Mind Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil


Artwork by Imad Awan
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  Mind is one of three celestial domains that describe the makeup of the universe, which stands in relative harmony with Body and Soul. Given the nature of the dreaming Godhead and their relationship with reality, Mind is sometimes considered the strongest domain in the Entwined Infinities, although this is hotly debated in most scholarly circles — especially by followers of Harmonic Trinitarianism.   While Mind itself is not a Mantle of Power, as a celestial domain it is represented by a godly force on either side of the Mirror. Rufus Geldenleaf is the embodiment of Mind in Tyrnog, whereas the Ringmaster holds this title on the Other Side.


Mind is present in the identity of all creatures, their thoughts and memories, and lawful nature of the universe. It is a primary driver of arcane magic, science, and technology. Techniques that are almost entirely attributed to Mind include Alignmatism and Skipping, as both rely on in-depth knowledge of the connections created by the Godhead's synapses.


The domain of Mind is present across the universe, but is amplified or dampened depending on the location. Mind is notably potent in the Dreamlands and the First World, but weakened in the Silence Between.

Cover image: Enlightenment by Imad Awan


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