Depenwood Organization in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil


As one leaves the Steppes to the south and west, entering into the boreal lands known as Depenwood, the mist shrouded canopies of this cool northern woodlands hide much amongst their foliage. These lands grow wild and free in a way that some would argue only such a woodland could, the canopies seeming very much alive, as if a sentient thing. Trees do not compete, so much as co-operate and ally, the trunks leaning, twisting, turning to insure one does not cover another, even as saplings begin to try and grow. Leafy trees grow and dominate most of the region, yet do not choke from life their coniferous cousins, in a brilliant tapestry of subtle green hues, the sun hinting off them creating a truly dazzling image all along the thick and hearty loam from which they grow. As one moves, one is reminded of the brilliance of such places, though one would do well not to stray to far into the depths of the woodlands, away from the roads and railways that are maintained by her civilized inhabitants. For the thick woodlands, though beautiful, hide many truly terrifying and horrific things in their depths.


Depenwood is a land of the woad, and her elven people cultivate this resource, in all its complexities, to great effect. They are the leaders in the northlands in timber production, a booming, yet surprisingly sustainable industry. They do this by cultivating magisters of the emerald, and nature magi are perhaps the most respected and well paid of any magi here, and perhaps on the continent. But of course timber is but the simple and obvious resource and treasure such woodlands can and do offer and anyone with merely average or middling intellect could manage to harness such a boon. 

Depenwood does not merely claim timber as a major asset, but her forest is a booming garden of sorts, every community cultivating and encouraging diversity of all manners. Fruit bearing trees, wild vegetables that can be harvested, these are no mere accident. Such things are planted, are encouraged. If a citizen of Depenwood comes across such plants struggling in need of water, or care, in most cases they will take time out of their busy lives to try and intervene to aid the situation. This could mean moving and relocating the plant, so it may get more sunlight, or perhaps merely providing a few splashes of water from their water-skin or canteen. Besides this, they make all manner of useful tool and items from wood and plants. Common everyday times such as rope, furniture, crates and barrels, tool hafts, fabric and garments, amongst others. Depenwood is also famous for her bows, their bows famous for quality, performance and durability.

Naturally her waters and lands also provide a rich bounty, as one would expect from such a lush woodland, to be harvested by hunters and fishermen as well. Deer, boar, moose, rabbit, pheasant, wild turkey, the list goes on, along with rainbow trout, salmon, pike, bass, crab, lobster, and all manner of others that make up staples of diet and economics of many. Domestication of animals here is not unheard of, sheep, goats, and various birds being the most common. Birds such as; duck, geese, turkey, and pheasant. Sheep and goats are only really kept by herders in the river lands, as such places have some of the limited prime grazing areas in the lowlands between the banks and the forests' edge.

The final way the forest is utilized is one of fortification/settlement. For you see someone visiting Depenwood could be forgiven for thinking no true cities exist, or that the nation-state had no capital, if they merely moved along expecting to see a city at ground level at some point. For they would find nothing of the sort, however this does not mean none exist. In truth, her inhabitants have just managed to become co-habitants with the trees and forest in For Depenwood's greatest cities, towns and fortifications are grown and cultivated, connected with rope bridges, simple lifts, spiraling stairs of tree limbs grown in an interweave as if by design, the great trees housing uniquely compact, yet surprisingly comfortable and spacious, structures build and grown and woven amongst their canopies. Of course there are buildings and structures built on the forest floor as well in such places, and in larger communities they will have more conventional fortifications, but these are always the lesser in number by comparison, and mostly exist due to migration, specifically of folk from outside Depenwood, generally not of elven heritage, whom wished to settle here. This is also true along the coasts and river settlements, or those with railyards as well, naturally, as such things require ground operations to be connected with.


