Battle of the Boneyard Military Conflict in The Centurion's Riddle | World Anvil

Battle of the Boneyard

The Battle of the Boneyard was a major conflict taking place in 318 AG, which began after Crow and their Anticipations arrived in the Boneyard to eat the Groetus moon. It is infamously known as the day that all mortals lost their Tethers, destroying the concept of an afterlife in the Infinity Petal, and weakening the hold of the gods. It also marks Crow's true rise to divinity, as they gained the powers of the Groetus moon, the aspect of Zi, and wardenship of Vulreach in one fell swoop. The details of the conflict are expressed in the annals of the Dream Team, starting with S10E6: "The Valley of the Shadow of Death".

The Conflict


Outside of Crow's rise to power, the Battle of the Boneyard saw a great number of casualties and the death of multiple prominent figures in the Pact Worlds and its allies. In particular, Cromwell and Merrygold of the Forge, the fish tribes of Safarae, Zhyffor and the forces he'd brought with him from Kahlannal, Luwazi Elsebo and her friends in the Starfinder Society, and an entire fleet of the Stewards navy. As any Soul without Body was destroyed following the destruction of Pharasma's Spire, they are considered the first of the "truly dead", with no way to attempt their revival.  


In the days after the battle ended, the Pact Council called for a galaxy-wide retreat to Absalom Station, and recalled all of its military forces during the evacuation. While at first considered rash, they were later applauded for their decision after the Drift ceased to function, condemning any who hesitated to the crawling darkness of the apocalypse. On Aucturn, Carsai the King allowed Crow to absorb him as an Anticipation, centralizing the leadership of the Cult of the Elder Mythos as End Day loomed.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
318 AG
Ending Date
318 AG

Cover image: Barzahk Passage by Harrison Merrill


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