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The Bold Kobolds


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I would suggest to start exploring this site with Nilrodhi first and then just following the links that you will see throughout the site. This site contains the lore relating to Nilrodhi and the Kobolds. Each clan has a special benefit associated to it. So when creating a character you will need to pick a clan that you believe will fit your character. The benefits each clan grants is listed at the bottom of the page for that clan under ASSETS. Additionally, your character will adopt their clan as a last name. I do intend to put your characters on this site, believe it will be easier for me to keep track of their backstory.


Kobold's were transported to this world by Goddess Tikaletzia in order to preserve their race after being hunted in their home world. They have lived in this new world for generations but have been constantly fighting with each other over different ideals. Grand Chieftain Nork Blackfoot managed to unite the Kobold's together under one clan. He is organizing groups of brave Kobolds to go out into this new world and explore. They have no idea what lies beyond their home, Nilrodhi .

Character Creation

Once you have your character in mind, and know what/who you want to play, please go to below page to submit your character. It is a quick form, that will allow your character to be placed in the world in World Anvil under the Player Characters category, and into Foundry as a journal entry. This is to help me look up information regarding your character easier, and will allow me to keep notes for your character. This is not mandatory, if you don't want to fill out the form you certainly do not have to.
Character Creation Form

Type of Game

  1. Open World Exploration/Sandbox
  2. Semi-Serious, goofy moments
  3. Actions/Choices have consequences. Meaning if you are aggressive towards an NPC, they will remember and may take action immediately or later on. Actions taken could play out over the course of the game.
  4. Don't expect weak town guards. They will not be boss level strong, but they will be challenging.
  5. Especially don't expect weak royalty/emperor/empress guards. These are separated because any guards that are chosen to guard royalty are the best of the best. You can expect these NPCs to be deadly with above-average stats.
  6. Bit of simulation style mixed with realism, low magic. Meaning main class will need to be melee but you are allowed to take a magic class dedication when you are able to.
  7. Expect a tough campaign, but shouldn't feel like death is around every corner. If it starts to feel that way, let me know. It should be challenging but you should not be expecting to die every session.
  8. Personally, I do not like the "Because that's what my character would do." as an excuse to be inconsiderate. While, yes, you are playing your character and should do what you character should do, but at the same time it's not an excuse/justification to be a dick. Just be considerate is all I'm saying.
  9. This is a Good themed game(Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, & True Neutral). As you can see, no evil alignments or chaotic neutral alignment because that alignment has been ruined for me. (Now having said this, I'm not expecting you to walk around with a halo around your head, you're Kobolds! Just meant that this isn't a evil themed game.)
  10. Everyone is here to have fun, so, again, be considerate of others.

Game Rules

  1. Regarding 2-action reloading for weapons. You are able to use your LAST action on TURN 1 to start reloading and finish reloading with your FIRST action on TURN 2.
  2. Doing 2 action reloads this way now brings up the issue with using reactions. I am leaning towards that you will not be able to use reactions since you are busy reloading and that if you choose to use a reaction then you would have to start over reloading when your turn comes up after using the reaction. We can discuss in discord or before session one.
  3. Falling a distance greater than 70FT will result in character death. You will be given a reaction(first) and 2 actions to save yourself and your party will be given a reaction to either assist you or save you from falling. The reaction will be a Reflex Save, a feat, or spell. The 2 actions, you can attempt a Reflex Save two more times, use feats, or spells to save yourself. The parties reactions can be a Reflex Save to aid your Reflex Saves, a spell that uses a reaction, or a spell that has a trigger that pertains to the incident. If one of the party members has a rope or whip, they can use those as well to help you if those items worn on the hip or chest. If they are stored in backpack, then they will not be able to immediately use them. If you fail the first Reflex Save, you will begin to fall. If you manage to find grip and stop your fall, your party member can then dig into backpacks to toss you a rope to climb up.
  4. Social interactions/Encounters with NPCs are going to play out, somewhat, naturally. Meaning, there isn't going to be an initiative and it's not going to be treated like combat. If you have any social skills or feats you want to use during the conversation, you are free to do so. If your character says or does something to try to persuade or deceive the NPC then I may ask you to roll Diplomacy or Deception, same with intimidation. For social encounters that have a goal, like if you're trying to convince an NPC to help you or break the law, then there will be a bit of success vs. failure. This is on a case by case bases. Default, it's 3 successes and they help you and 3 failure they tell you to go kick rocks. This isn't a standard, and will change case by case. For example, if you try to intimidate an NPC by saying something like, "Help us or we will kill you." and fail the intimidation check, the NPC will either call for guards or fight you even if this is the first failure. What you say, and how you say it plays a big role in how NPCs will respond to you regardless of successes and failures.
  5. Social Interactions within the party. Personally, I would prefer you guys to settle any in-character disputes or decisions without PvP. I think having opposing sides presenting their arguments to one another for discussion and debate is better and builds the in-character relationship. There will be VERY RARE occasions where there is a time limit for decisions to be made, but they will be painfully obvious and I will let you know that there is a time limit. But the large majority of decisions to be made, do not have time constraints so feel free to talk it out.
  6. Character deaths while exploring. I am going to leave this up to you guys. If you guys want to keep it a full Kobold party throughout the game, then I am down. If you guys want to have a mix of races or open up the races after character death, then I'm down. Narratively, opening up the races choice for players can work. The main story/quest is wide open to allow for as many choices from you as possible. This is something that you, as a party, can decide on.


Player Characters

Znitch Bronzefoot
Tingle Bitter Dagger
Skaar Lost Tooth
Qeeq Blackfoot
Vec Nightstar 
Azrak Bronzefoot


In-Game Calendar