Lock Settlement in Taurin (Xiroth Era) | World Anvil
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The Grand Clock

Built primarily by gnomes, Lock is a marvel of modern engineering, a city only rivaled by rival settlement Kalom-kalom in splendor and design. Lock handles much of the heavy-production of industrial, military, and public technologies not handled by Kalom-kalom while also boasting numerous large terraced pyramid-like structures and irrigation channels for various crops and flora to suit the typical citizen within. Towards the center of the city is a park designed much like a temperate forest and occupied by an adult dragon. Lock reflects the balance we can form between heavy engineering and the natural world.


Largely gnomish and other smaller races, curiously large dragonborn and half-orc population


Oligarchy. Moderate taxation to fund the many public works within which are free to citizens.


While seemingly unguarded in times of looming danger, heavy metal and stone walls rise up from below their subterranean housing. Intricate tunnels bored into the bedrock below them allow for soldiers to travel throughout the city unseen or for citizens to escape in times of military occupation. Intricate machines stand guard, ready to engage attacking armies or repel dangers such as turrets, traps, and mechanized soldiers.


Numerous experimental and traditional systems power much of the city such as waterwheels and windmills alongside tide and geothermal power. Factories for mass production of textiles and metal tools and so on are placed beside large ziggurat-like structures and extensive irrigation channels for farming and gardening.


Huge swaths of farmland both surrounding and within the main city itself. Lock grows trees, fruit, and other crops throughout it while also using resources imported through the Railroad in heavy industrial goods ranging from farm tractors, irrigation systems, and machines of war.


It is widely believed but not yet verified that long before the Sundering, Lock was founded by a trio of companions: a stout halfling woman named Biera, a forest gnome man named Baux, and a rock gnome man named Beaux, the result of the 3 of their wildly different hobbies and talents working together as one.


Built primarily from dark stone and metal. Structures are often repaired with a mixture of metal dust and clay giving homes unique patterns more beautiful because of their defects rather than despite them. Heavy metal pipes and monolithic stone structures are oftentimes buried under thick vegetation forming a unique aesthetic of heavy industry and natural life.


Deep southwestern plains along the coast
Alternative Name(s)
The Grand Clock
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

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