Bloodsinger Codex, The Document in The Fruit of War | World Anvil

Bloodsinger Codex, The

The Bloodsinger Codex, also known as simply 'The Codex', is a detailed reference of skills and masteries expected from all three types of Bloodsinger -- Aré, Rel, and Uon -- in order to be able to claim/use each rank: Novice, Adept, Mentor, Elder, and Grand Elder.   It originally began as a cooperative work but no significant changes have been made for at least two centuries, aside from an addendum regarding the outlawing of any shadow-work following the Belthanie Act of 713AC. There is no precise editor-in-chief due to the lack of centralized government for channelers as a whole, but Grand Elders usually have the most clout when it comes to evaluating the need for revisions. Republications are often requested on an individual level, with many bloodsingers possessing their own copy once they begin their 'journey'.   It is not an instruction manual, merely an extensive checklist. It precariously relies on an honor system that a practitioner will be honest in their self-assessment and have the personal integrity to not claim a rank for which they do not have the skill; somewhat fortunately, one's fellow practitioners are encouraged to be incredibly informed about the ranks and to be active in policing any false claims in either direction. For the time being this has maintained the integrity of the Codex and the practice in general -- though sometimes at the expense of encouraging gatekeeping and elitism -- but as the field comes under greater scrutiny and the world becomes more turbulent, there are questions about how long this can realistically continue.  


...Recognized Manifestation Trees
...A Note on Self-Assessment of Mastery and Power
Creed of Ethical Practice
Preliminary Qualification
The Aré Practitioner
...Qualifying as a Novice
...Qualifying as an Adept
...Qualifying as a Mentor
...Qualifying as an Elder
...Qualifying as a Grand Elder
The Rel Practitioner
...Qualifying as a Novice
...Qualifying as an Adept
...Qualifying as a Mentor
...Qualifying as an Elder
...Qualifying as a Grand Elder
The Uon Practitioner
...Qualifying as a Novice
...Qualifying as an Adept
...Qualifying as a Mentor
...Qualifying as an Elder
...Qualifying as a Grand Elder
History of the Codex and Practice
Listing of Grand Elders


Standardization of mastery expected from each rank of Bloodsinger; a detailed guide to honest self-assessment.

Document Structure


The Belthanie Act of 712AC, as an addendum in 'The Aré Practitioner'

Publication Status


Legal status

Widely-upheld throughout Icalar.

Historical Details


Manual, Magical / Occult


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