In 771 the surviving elven tribe leaders in Nightvale held a great council, and it was decided that, though the city had been a welcome haven, and had taken them in during this time of need, that it was time to return home. That it was the moment to begin the long and brutal conflict to reclaim their homeland. Of these tribes, six remained with their leadership in tact, the rest, a dozen or so, were left in tatters and would have to be absorbed by these remaining six. These six tribes founded the six provincial lands within Depenwood. The campaign took nearly a century to establish control enough to push for their former capital Kelethan. No one truly knows how many were lost, however they were successful, and once done, the elven tribes wasted no time, having had a century of conflict to consider how they would integrate, how they intended to move forward as a member nation state to the Council of Crowns. Each province was entrusted to the leadership of one of the tribes, and though this included Kelethan, they have no singular leadership. 

During the war, two other things became apparent, and were handled by the elven nation with tact and brilliance. The first was the dire need for truly elite military men and women, a group that would be their special force, their hidden ace. This led to a guerilla group being formed, members of every tribe pledging allegiance beyond tribe, and this was the predecessor to the organization who would become known as the Wyldemasters. A second and equal organization was the knowledge and need for a centralized intelligence and investigative body for the highest threats, allies and crimes, both external and internal, a group tied solely to the collective that would become Depenwood, not any one tribe. And so in shadows of war, over time this organization grew. None know when they officially took a name, but it is known they exist now, and simply are called the Foxes.

Demography and Population

Depenwood is home to 897000 citizens, roughly, again counting those whom were censused, so those whom are employed and tax paying citizens, the last count done two years ago. The demographic breakdown is listed below by percentage. These numbers are all rough of course, using a well rounded final total to work from.

Race Rough % of Population Count
Dwarf 19% 170430
Elf 27% 242190
Halfling 12% 107640
Human 21% 188370
Gnome 11% 98670
Vrock 6% 53820
Tiefling 4% 35880


Depenwood stands as a Conclave amongst the ruling elven caste, and it is they whom make most decisions. They have no true leader, though not unlike their allies of the tundra, they do have a chosen amongst them, one elven family, that holds more power than the rest. Unlike the dwarves, this tribe does hold that title through generations, but also unlike their tundra allies, Depenwood has no King. They simply have a Prime Speaker, the voice of the Conclave. The tribe in question is the Nevane, and the current Prime Speaker is Elian Tuliamavi Solani Nevane. He speaks for the Conclave. Like any other nation state, 5% of all military forces are provided to Nightvale, as per agreement of the Council of Crowns. The advisors and leaders of the Conclave will be covered in more detail in Depenwood's full guides, and their diplomats and representatives on the Council of Crowns will be covered there as well.

Each tribe, of which six stand, is responsible for their ancestral lands, for maintaining law and order, protecting them, and of course, taxation. These lands are defined by the most ancient of elven documentation and treaties between the tribes that have survived, and as such, though some minor squabbles and skirmishes over tiny bits of territory may occur on the rarest of occasion, Depenwood is perhaps one of the most internally stable of the northern nation-states. These six tribal lands will be briefly highlighted below, though for a much more detailed explanation seek Depenwood's full setting guide.

Nor'wood Tribelands: These lands in the northwestern corner of Depenwood, stand as the ancestral lands of the Nor'venilya tribe, and is named for cold hilly woodlands along its northern border, the Nor'wood. The folk here are known as industrious craftsmen, skilled in woodworking of all sorts, and their goods are plied and traded far all across the northlands. Furniture, bows, and of course as shipwrights amongst other thing. Indeed most of Depenwood's naval vessels are produced within the borders of this province. Her principal city, Ein'ceoueuf, is a production hub of such work and craftsmen, along with making all manner of other products from various woodland materials. The leaves and bark are used to make fine cloths and fabrics, the saps used to make various glues, adhesives, and most interestingly, syrups for cooking and baking. This is just the trees themselves, but many other products of other sorts are made here too using commonly (and less commonly) found woodland materials. Now, to help with growth and prosperity, Chief Brennia Kyi'varia Nor'venilya has recently approved an expansion of the docks, adding eight new piers, a project of substantial size, and will influence and attract growth to her home city.

