Avalon Branches Geographic Location in Taurin (Xiroth Era) | World Anvil
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Avalon Branches

The Avalon Branches are a small set of of seasonal woods in the northern regions of Euri'dor. While mostly seen as among the most tame of forests it boasts a healthy assortment of fauna and flora and prided for its hunting grounds. While no large-scale settlements lie within its woods, numerous small villages, founded by the crews who built the Railroad still remain near its lines though are mostly converted into lumberyards and hunting villages.   While it cannot be described as large, the Avalon Branches hosts the largest Firbolg communities of known record. The existing villages are occasionally at odds with their beliefs but have shared a tenuous peace, the villages are expected to maintain the balance of the forest in the surrounding areas and in exchange the Firbolgs protect them from more dangerous creatures, most specifically small tribes of gnolls and goblins.   In recent years, there have been odd reports of abnormal creatures: wolves rivaling the size of horses, trees that seemingly bend to your whispers, and rare report of massive serpentine silhouettes.


The Avalon Branches are a deciduous (seasonal) forest of oak and gum trees. It is remarkably flat and easy to traverse by foot with only gradual shifts in elevation, especially when compared to the Del'jour Woodlands.

Fauna & Flora

The Avalon Branches hosts a healthy assortment of flora and fauna. While experienced trailblazers would be able to thrive, even the inexperienced who seem to respect the bounty they are given can easily survive.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Location under

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