The Aventine Settlement in Tallisterra | World Anvil
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The Aventine

The Aventine is where it all began - the oldest quarter of the city. Its narrow and ancient streets wrap their way around the most ancient temples and what was once the beating heart of the city, the grand arena.


The crumbling and pinched nature of the quarter means that wealthier folk tend to live elsewhere, but something about the place tends to attract bohemians, dreamers, ne-er do wells and wanderers. Due to the high number of temples it is home to an above average number of priests. Most of its citizens are imperial, with only around 5% from other nations or races.


The ancient walls that surround the quarter are the oldest in the city but perhaps the least effective, as building techniques have been moved on and maintenance is at best sporadic.

Industry & Trade

Entertainment and religion are the principle reasons to come here. There are many taverns, and the proximity of the arena means there is gambling a plenty and many weaponsmiths and armourers too. Various religius paraphenalia can be bought in the district.


The great arena lies at the heart of the quarter and next to it temples to Mars, Nemesis and Morkana. A thriving markets meets the needs of those who come to watch the combats. Beyond these the streets above are dotted with some of the oddest and most niche shops you are likely to find. Criticial to the city infrastructure are two of the bridges over the Avus river that bisects the city. Ancient and rudimentary sewers lie beneath the quarter, draining downhill into the river or the Narrows.

Guilds and Factions

The weaponsmiths and armourers guilds can be found here, different competing arena factions, and most importantly some major players in the thieves guild, including the Man in the Mask, the Veiled Lady, and the Hood.


The Aventine is where it all began - the oldest quarter of the city. The exact origins are lost to time but most likely it was a bridge over the Avus and some succuessful taverns that started this settlement. In time it must have grown to a town and gained a ruler, but true prosperity began with the arena. Even the origins of this are lost in time, for it is doubtful that the marble colliseum was the first arena, but more likley the grand ambition of a ruler whose architecture has outlived his memory. By the time the settlement had grown to this size the centre of power had transfered to the nearby Capitoline hill, and the Aventine was more a place of trade and spectacle, and as Cardenna grew the Aventine began to look increasingly old and less desirable, but it remains the undisputed heart of the city.


Ancient. The once grand temples now look small compared to more recent constructions, and the streets are narrow and the houses tiny and ramshackle. The highly distictive arena still impresses though, shining with the grandeur of a more noble age.


Located on a hill near the river Avus. Entirely metroploitan, the quarter is surrounded by the rest of Cardenna.

Natural Resources

Alternative Name(s)
The Old Quarter
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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