Gild-Leaf Tribelands: This province is named for the Gildfen Trees that are found in the region, though one must risk traversing through the forests to find them. They are a rare tree in that their bark seems as if flaked bronze, and their leaves are a shimmery silver in summer, changing into a golden hue through the autumn before they drop off. They are a valued resource for dyes and colorings of fabric, paints, make-up, inks and more, and they only grow in the region. This region is also known for its abundance of wild chestnut, walnut, pear and apple trees, a great boon to local communities and of course to breweries and distilleries. The Tiber runs through this province on its way to Suranth, and heading south one can just pass into the lands of Raechin. To the north and west along a tributary river that joins the Tiber, one will find mining communities along this civilized edge of the hills and plateaus that mark a southern edge of the Steppes, a massive notorious mountain range home to all manner of foul beast and tribes of all manner of taint. Greenskins roam the tunnels and caves, Bestials rule the hills and cliffs, Joten hold sway to the peaks and the ruins of long forgotten fortifications. Dark fey are said to whisper, dance, and sing through the valleys and boreal marshes. But the edges have provided some mineral bounty. Gold, Tin, and Copper are found in notable veins in this region. Nor'wyld'gan stands as the principal settlement here on the western banks of the Tiber and is the ancient home of the ruling elven tribe of these lands, the Ganfio'tii. The current chief of this region is one Tevaal Vena Ganfio'tii.

Ewyer Tribelands: To the south of Gild-Leaf Province, the lands of Ewyer Tribelands are home to the heart of the nation's lumber industry, one of the two. Every major town and city ships lumber, makes paper or other wood products, has a lumber work camp or four right outside the city limits and walls, close enough to be defended by local forces of course, and for folks in the city to work there. The reason for this is it is here in this province that many of the more valuable trees for making ships, bows, seige gear and other materials warriors and military forces would need grow most abundantly in this region. This area is also known for its skilled bow-makers, fletchers, tool and die makers and boat-makers. Boat makers are different than shipwrights obviously. The reason for this, is well, the principal city of Tiber'wyon. The riverland elven tribe whom are the ancestral caretakers of this region are the Bevin'lyre tribe, led by their tribal chief Ulimaros Gevakkin Bevin'lyre.

Belfane Tribelands: This region gets its name from the twisted part of the forest that lies uninhabitated between Braiehaifen Road to the south and a tributary river of the Daeouef River. A dangerous and wild stretch of woodlands, with rumors of truly wild things living within. Along the south-western coastal woodlands you will find civilization, cultivating food trees and plants, kelps, and harvesting the wetland resources and oceanic resources. The principal city Fort Fais'ssouegh stands as a naval stronghold and the center of Depenwood's naval power, from which she projects her power all along her nation's only coast to protect trade routes and enforce law and order upon her sovereign waters. These lands are the ancestral home and trust of the La'ranista tribe and their chief Nadinia Yilvaris La'ranista.

Keleth Tribelands: This region gets its name, uniquely, from the ruling tribe, the Keleth'anni tribe, and her principal city, which is Depenwood's capital, Kelethan. The city is known for many things, but given its prime position along the banks of Lake Vinweld and at the delta where the lake drains into Vinweld River, both Kelethan and the Keleth Tribelands are known famously for their exquisite wines. Though the growing season is short, no less than thirty uniquely flavored and cultivated grapes, berries, and cherries are grown in vineyards in every community all long the banks of the river, and the shores of the lakes, the largest communities home to true master craft wineries including such names famous continent wide as Kaletavi-Montreaux Vineyards, perhaps the most profitable and most definitively the most expensive wines in the region, and indeed perhaps, on the continent. Here however, the Keleth'anni do not rule their own any longer, well not in name, for their current chief, and indeed the Prime Speaker of Depenwood, is the adopted daughter of the previous chief Tullis'avi Redavane Keleth'anni. Her name is Chief Elian Tuliamavi Solani Nevane, and though she is not of that noble tribal line by blood, she is, for the most part at least, seen as a worthy and fair successor by name, love of her adopted father, and by deed.

