Stilton Head

    A collection of islets making up an entire city on the Whitten Delta. It is an ancient trading post that has thrived in lesser or greater forms of prosperity for centuries; since (at least) a thousand years before the forming of The Kingdoms. Any trade good imaginable can be found here; even magical items and potions, if one knows where to look. It is a virtual cornucopia of merchandise, gew-gaws, and goods, from the world around.

Stilton head is the territory to the far west of Pax; a rough land just starting to be resettled after the The Kobold Accord 's armies bloody ravaging throughout the area. It is also, however, the name of the great northwestern trading town whose history precedes that of the Kingdoms by a thousand years or more.

    Home of the famous Headship Nautical Construction Company!
Stilton head is the territory to the far west of Pax; a rough land just starting to be resettled after the The Kobold Accord's armies bloody ravaging throughout the area. It is also, however, the name of the great northwestern trading town whose history precedes that of the Kingdoms by a thousand years or more


It is officially a 'human' refugee settlement, although there are quite a few non-humans living on different islet 'townships'.


It is very loosely regulated, although there is a strict code of ethics and protocols meant to break through the miasma of far-flung cultures and differing traditions. The Town Watch, a proud position attainable by only the best of the students at the College of Law located in the city (or, of course, at the highly proclaimed The Bardic College Campus ).


It is known that the city does, indeed, have defenses, but it is not known by what, precisely.

Industry & Trade

The industry of Stilton-Head is Trade! It is one of the few places in the world that thrives as a wholly capitalist construct. Of course, that is because the Merchant and Sailors' Guild regulates the crap out of the market, disallowing overwhelming monopolies or dirty trade dealings (other than their own).


The city is divided like a web by waterways, byways, canals, and flowing river water. One would expect to see docks and moorings, or perhaps bridge.


All of the islets in the city encourage visitors, and highly encourage them to return (with their coin).


Every conceivable item can be found here for trade.

Guilds and Factions

This is the home market and base of the Merchant and Sailors' Guild, but every conceivable faction (except, of course, Ravelous Nil!) is represented here.


First settled by Elves in eons past, it has been variously destroyed and rebuilt over dozens of centuries. It was hit very hard by the Elven Purge; the humans hereabouts had been especially vicious, whipped into a frenzy of homicidal terror by religious zealots.

Points of interest

Each islet is its own little township, with a distinctive style and personality. You will definitely want to check out the various inns and taverns throughout the city, which take pride in showcasing their Islet's sensibilities.


People come here from all over the world...including The City of the Lights on the far side of the world!


Buildings are all smaller sized, and designed to be built and rebuilt quickly as the shape of the islets changes with the river's flow.


The city is located upon a multitude of islands in a river delta.

Natural Resources

fresh water, timber, fish, panned gold

Articles under Stilton Head


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Nov 8, 2022 23:11 by Andrew Booth

I love the fact that the geography changes so often because of the river, that's a really neat detail. Kinda like a labyrinthine Venice.