Terre-coval Settlement in Taurin (Xiroth Era) | World Anvil
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Peak of Heavens and Clouds

Built upon the mighty mountain of the same name, Terre-Coval extends high into the ever-present clouds. Built upon tiered stone platforms built around and cut into the mountain itself and connected between each other and to the Railroad below by massive and intricate gondola networks. Industry is common here and in many cases integrated into the city itself as exposed metal pipes of heated water and other resources bring warmth, energy, and material to those who need it making the entire lower levels of the city itself into some massive factory of sorts. The upper tiers of the city are largely used to hold merchants of consumer goods, decorative hardy gardens and parks, and homes for the middle to noble classes. It is typical for citizens to wear fully covering clothing to contend with the cool winds, harsh storms, and bright sun depending on the day.   Curiously, strange metal automatons seem embedded into the rock, attempts have been made to excavate them but all retrieved materials are considered property of the state and are confiscated if found.


Abnormally high tiefling and aasimar population, high dwarven, gnome, and human populations

Industry & Trade

Industrial resources such as metal ores from Ira Hotu and textiles from Kalom-kalom among other resources are pulled from the Railroad and processed into consumer goods. Stone and jewels are mined as part of the construction efforts and shipped off or processed for trade.


Heavy metal pipes bring power and materials throughout the lower tiers of the city in the industrial zone. Materials are pulled from carts on the Railroad and sent to factories for processing.


Gray stone ornamented with brass and iron metal pipes with small bits of metal. Homes are typically small and densely packed and what little greenery typically comes in the form of hardy mosses or small personal gardens.

Natural Resources

Gray stone, geothermal energy source, large stocks of coal and crystals.
Location under

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