Sun-wood Tribelands: This region is named for its rare but delightful gift all along Vinweld road, that of various citrus trees that grow successfully, for the most part, wild and without need of constant tending. Though the growing season is shorter, so harvest yields are not as impressive as they could be, the fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes and more provide a boon to the diets of both locals and those along the Vinwood trade roots, as well as being useful for Keleth wine-makers. This region is also known for Boravale, the Garrison city. Being on the east banks of the Tiber, though it is indeed Depenwood territory, it is closer and more accessible to their eastward neighbors in Raechin in many ways than it is to their own peoples. This makes it a twin fold valued trade city, but also a valued garrison and it reflects this being the location of Depenwood's most prestigious military academies, along with some of her most esteemed universities, this city of culture blending. These lands are the ancestral home and trust of the Erigovan tribe, led by their current chief Yvi'natali Ronivas Erigovan.


Depenwood, like all the nation-states of Valerick, maintains a standing military force. Every tribe and noble family maintains their own private forces of course, but these are limited in size by law and tribal decree. The elven tribes of Depenwood through their allegiance as a confederation keep their standing forces as a national army, and 5% of those forces at any given time are serving abroad, stationed under the Council of Crowns in Nightvale. Besides their professional forces numbering roughly thirty thousand, they can field private forces and volunteer/levied militia if need be, to double or even triple that manpower. Like most modern armies, you got a variety of troops with different skill sets and skilled at handling different parts of the nation's military needs.

9200 Striders (regulars): These are of course your infantry, the common soldiery, the core of any and all land forces. Archers and Crossbowmen are plentiful, along with spearmen and pikemen. Most archers and crossbowmen are generally trained with sabre or arming sword and buckler.

5000 Skimmers (Basic sailors/marines): These are the bulk of any naval forces/crews within Depenwood's navy, mostly armed with crossbows, pistols, boarding axes or cutlasses.

6500 Swift-foots: These troops are skilled forward scouts of all variety, light cavalry riding horses or steppe ponies, road wardens, all those sorts. They prefer lighter gear of course, light blades, longbows or rifles and pistols. Scouts, coach troops, these sorts are skilled navigators. Stealth and observation are perhaps their greatest skill sets, along with skirmish tactics, especially amongst the various light cavalry troops of sorts.

1100 Oakhearts: Mounted and heavily armored troops, be they mounted on horse or pegasi, armed with lance, cavalry sabre or hammer, along with elven made warbows, they are the knightly orders and shock cavalry, as much as such troops still see use in Depenwood's armies. There are few left, perhaps three or four orders at most of note, as modern technology marches to make such troops obsolete.

2800 Wyldemasters: These are the elite troops of Depenwood's army, true masters of stealth, guerilla warfare, and druidic magic. They are almost all strictly elves, though rare exceptions do exist. They are all skilled druids, well versed in the arts of geomancy, and all well versed in the druidic arts and the ancient formulae and recipes of the Exemplaris. In melee, by and large most prefer polearms, quarterstaffs, long spears and halberds being the most common. They are also known oddly for seemingly having many less...well counted allies. Wolves, bears, pumas, moose and other such beasts seem to aide them at some times.

2000 Sharpshooters (Fusiliers): Rifles and pistols much in evidence, the finest gear, the finest guns, these are in some ways the new knights, the future of warfare. Wave upon wave of lead shot, they fight and fire in ranks, and are trained to fight with blade and pistols at melee range, skilled in the practice.

2300 Warpriests/Priests/Magisters/Physicians/Engineers/Artisans: These are your various specialized troops, in unique and high demand by many sections and brigades, so unlike most, you will find no full squads as such, but these sorts will be spread amongst divisions and brigades as auxiliary forces. Navy vessels will generally have a cannon crew, and a weapon engineer of sorts. Artisan crews generally are available upon request for seige-works or building fortifications.

2100 Foxes (Intelligence): This number is at best an estimate. The Foxes, as they are called, are Depenwood's own intelligence apparatus and problem solving tool. They provide eyes and ears at home and abroad to any number of issues, though their operations are generally only guessed at, not known in any way. These individuals ply their craft in ways befitting their name, with intelligence, cunning, and savvy manipulation of informants both willing and coerced.

Technological Level

Mid Renaissance-Early Industrialist Revolution.


