Gild-Leaf Tribelands Region

The Gildfens, surrounded by the hale and hearty woodlands of the northeastern parts of the Depen, with the mineral rich hills at the edge of the Nor'wood Basin, all these lands and the resource wealth they can provide are the homeland and trust of the Ganfio'tii tribe. As a tribe, they are known amongst their own people as masterful merchants, skilled in the art of barter and trade, and this is reflected in the places of civilization amongst the leaves and trees of this part of the Depen. Perhaps one of the most well traveled, heavily trafficked regions of the Depen, with trade and commerce being heavily encouraged. Having such a long stretch of the Tiber within their lands and control plays a large part in this, as one might expect. The Gild-Leaf Tribelands are the lands of the Depen most well known to those whom do not call the lands under its massive canopies home.


The Gild-Leaf Tribelands are run by the Ganfio'tii tribe of the Nouedon. The Ganfio'tii have, as all the great tribes of the Nouedon did in the time of reclaimation, adopted many lesser tribes of their people under their banners and name, those with too few left in their tribes to retake their homelands. Through intermarriage and cultural mingling, they are now mostly one group, though they keep some pride and cultural heritage that can be seen in different cities own pendants, along with on the Caid Pitch and in other sporting events. What once were tribal groups now becoming mere competitive subcultures within a more or less united society.

As is the ancient laws of the Depen, the region is governed and run by the Chief of the Ganfio'tii tribe, always. That person will, over the course of their rule, establish whom they trust and will take council from. As in Suranth, this form of singular rulership has evolved over the centuries, and does now include a council like system. In the Depen, these councils are established once every twenty years, and are elected representatives from each major city in the region, to sit upon the region's council and offer their insights, and of course their political agendas, to the Conclave Chief, and their trusted advisors. In the Gild-Leaf lands, Chief Tevaal sits as the Conclave Chief in power, and his advisors of favor number five, including his wife. With four elected regional councillors, this ratio most definitely tips the scales in the region a bit in regards to economics and wealth flowing in a particular way, as one might expect. This ratio more or less insures that all decisions and legislation needs some sort of support from two or more of Chief Tevaal and his closest advisors.

Members of the Gild-Leaf Tribal Council

Chief Tevaal Vena Ganfio'tii

Magister Victor Torav: A magister of the Emerald Order, a tall man in his fifties, Victor Torav is a quiet, soft spoken, but passionate individual. Skilled in his art, he is also wise to the ways of the world and understands that the Depen, and therefore those whom live within it, and those of his order, must adapt to the changing and growing of the world. The advancements of technology, the growth of society, and all that entails. He does his best to balance these factors with ensuring that the Depen remains a vibrant and plentiful home for those whom live here in the ways he advises and seeks to guide and vote for or suggest any sort of policy.

Woad Mother Ezaril'ma Zenis'iil: The ranking member of the religious community in the region, this elven woman has sat on the council the longest, nearly two hundred years. Into her fourth century of life, she embodies the Lady of the Leaves in her stance, and as a worshipper of Talia, is rather consistently the voice of opposition to any sort of urban expansions, transit infrastructure, or the like. All the same, she is a trusted advisor to the Ganfio'tii, insuring they consider all the costs and factors of any such projects, even the ones not as easily calculated in the terms of coin or labor force.

Lieutentant General Wyri'tal Ava'tis: The highest ranking military officer in the Gild-Leaf region, a veteran of nearly a hundred and sixty years in the army, Wyri'tal worked his way up through the ranks within the Swift-Foots, specifically as a Road Warden, patrolling the roads up and down the Depen, living amongst and fighting to protect his people and their ability to travel and trade with each other. He is a veteran of hundreds of skirmishes, dozens of minor conflicts, and two full scale campaigns. He has fought bestials, greenskins, fell fey and even joten. His guidance in matters of security, safety, along with when, where, and how much military force to apply, if any, is greatly appreciated by Chief Tevaal.

Lady Eisnwil'ick Ganfio'tii: Chief Tevaal's lady wife, this Nouedon is short for her own kind, standing closer to the hieght of a tall human, with thicker silvery hair and soft orangish-red eyes. She is well known, a bit of an oddity amongst her people, for the fact that she subscribes less to magick and more to various sciences and scholarly pursuits. She is skilled in all manner of naturalism, botany, and biology. She is an accomplished linguist, and well spoken as well. She sits as an advisor for her intellect and in matters that as are appropriate and useful. They are known to be happily married, with three kids. She is a bit mysterious, unintentionally so, as she keeps to herself, as she is a quiet and soft spoken sort.

Avery Antoli: A middle aged man, human, he is a high ranking diplomat more or less permenantly stationed in the Gild-Leaf Tribelands from Raechin, and sits on the advisory table of Chief Tevaal because he has writ and authority to speak on NPA matters for Raechin, and as such, his opinions directly effect the economics of the region quite heavily, because of their close connection along the Tiber. He is well known to be a rather staunch ally of the Depen, even as a foriegner.

