Mistowl Species in The Fruit of War | World Anvil


Mistowls are a small, largely diurnal (but occasionally nocturnal) bird native to Unenshuut and Iyr, where they thrive in the covered habitat (either by tree or rockface) that also boasts an abundance of their favorite rodents or aigerwell nuts. They are largely solitary until mating and raising young. They are so-named because of their coloring, and because they typically hunt 'at the time of mist' in a flurry of activity before disappearing just as quickly.   Their calls are often described as 'meandering'; single notes are often long.

Basic Information


Two-legged and -winged. Entire body is covered in feathers of varying density. Head feathers create a 'horned' appearance'. Beak is short, sharp, and curved, while feet have four short, thick, sharp talons.

Genetics and Reproduction

Females typically lay one to two eggs (2" in diameter, pale blue) once every two to three years following the mating season (Season of Waiting). Chicks hatch in the Season of Opening. Preferred nesting areas are sheltered, high, and close to a food source.

Ecology and Habitats

Commonly seen in deep forests or areas with significant rocky faces (gorges, mountains, cliffs, etc), preferring the highest tree or available perch that remains sheltered. Do not tend to nest in cold climates largely due to prey scarcity.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Mostly omnivores, but their preferred diet is a mix of meat and nuts (especially aigerwell). In scarcer times they have been known to eat eggs of reptiles and other birds, and expand their hunting range to include fish and reptiles. Domesticated individuals tolerate a much broader diet.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Males and females typically mate for life.


They are rarely desired pets, though there are increasing cases of quasi-domestication as some pairs choose to nest in high corners of buildings, for example, and enjoy a more urban diet. Fully domesticated individuals enjoy a longer lifespan and have exhibited the same territorial instincts over their owners that they show toward their young. They can be taught a handful of basic verbal commands but are largely stubborn.   Unliore Jrei'ein has a mistowl named Harathsi for a pet; she occasionally acts as a lookout or hunts small prey for her mistress and has been known to swoop on others to defend her.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Their feathers are occasionally used in jewelry and other crafts.

Facial characteristics

Eyes are typically milky blue-green.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Unenshuut, Iyr, northern Seyis-Gol, northeast corner of Ustraria, western Kiva around the Horizon Watchers.

Average Intelligence


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Powerful hearing and vision, especially at night.
(Wild) Approx 8 Years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Shades of iridescent gray from extremely light to near-black, typically solid or ombre, with lighter bellies. Beaks and talons are black.
Geographic Distribution


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