As with any of the nation states, worship of any of the nine Ascended Champions may be worshipped here but the favored is Talia, for though human, she is known as the Lady of the Leaves, her story one of bonding with the wilds and that is a tenet that means a great deal to folks here. Kelethan, the nation's capital, is a testament to this, as a city that is among the trees, a city grown in an almost symbiotic relationship with its inhabitant populace. Within Kelethan's limits, the World Tree Cathedral, the grand temple dedicated to Talia stands, and worship of her is the dominate religion.

Foreign Relations

NPA (Northern Prosperity Agreement) Partners: Suranth, Raechin, Depenwood, Rohara

This agreement allows for freedom of trade of goods between the four member nation states. The Depenwood Tribal Conclave are the architects of this complex and highly beneficial trade treaty, realizing swiftly that though their home has a plethora of available resources, they had definite needs, particularly in the winters when the forests of their home become cold, snowy and generally unyielding. They are the lumber powerhouse of the trade agreement, providing easily sixty percent of other members required lumber. They also provide the bounties of nature, all manner of foods, herbs, even things as simple as durable and even the strongest and highest quality of ropes rope. Their carpentry skills are unmatched as well, and such craftsmen are coveted by the rich and wealthy all about the northlands, exorbitant sums of coin trading hands to house, feed, and pay such talent for projects of state or of the richest and most influential of the nobility, or even the churches. Finally their bows and crossbows are considered works of fine art, especially those made by the more well known of bowmakers, and fetch a tidy sum. The other nations in return supplement Depenwood's supplies and storehouses through the winters with food stuffs. This is  along with the more obvious such as; metals, whale oil, manufactured goods, and rare gems and ores from Suranth. Skilled metalworkers, architects and engineers are on occasion brought in from the tundra nation for projects as well. From Raechin, quarried stone and medicinal herbs and supplies, coal, and various animal hide goods, like bone glue, or leather. Raechin also is known for their masons, true masters of working brick, clay, mortar and concrete, and as such these highly skilled assets may be temporary transplants for great projects where fitting. Finally Rohara provide their worked hide and leather goods, true masterworks of supple and sinew, along with being known as the master wagon and cart craftsmen, they import lumber, export such quality works. The wild hill lands are also a fertile spice land, and have master weavers and fabric makers, making items of fine comfort and luxury that, comparatively to what is available to the rest of the northlands, are coveted for their offerings of taste, beauty and creature comforts. Rohara offers the connections, the most direct and safest, and therefore the most lucrative, to trade routes through Susma, the desert markets of the world, and Nightvale, the eternal Culture Crossroads, and as such, it is Rohara that offers something in return the elven high class truly covet. Those connections to the exotic and luxurious goods of the south lands.

They are a standing member of the Council of Crowns.

Agriculture & Industry

Agriculture here is actually quite common, though not in the ways as most folk would think it from abroad. No farm fields of masses of corn or wheat, no large barns or families tilling land to plant simple crops. Instead the nation-state itself is one large cultivated land in many ways, at least around populated areas. Food trees such as apple, pear, cherry, hazelnut and walnut amongst them. Berry bushes are cultivated as well, but all this is just wild growth, encouraged by locals through care and careful observation and handling of their area of the woods. This is just how people live here, they are all in some ways involved in the agriculture. 

All manner of woodwork and carpentry are a major part of industry here. Everything from wagon making, boat-building, ship-building, bow craft, door making, the most high end and class furniture craft, and more. Besides that of course you have a healthy fabrics and basic supplies industry here. Though simple, this nation-state has had commerce and economic success through providing quality goods en masse that common folk all over the continent would need day to day. Rope, fabric, clothing, and other such common day to day goods. On the coast, tuna and mackerel are harvested as well, quite fruitfully and successfully, along with lobster and shrimp fishing being quite lucrative as well. The river lands offer similar bounties as one would expect. A few mines exist on the northern edge of the nation-state, gold, copper, tin, and iron are common metallic materials found in these small mines.