Gan'sil Evistas'ol: A well known engineer and appointed into this trust as part of his role in government in the Tribelands beyond just advisory. He sits as Bridge and Highway Master of Gild-Leaf. He is in charge of planning, delegating, organizing and budgeting the projects of roads, rails and bridges that get approved in the Tribelands. He is almost always an absentee advisor, trusting his own second to handle the meetings for him, as he is one of the busiest people in the Gild-Leaf Tribelands.

Elector Seats: These are filled by the elected officials from each major city in the region (cities for reference are at least eight thousand people), and are up for election every twenty years. The settlements in question are the ones whom's names are written directly on the regional map. It is an election year in 1595, as such, you will not find the current holders listed here, as you cannot serve more than one term. So it will be all new blood after this election is over.


Those folk whom call the north eastern reaches of the Depen home you will find within the Gild-Leaf Tribelands, a cultural meeting ground, this place where Suranth, Raechin and Depenwood cultures blend and mix quite heavily, thanks to the Tiber River. That trade vein sees Suranthi industrialism blending with Depen naturalism, along with Raech mercantilism mix in a very business and economic centric society that focuses on high yield, high sustainability, high return growth, trade and development.

Demography and Population

The Gild-Leaf Tribelands are home to some 150000 or so of the Depen's citizens, by census count. So tax paying and employed citizens (doesnt count kids, nor beggars and that ilk of society). A breakdown of this population is below, again it is rough and rounded to nice easy numbers, so take that for what it is worth.

Race % of Population Count
Dwarf 21% 31500
Elf 25% 37500
Halfling: 12% 18000
Human 21% 31500
Gnome 9% 13500
Vrock 8% 12000
Tiefling 4% 6000


The Gild-Leaf Tribelands encompasses a large area, extending from the middle of the Nor'Wood Basin, the tallest peaks of the region, as its western edge, and moving east to encompass the Tiber River and its eastern banks. To the north, the Nor'wood Basin and the Steppes really mark a hard border, though the region's populace does not live that far north, and to the south the transition is also more gradual, but eventually one arrives at a city on the Tiber to find out that they have transitioned into a different Tribe's ancestral trust. The Nouedon are not as....tough on each other internally with borders between their tribelands, simply because generally there are large swaths of the wilds of the Depen between their centers of civlization/modern society, and they feel no threat from each other. Within this area are many settlements of all shapes and sizes, but noted here will be the larger hubs of civilization, the cities in the region.


Tiberan (23985): A large city located, if one were to look at a map anyway, on the banks of the Tiber as it brushes up against the mountainous edges of the Nor'wood Basin. In truth, the city of Tiberan is actually built in the lower reaches of the mountain, the docks of the city a piece of dwarven ingenuity, a complex system of lochs and pumps that allow crafts to basically travel uphill and into an artificial bay in the cavern in which the city itself is located, the banks of which are the docks. The city is built this way because of the many thick, long running and rich veins of gold that are within the mountain itself, and that gold mining and all the attached industries one would imagine, are key industries and job providers for those whom live in Tiberan. Tiberan is actually a city of two cities as well, that is oft how it is described, for the complex system of lochs and pumps covers a distance from the banks of the Tiber that on foot takes about a half of a day's travel. However the two communities see themselves as one city, and the river port is merely referred to as Tiberan, where as the mining city is referred to as 'Tiberan Proper'. The city is well known for its gold production and its skilled goldsmiths, along with being a large and key garrison for the Depen River Watch and Coast Guard, stationed as it is right on the Tiber. Recently there has been an issue in some of the mines, in particular those run by the Grenarmac Resources Company, a mining company that operates mostly the tunnels in the southern part of the city. Many of their miners have been coming up from the tunnels sick, with fevers, chills, and a lingering odd cough. So far a handful have died, at least thirty workers are off bedridden and no one seems to know why.

Crestwood (15667): The city of Crestwood is known for its wide and delicious variety of fruit and the absolutely wild variety of high quality foodstuffs that are produced here and shipped all over. Preserves, jellies and jams, wines, brandys and spirits of all kind, and various ales and meads, as beyond all of this, at its heart, Crestwood is known for its phenomenal honeys, and this of course means honeyed meads and spirits of all kind. It is a place of fine smells, delicious foods and drink, and very busy trade. The various wineries, distilleries, and facilities making jams, jellies, preserves and conserves that are widely exported and loved all about the Depen and beyond. The woodlands all around Crestwood are chock full of fruits and vegetables and herbs used in all these processes, and within the city, there are many large beekeeping facilities exist within the city, and it is a sight to see, the city of fruit and flowers that is Crestwood. It is a vibrant and amazing place to visit, though if one finds bees uncomfortable they likely should avoid the city.

Valence (12241): The smallest city in the Gild-Leaf Tribelands, but one of great importance, built up and because of a large tin mine, at the mouth of a small tributary that flows to join the Nor'wood River only a few kilometers down through the foothills, Valence is not just a tin mine community, but a production hub, and its industrial quarter, with its busy railyard, is a place where brass and bronze are produced, and is home to one of the larger brass and copper minting facilities for coins in all the Depen. As such, one should expect a lot of heavy military presence here as well, as this city is of great strategic importance, and unsurprisingly, this is the case.

