Soul Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil


Artwork by Adrian Virlan
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  Soul is one of three celestial domains that describe the makeup of the universe, which stands in relative harmony with Mind and Body. Although disagreed upon among purists — such as scholars of Harmonic Trinitarianism — Soul is sometimes considered to be the middling domain, weaker than Mind, but stronger than Body.   While Soul itself is not a Mantle of Power, as a celestial domain it is represented by a godly force on either side of the Mirror. Vic is the embodiment of Soul in Tyrnog, whereas Jestyr holds this title on the Other Side.


Soul is present in the conscience, individuality, and purpose of all creatures, the makeup of the afterlife that centers around the Boneyard, and divinity itself. It is a primary driver of divine magic, faith, and spiritualism. Techniques that are almost entirely attributed to Soul include advanced necromancy (specifically the variety that formed after the rebirth of Delikul) and Stitching. While not commonly discussed, Groundskeeping shares its influence between Body and Soul, and was a favorite technique of Vic.


Soul is found most prominently in the realms surrounding the Material Plane, where mortal souls flow through a cycle of death and rebirth. It is incredibly potent in the Godswood and Paradise, and the only domain to remain at its normal strength in the Silence Between.

Cover image: by Adrian Virlan


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