths, looking good, dancing. Comfortable with her body and its desires, open to casual sex and experimentation, though prefers this kept private.   Dislikes -- Cursing (considers it crass), food or drink that is no longer its designated temperature (though will still consume it), cockroaches, picked flowers as decor/gift (considers it wasteful), wastefulness in general, sphegons

Virtues & Personality perks

(Moreso now) Cautious/conservative, pragmatic.

Vices & Personality flaws

(Though less so now) Careless, greedy, self-centered, lover of spectacle. Something of a hoarder.   Likes to look good and willing to spend money to do so, but not vain enough to be opposed to getting dirty.




Contacts & Relations

Maintains friendship with Kaavius; few other friendships from the war. Other recent friendships tend to be more of acquaintances.

Religious Views

Not incredibly spiritual.

Social Aptitude

Charismatic and charming, witty when with close friends. Mild leadership skills but more of a follower.

Hobbies & Pets

Devoted to her two strays: Qeco, the runt of a litter of loika; and Harathsi, an orphaned mistowl. She has trained both with basic commands and where possible, takes them wherever she goes; when she cannot, she tries to leave them with friends. Her horse -- her preferred steed -- is a gray dun stallion named Brel'davar.   Occasionally one for social hobbies: dancing, table games, and gambling.


Hardly ever curses, believing it crass.


Unliore Jrei'ein

friend (Important)

Towards Kaavius Springfist



Kaavius Springfist

friend (Important)

Towards Unliore Jrei'ein



Unliore Jrei'ein

former partner (Important)

Towards Brinnlas Sousan



Brinnlas Sousan

former partner (Important)

Towards Unliore Jrei'ein




Formerly childhood friends, then lovers and mercenary partners. Their relationship became strained in 968AC when Brinnlas left Unliore behind on a mission, then outright estranged when Unliore sided with the Pact in 986AC and Brinnlas refused to become involved in the war.

Nicknames & Petnames

When their relationship was on intimate terms, he called her his 'Queen of Blessings', while she called him her 'King of Bounty'.

Wealth & Financial state

Current Location
Date of Birth
5th Day of the Season of Ripening, 943AC
Year of Birth
943 AC 58 Years old
Current Residence
Vitane Estate, Keismeb
Bright green
Black with a copper sheen, shoulderblade-length, straight. Typically worn up in a twist.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Creamy white
5'8 / 172cm
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Mesik, Pikpik, Bel'Eishar, Luk'Eishar. Her conversational strengths lie in topics to do with trade.
Ruled Locations

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