Weft Settlement in Taurin (Xiroth Era) | World Anvil
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On approach to Weft, within a mile or so, the woods, bushes, and flowers will begin to become more scarce being replaced with sturdy small trees and hardy beans and such. In addition there are strange silvery plants extending out of the soil, these plants become more numerous as you approach Weft and can eventually be found being cultivated by farmers and collected on carts to be sent back to town.   The town of Weft is nestled atop 2 hills, extending between them and down their sides. The roads are paved with cobblestone and the buildings have a rugged but simplistic aesthetic, the only ornamentation being silvery rivets used in the construction. The air is moderate, with light rains and moderate seasons. Any actual farming or ranching is done beyond the area of metallic soil. The air has the faintest smell of rust throughout.


Largely human with a large dwarven and gnomish sub group.


Heavy walls of iron and battlements for a local militia.

Industry & Trade

Largely exports sheep wool and steel. Due to only hardy plants being able to grow from within a mile radius of the town, ranchers and Pewter Blossom harvesters are the only ones to occupy those fallow lands. Due to the large amount of metals and wool present, numerous blacksmiths, tinkerers, and weavers have moved to Weft to hone their craft.   While not on the Railroad itself, it lies not far from the next settlement over for trade.


Built on and in 2 large hills. A central fountain taps into the aquifer below and distributes the water throughout the city.

Natural Resources

Domesticated sheep and metal harvested from Pewter Blossoms.

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