Ira Hotu Settlement in Taurin (Xiroth Era) | World Anvil
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Ira Hotu

Gilded Heart of the Mountain

Though hidden under thick darkened stone far from the sunlight, the city of Ira-Hotu glows like a dim brick of coal. The city itself is structured much like the mountain it sits in the center of slight slopes which meet at a point in the center of a large walled off citadel. While much of the city is immediately recognizable as ancient, new technologies such as the metal wires that are woven through it alongside roads and alleys attempt, and fail, to fully integrate with the beautiful architecture surrounding them. The wires seem to give off a subtle heat and glow very dimly allowing those without darkvision to survive without disturbing those more used to darkened caverns.
  Ira Hotu is an ancient city which can trace it's history far into the past supposedly built as a Dwarf stronghold in Euri'dor's infancy. Ira Hotu now acts as a gateway between the majority of the Euri'dorian primary continent and Keld and a major source of raw minerals, ore, and wealth to be distributed throughout Euri'dor.


Majority dwarven with some drow


Reclusive monarchy under the rule of the Legion Marred


Ira Hotu has 2 primary entrances, one leading into the Rust Sea and the other leading to a Railroad stop. Both entrances have heavy stone and iron gates which can be sealed from within and withstand heavy assaults.

Industry & Trade

Ira Hotu reaches deep into the mountain above and even deep into an extensive network of tunnels below and gathers tremendous amounts of ore and minerals from these sources.


Heated wires which give off a dim light are woven throughout the city, allowing those without darkvision to see and to maintain a comfortable living temperature. The walls of the outer shell are dotted with mines and scaffolding to draw more and more metals from the mountain.

Natural Resources

Rich veins of copper, iron, silver, and platinum alongside rare jewels and minerals
Alternative Name(s)
trans:City of Coal
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Characters in Location

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