Trade & Transport

Most overland trade from other nation-states, as in Suranth, is handled in caravans or by rail or river. Sky-Ships are more common here than Suranth, but not by much, as there are limited sky-ports in country. From province to province or county to county overland travel and trade are much more common, following the coastal roads, or the riverbanks, keeping to these areas that are more heavily patrolled and watched over. Like Suranth, Depenwood's only Sky-Ports are in her principle settlements, as are her biggest rail hubs. But also like Suranth, the rail-lines have been given more access, supporting their ally's industry and technology, and these connect to other settlements along or near those connections between the principle settlements. Besides this, the Vinweld River and Kelethan, all the way out to the Sea of Sails, and north along the coast is their section of the Northern Grain Run. Plenty of the islands along the coast have towns and villages, some minor cities. Two other provinces have their principal settlements along the coast as well, making this stretch of coastline a busy place, with many ships criss-crossing all about the region, which is how it got its name.


Each tribe handles their own, but in these modern times, colleges and universities are found in most every major city. Besides this, in those more urban environments, general education is available, amongst the churches or even amongst organized schools, though these have a cost attached that means most working class families cannot afford to send their kids without working themselves halfway into the grave.


The infrastructure here is one of a uniqueness not found elsewhere on Valerick for the most parts when it comes to the architecture of its cities and larger towns. This is due very much to the symbiotic relationship between the elven tribal folk and the forested lands. Trees grow into embracing and welcoming forms, and the trunks grow with openings and doors and windows, as structures. The limbs weave themselves into walls and roofs within the canopy. Almost all larger towns and every city have standard looking buildings and structures, and even fortifications, but also their treetop districts which area always the higher class folk, and always predominantly elven. These places are a strange mix of druidic ancient living, and modernized grimy technology, especially those with rail hubs, as these places of machinery and steam look and feel oddly out of place surrounded by such odd woods and trees, with the strange vine and limb walkways that grow and connect the tree tops together criss cross over such places. With aid from their dwarven neighbors, technology joins the woodlands, aqueducts, railroads and all manner of other wonders.

  So the Average Depen Diet has two rather large comparative looks. Inland and Coastal/Riverside. Within that you'll have variance, but as a reference for that feeling of true immersion, detailed below are two sets of example daily diets, kind of a snapshot. Each of these two categories will have the basic meals listed, and give basically four examples of food/drink in scale as follows: 1) Survivalist (Forage/living off land), 2) Beggar/Poor/Rural/Rationing Military (Copper), 3) Workers/Urban/Non Rationing Military (Silver), 4) Rich/Wealthy/Officers/Nobility (Gold). These options will be listed as shown here.

INLAND DIET, Day Example:

    Breakfast: 1) Fire roasted Chestnuts, Rabbit or Mole Stew, Water. Quality can increase or decrease based on skill and luck. 2) Bone Marrow Hard Tack, day old Rotting Apples or Pears, water or Mule's milk. 3) Apple, Blueberries, Raspberries or Strawberries. Bone Marrow Biscuit. Rabbit or lemming jerky, or Robin eggs. Water or Honeyed Blueberry or Strawberry Cordial. 4) Bread, pheasant eggs, Apple or Pear, sausage with water, fruit juices/wines or honeyed teas.

    Lunch: 1) Hard Tack and jerky, and water. Again quality variable. 2) Bone Marrow Gruel, Stale bread, Raw Robin eggs perhaps. Water. 3) Lettuce, Scallions, Radishes in a salad with strawberries. Pre-cooked Turkey, or Pheasant, Salted. Water, Honeyed Mead, Apple Cider or Stout. 4) Roast Pheasant or Turkey. Fresh tossed full salads, Fresh baked bread, Peaches or Plums, and simple pasteries or cakes. Wine or whiskey, high end expensive vintages, or teas

  Dinner: 1) Rabbit or Mole Stew, Water, Wild Blueberries or Cranberries. Quality can increase or decrease based on skill or luck. 2) Bone Marrow and day long rotting Scallions soup, Black bread (Peat Moss). Water or Cheap Ale from 'generosity'. 3) Hearty Fresh and thick Pheasant Stew or Deer meat roasted, with fire cooked veggies and peat baked bread. Mulled Wine, Ale or Stout. 4) Venison Steak/Roast, Moose Cookout or Pig Roast, with Fresh veggies or fruits, buttered corn, fire roasted. Fresh breads and pastries, and strong aged wines, stouts, herbal teas and stronger alcohols, or fresh squeezed fruit juices.


