Phezi One-Ear Character in Tarien | World Anvil

Phezi One-Ear

Zennonaize Warlord

Phezi was known as tough soldier who, through bravery and a bit of luck, rose through the ranks of the cavalry in the service of his Dono. While a capable rider and archer, Phezi was most known for his massive size. Built like a bear, they say the man gained his name when he lost one ear when he beat a troll in the Tallwood to death with his nothing more than his gauntleted hand. Legends of his strength only grew when he flung a tiger off the back of the Dono while exploring the forests to the north and east of the capital. Sadly, the Dono did not survive the attack, though Phezi was able to bring his lord's body back for burial, something few thought possible when black and orange beast first struck. Several years later, Hethral's brother, Dono Frent Darin XXII, rewarded Phezi's bravery by granting him title to the very same forests. Phezi took a band of men and women with him - most former soldiers under his command - and set about to clear the forest back from the sea and construct the small town of Paaz.
Second Century BC
Resided In