Session 001 Report in The Bold Kobolds | World Anvil
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Session 001

General Summary

The Beginning

  We started with the party in Ishtaden waiting for the Nilrodhi games with the party members waking up. They made their way to the arena in Ishtaden where they met Teega Lost Tooth, who is Grand Chieftain Nork Blackfoot's assistant and Treasurer. She wrote down their basic information and gave them directions to reach the center of the arena. After taking a few turns down darkened stone corridors, it opened up to the center of the arena. There, the party saw that several other kobolds had already arrived and were gathering around a stone pedestal in the center of the arena. As the players began to prep themselves for the competition, more and more kobolds begin to arrive and fill the center of the arena. Then the stands along the outside of the arena begin to fill with spectators who began to chant various names of competitors. Small tents begin to be setup in the stands selling drinks and food.
        Suddenly drums begin to play and the crowd in the stands begin to cheer loudly as the clan Chieftains walk into the arena one by one and gather in the center of the stone pedestal. They wave to crowd and to the competitors and greet each other as the crowd in the stands cheer. Then the drums begin playing a different song which causes the crowd to go crazy. The arena erupts in cheers, whistles, and shouting as Grand Chieftain Nork Blackfoot walks in. He waves to everyone as he walks in and shakes the hand of those he walks past and pats them on the shoulder exchanging simple greetings. He makes his way to the stone pedestal and greets each of the Chieftains individually with a handshake and a light embrace. They appear to exchange greetings, but it is impossible to tell what is being said due to the sound of the drums and cheering. He turns to face the crowd and raises his hands in the air as the cheer's and music slowly die down. He proceeds to give a speech explaining what they hope to accomplish with the competition and to warn the volunteer's of unknown dangers outside of Nilrodhi. He wishes to bring prosperity to Nilrodhi through trade.
After the speech, the competition begins. There is an event to test one's ability with alchemy, crafting, acrobatics, athletics, and combat both ranged and melee. The events are to help the Chieftains pick the Kobolds that have the higher chance of survivability. The competition concludes and the Chieftains go to their office inside the arena with Teega Lost Tooth to decide the top 40 competitors and to arrange teams. After several hours, they finally return and announce their results.
This where the party members first encountered each other.
  1. First name to be called was Skaar Lost Tooth
  2. Second name was Tingle Bitter Dagger
  3. Third was Qeeq Blackfoot
  4. Fourth was Znitch Bronzefoot
  5. Fifth was Azrak Bronzefoot
  6. Sixth was Vec Nightstar

The party was formed and they each received a gift from respective clan before setting out on their journey. Grand Chieftain Nork Blackfoot gave one final speech before sending the teams on their way to remind them to lean on each other and to work together. That they were now family, and their own clan. After Grand Chieftain Nork Blackfoot's final words, the Chieftains dismissed everyone and exited the arena.

Our party hung around the arena for a bit, introducing themselves to each other and learning more about one another. As they were talking amongst themselves, the sound of partying and fireworks coming from Ishtaden grew louder as the entire city became one giant party. Our group left the arena discussing what their next step would be, how would they secure a ship? There were discussions of possibly trekking to The Lost Tooth Clan territory to search for a ship. There was also a suggestion from Znitch Bronzefoot to travel to her hometown of Cinderwick. She knew that they were in the progress of building docks in town to trade with The Lost Tooth Clan. As they were walking, Vec Nightstar noticed a familiar face sitting in one of the taverns alone. He recognized this face as being one of the workers he saw in the arena. Hoping to pry some useful information from him, Vec Nightstar decided to slip into the tavern. He ordered a drink and managed to pickpocket one of the drunk kobolds securing a bit of gold for himself. Meanwhile, Azrak Bronzefoot made his way over to the empty stage and began to play his lute. Many of the tavern customers began to dance and sing along to the song that was being played. Znitch Bronzefoot and Skaar Lost Tooth danced near the stage, with Skaar showing off his moves. Qeeq Blackfoot sat at an empty table and began to take notes on everything that was happening in the tavern and Tingle Bitter Dagger sat at the bar swinging his feet and bouncing along to the music that Azrak was playing.

Vec Nightstar joined the worker from the arena and offered him a drink. He began to conversate with the slightly drunken worker, slightly prodding for information about if there were any ships. The worker told Vec that he had heard rumors of ships being built in either Tigri or Zalki but couldn't say for sure. Vec thanked him and met with the rest of the party. They discussed what their plan was and decided to travel to Cinderwick where Znitch Bronzefoot knew for sure that there was dock construction going on so there had to be ships there as well. The party retired for the night after a long, rough, day. They met back up with each other in the morning and did some quick shopping to buy equipment and supplies for the road ahead. After shopping was completed, they set off on the road to Cinderwick.

They had 6 days of peaceful travel, feeling the excitement of finally setting out on their adventure. During a particular part of the road between Ishtaden and Cinderwick the party noticed some slight indications of something burrowing under the ground. A few of the party member spotted part of the creature very briefly before it went back underground. They stood still, keeping an eye on their surrounds and prepared for a battle. Suddenly, a Ankhrav burst through the ground in the center of the road. The party began to engage and suddenly a second Ankhrav burst from the ground just behind Znitch Bronzefoot and a third Ankhrav joined the fray. The party waged battle with the Ankhrav, determined to remove this obstacle. Vec Nightstar was going head to head with one of the Ankhrav when it suddenly burrowed underground. Not to be denied, Vec burrowed after the Ankhrav catching up to it underground. He fired off a Ray of Frost at it's tail but it just missed. The Ankhrav turned and began to attack Vec with it's mandibles. Vec lost consciousness after the onslaught of attacks.

Meanwhile, above ground, the party dispatched the remaining two Ankhravs and realized that Vec was underground with no way for them to reach him. Underground, the Ankhrav grabbed Vec with it's mandibles and was getting ready to return to it's nest with lunch. Znitch, realizing the party had no way to get to Vec, began to jump around over where they believed Vec and the Ankhrav to be trying to lure it to the surface. The amazingly worked as the Ankhrav shot to the surface where it was made short work of by the party. Tingle Bitter Dagger was lowered into the hole to search of Vec. Tingle found him and healed him. Tingle tried to carry Vec out of the tunnel, but ended up pinching a nerve in his back. Vec, now conscious, burrowed a way back to the surface that was easy enough for Tingle to get out. The party then caught their breath, mended their wounds, and set to the task of searching and harvesting the bodies of the Ankhrav. They were able to get a half digested rat, burnt digested leather pants, 10 silver(maybe 20, i forgot), and some meat.

The party rested for the day and continued on to Cinderwick. The rest of the way was peaceful and pleasant with the ocean to their east and the Nilrodhi desert to their west...

Character(s) interacted with

Grand Chieftain Nork Blackfoot 
Chieftain Vhib Lost Tooth 
Chieftain Olrun Bronzefoot 
Chieftain Ketz Blackfoot 
Chieftain Idda Bitter Dagger 
Chieftain Umzi Nightstar 
Teega Lost Tooth 
One of the workers that helped setup the events in the arena.
Report Date
06 Jan 2021
Primary Location

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