    Breakfast: 1) Steamed kelp or seaweed, boiled trout with Water. Quality can increase or decrease based on skill and luck. 2) Steamed seaweed or kelp, day rotten. Raw Gull Egg with water or Mule's milk. 3) Blueberries/Strawberries/Raspberries, maybe an apple or pear instead. Seaweed and kelp baked biscuit. Duck or Gull Eggs, or fried mackerel or tuna. Water or Honeyed Blueberry or Cranberry Cordial. 4) Salmon Steak, corn or grain bread, Duck or Gull eggs, Apple, orange, pear or plum, with water, fruit juices/wines or honeyed teas.

      Lunch: 1) Hard Tack and cold trout chunks, and water. Again quality variable. 2) Day old Mackerel Mash, Stale bread, day old fermenting blueberries, strawberries, or raspberries perhaps. Water. 3) Seaweeds and kelps in a salad with cranberries and raspberries. Trout or salmon steak, pre-cooked, leftover. Or Otter meat and Kelp Mash. Water, Honeyed Mead, Apple Cider or Stout. 4) Seal Meat Roast or Otter Meat and Seal Lard Stew, or Swordfish Steak. Fresh tossed full salads, Fresh baked bread, Apples, Pears, Peaches or Plums, and simple pasteries or cakes. Wine or whiskey, high end expensive vintages, or teas.

  Dinner: 1) Fire roasted trout, Water, Fresh Watercress. Quality can increase or decrease based on skill or luck. 2) Day old Trout Mash or Mussels/Oysters, boiled, Kelp Tack bread. Water or Cheap Ale from 'generosity'. 3) Seal Lard coated, fire roasted Oysters/Mussels. Or Otter Roast, with fire cooked veggies and fresh baked kelp bread. Mulled Wine, Ale or Stout. 4) Full Duck or Otter Fire Roasted, buttered, vegetable crusting, or Garlic and onion butter roasted oysters/mussels, with swordfish stew. With fresh veggies or fruits, and fire roasted buttered corn. Fresh baked seaweed and kelp breads, fruit pastries, and strong aged wines, stouts, herbal teas and stronger alcohols, or fresh squeezed fruit juices.

A eau lac dame agnaien! Roughly Translated: We are one with Nature!

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Depenise or Woad-landers
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Copper Stars
Silver Moons
Gold Suns
Major Exports
Wood and plant products, some produce, some fish and shrimp, lumber, bronze and brass, decorative jewelry, bows and crossbows of the highest quality.
Major Imports
Grain, various metals and metal goods, other produce, whale oil, all manner of other animal products, and more complex goods, along with stone of various sorts though little bits. Manufactured goods of a wide variety as well, are a major import as well.
Legislative Body
Most of the region is governed, on the large spectrum, by the Depen Tribal Conclave, the semi-national-esque government formed by the six dominant Nouedon Tribes of the Depen. However each Tribe rules their ancestral homeland with more or less complete autonomy. They handle the affairs for the region as they deem best. The body in charge of legislating such activites is in each of the tribelands is an advisory council consisting of the current Conclave Clan Chief and whomever they appoint/allow to sit in on council with them. These advisory councils ultimately handle regional affairs, economic, defensive and more. These governing bodies are rather loose as ultimately the Conclave Chiefs have near total autonomy over their respective Tribelands, but rarely actually invoke that power in such a way, preferring where possible to allow the involvement of their advisory councils and that process to do such things, believing it better overall for maintaining regional stability, and a more diverse and flexible ability to respond to changing pressures and needs of their regional homes and societies.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations

Members of the Northern Prosperity Agreement

A comprehensive four nation trade agreement. For the basics see here
The full documents are 279 pages in length and a...boring read to all but true enthusiasts, though they are pretty much required reading for any whom wish to work in government in any of these nations.