Towns and Villages are marked and labelled directly on the map of the region with pins. You can find a comprehensive guide to these locales in this article; The Towns and Villages of Gild-Leaf


As opposed to their neighbors in the Nor'wood, the Gild-Leaf Tribelands, though sharing some border with the Steppes, do not have a coastline to defend, and their only neighbors are allied nations or other Nouedon Tribelands. As such, the military presence one can expect here in normal times is only about 14% of the Depen's strength, even though the region accounts for about 16-17% of the nation's population.

1288 Striders: Crossbowmen, archers, spear and pike formations make up this 'regulation' infantry.

700 Skimmers: Entirely made of smaller River Patrols, mostly garrisoned along the Nor'wood River or in Tiberan and Nor'wyld'gan, to patrol and police the Tiber.

910 Swift-foots: Light infantry and cavalry skirmishers and scouts, these are the troops that make up the Road Wardens, Rail Wardens, as well as the Air Marshals and Coast Guard/River Watch as applicable.

154 Oakhearts: Few and far between now, knightly orders mounted on heavy steeds or pegasi favoring lances, cavalry hammers and elven war-bows.

392 Wyldemasters: Elite troops, all Nouedon, masters of stealth, guerilla warfare and the Dark Magicks known as Druidcraft with special permission solely because they are Nouedon.

280 Sharpshooters (Fusiliers): Rifles and pistols much in evidence, the embracing of a change of an age, in many ways these troops are the new age knights, armed with the finest gear and guns. Well trained with sabre as well, they are more than capable combatants even if you close the distance.

322 Warpriest/Priests/Magisters/Physicians/Engineers/Artisans: This varied lot make up the auxillaries of most militaries, deployed only on request with very specific mission parameters, or detailed to a specific unit or phase of an operation. Limited in number, but exceedingly valuable.

294 Foxes: Best guesses, which are likely wildly inaccurate. Military intelligence, very clandestine, not much is known about them.

Total Military Presence: 4340

Technological Level

Late Reinassance-Mid Industrial Revolution


Like in all of Valerick, worship of any of the Ascended is allowed and encouraged. In Depenwood in particular, the Cult of Talia is the most prominent, though the Cult of Sir Kartheart has a strong presence in the northern reaches of the country. Here in the Gild-Leaf Tribelands, due to how diverse the population is, you will find that must of the Ascended are well represented. As in all of Valerick, worship of the the Ruined Gods is banned and forbidden under the pain of death.

Agriculture & Industry

The Gild-Leaf Tribelands are known first and foremost of course, for the Gildfen trees, and all the various products they are used in. But this is only one facet of their economic power. Gold, copper, tin, zinc, all are mined in the region, and in Valence, one of the Depen's largest coin minting facilities is operated. Besides this, brass and bronze are produced here, and both have uses and export value, as do the metals themselves, in raw form. But the Gild-Leaf Tribelands like many regions of the Depen, are famous for their jellies, preserves, conserves, and jams, which are a major export, along with various spirits and wines that are produced here in great numbers.

Trade & Transport

With Nord'wyld'gan being nestled as it is on the Tiber, and connected to the rail system and with major trade and travel roads leaving the city in three directions, along with the city having a Sky-Port, you of course have many options to move goods and people. The Nor'wood river joins the Tiber along the stretch of bank that Nor'wyld'gan calls home, and these two rivers basically act as the mineral highway, allowing the mining and foundry settlements in the northern reaches of the region to move product quickly to a large transportation hub, and from here the goods can be sorted, and shipped by any method that is appropriate, to the appropriate destinations.


Each tribe handles their own, but in these modern times, colleges and universities are found in most every major city. Besides this, in those more urban environments, general education is available, amongst the churches or even amongst organized schools, though these have a cost attached that means most working class families cannot afford to send their kids without working themselves halfway into the grave.   Trade guilds, where applicable, will aid in paying for the schooling of their members children. Be that business schooling, law school (if their is an established agreement in place for them to join the Guild's legal teams afterwards), or the relevant education for the trade in question.

Fâhiou er goudi. Translation: Leaf and Gold


  • Gild-Leaf Tribelands
  • Nor'Wyld'Gan
    The regional capital of Gild-Leaf Tribelands
Geopolitical, County / March
Leader Title
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Mixed economy
Gold Suns

Silver Moons

Copper Stars
Major Exports
Gold, Copper, Tin, Zinc, Bronze and Brass

Timber, as with all the Depen

Various fruit and vegetable based preserves and conserves, along with jams and jellies and the like

Gildfen Inks and Dyes, along with various medicinal compounds using ingredients from these valuable and rare trees.
Major Imports
Like their neighbors in the Nor'wood, Coal and Ghel, along with Grain and Parvi, are large imports. Besides this, they also import a notable quantity of good granite, limestone and slate for construction purposes, along with iron as well. Fine silks and spices from the more southern lands are imported with some notable frequency here as well, though such goods are quite expensive and oft only affordable and justifiable in their price to the upper class and truly wealthy.
Legislative Body
See as described in Depenwood's overview
Judicial Body
See as described in Depenwood's overview
Executive Body
See as described in Depenwood's overview
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages


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