Sunday Settlement in Taurin (Xiroth Era) | World Anvil
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Bastion of the Bog

Shadowed by a massive ancient disk known as the Shield of Mist standing within the thick Esterind Marsh is the densely packed city of Sunday. The largest portion of Sunday's population occupy the structures built atop the softened mud of the marshlands, using widely spaced wood and stone platforms to prevent sinking, while some have made their homes in hanging structures attached to the Shield of Mist or in the large water reservoir in the center of the city and extending deep below the surface. Sunday is warm and humid for most of the year, bringing with it near constant light rainfall, though the area beyond the Shield of Mist's influence is far warmer than immediately below it.


Marginally more Humans but a big mixing pot. Due to the higher moisture a number of non-human species such as bullywug also thrive here.


The circular dome covers the North, South, and Western borders of the central city. The Eastern side is blocked by stone and wood walls and protected by a local military. Scouts are dispatched into the surrounding swampy area to watch for threats, utilizing their skill in traversing both the trees and bogs of the surrounding area to quickly warn the central settlement in emergencies.   In general however, Sunday is built more to outlast larger threats than defeat them.


Hanging gardens are built off of the great disk and a clever irrigation system allow for many plants to be grown that couldn't otherwise be able to grow in the surrounding marsh. A large lake near the center acts as a home for many amphibious creatures.


Built around an ancient circular dome of an unknown patina-ed substance that is many stories tall and is persistently cool to the touch, bringing with it an almost eternal drizzle and shade from the sun above. This device has made Sunday and its surroundings into a large marsh area but clever use of technology has prevented it from being worn down by time.
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