Members of the Northern Prosperity Agreement

Members of the Northern Prosperity Agreement

Acomprehensive four nation trade agreement. For the basics see here  The Northern Prosperity Agreement

The details of this agreement make a....boring and difficult read given its comprehensive nearly three hundred pages of legal jargon. But in basic detail, the concept is open ports, open trade, with open negotiations, that is no tariffs or import duties. In regards to Depenwood and Suranth, the biggest part of this that effects them is the various agreed upon codification of how to grade lumber and timber besides tree/wood type. As an example, timber and lumber used for ship making is a different grade than those meant for construction of houses or other buildings. These have different agreed upon exchange values. As to Suranth, this is also true of many of the minerals and ores the nation moves, and of course the various Ghel products. These two nations very much exchange those sorts of raw materials, along with finished goods of that nature. Suranth also imports a fairly significant amount of produce, from Depenwood, by both rail and ship. The flow of trade is near constant and allowing these northern nations to grow with strength and staying power economically and influentially. Geata Iarainn houses an embassy for every nation on Valerick. Beyond that however, Depenwood and Suranth house diplomatic facilities in many of each other's larger cities, as is also true within Rohara and Raechin. Their diplomatic influence with each other is quite strong, willingly so. The only real strains on this relationship is some rather stark differences in culture.


Given the tension at the Roharan and Kang-Chorathian shared border, and the position of Depenwood in the NPA, Depenwood has no open hostility towards Kang-Chorath, however there is a deep distrust there, diplomatically


Susma is the holdout, of course, as one would expect, considering the nation's strong position, neighboring Nightvale's strong walls and the massive armies of the metropolis on three sides. The city may as well be IN the desert nation, which gives the Susmains a large, and not unfounded, confidence to simply sit and do business with whomever benefits them economically. They are the founding member of the Heartland Defense Pact, backed of course by the weight of Nightvale's monarch at the time, Empress Cyndra Fiorabrynd, and the weight of her words, and the Imperial army, whom despite their multi-nationality, are ferociously loyal to her and the city and continent. This deal was therefore one with an almost divine mandate. Susma sits as the bubble nation, and as such, plays the economic game with skillful efficiency and tact, maintaining a beneficial trading arrangement with both trading nations, but keeping a careful balance so as to not give one or the other belief its gained enough economic edge go to open economic hostility, which could lead to a brutal and ugly complete continental war. They stand with Empress Cyndra Fiorabrynd the II, who upholds her great grandmother's stance as the voice of reason and balance, as both Emperors before her did. As such, Depenwood's diplomatic relationship with them is..passably neutral, but more open than Susma and Suranth's. They have no open disagreements or debates, but they are also not staunch allies, or economic partners either. The relationship can be best described as respectfully courteous and professional.


Depenwood's leadership have a long memory, and have not forgotten or forgiven the Wastonian people for their treatment of the Vrock people centuries ago. That sort of behavior should never have been allowed to exist, and elven memories do not easily forget or trust such folk. They are wary and distrusting of any and all influence or diplomatic offers, dealings or communications coming from Waston and Wastonian representatives.

Undeclared Enemies

Similarly to Rohara and Kang-Chorath, Depenwood and Valewyr have a multitude of border tensions, tribes that disagree as to how the lands ended up being divvied up, trying to exert ancestral claims in very...heated and thinly veiled diplomatic power struggles that could erupt into conflicts and skirmishes if those diplomats engaged in these discussions do not be tread wisely.

Undeclared Enemies

Depenwood, being the closest geographically to Mora, finds itself the first northern nation and the most common, to suffer Morain pirates plying their....craft. Mora gains a significant portion of its industry by granting its citizens privateering licenses, a practice every other nation frowns upon. In theory, those with such papers are only to ply their craft in Morain sovereign waters, and any ship flying the colors of Mora, or any of the 3 other member nations of the Southern Trade and Commerce Accords is not to be targeted. Most listen to that second condition, the first however....well 'incidents' of Morain privateers sailing north for midsummer and early autumn, the time when traffic and cargo laden targets are...abundant...are not unheard of. Any time these scoundrels are caught of course, Mora's government denies any knowledge of the happenings, claiming the privateers in question clearly went rogue. Any captured privateers stick to that story too, even as led up to the gallows to be hung for piracy. Needless to say, diplomatic relations are...strained.


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