Empire of Cardenia Organization in Tallisterra | World Anvil
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Empire of Cardenia

A sprawling empire that reaches from the imperial heartlands in the south to the isle of Aldreme in the north, the empire is over 500 years old and is seen as the heart of the civilised world. From the seven city states conquered by the first emperor, Calgar Pagitax, it has grown through a mixture of conquest and diplomacy to become the largest empire of the modern age. It promotes trade and stability, and has been largely successful in creating a safer and more just society.   The empire is formed of the imperail heartlands and four major provinces, Beuland, Estoria, Rhaneland and Aldremere, plus a number of self governing protectorates that pay a regular tithe to the empire and follow its laws.


The Empire is ruled by an emperor. The position is hereditary. The Emperor is advised by a senate and the day to day governance are handled by the senate and the chancellor. Military matters are dealt with by the military tribune.

Public Agenda

To protect the citizens of the empire from enemies both internal and external, mortal and supernatural. The expansion of imperial holdings by diplomacy or conquest, the spread of civilisation and the Decatheic church.


Vast financial reserves and land rights. Multiple legions of infantry, horsemen and artillery, numerous castles and fortresses. An effective spy network and a mandatory college of mages, Sorcerers Rock.


The empire was formed in 20 BC when the first Emperor Calgar Pagitax made a pact with the war god Mars. In exchange for his help in conquering seven city states, Calgar would build for Mars an altar of skulls the size of which the world had never seen. Both sides kept their end of the bargain.   Over time the empire grew, seemingly unstopable until in 367 AC when the imperial captial was attacked by dark elves. In the end, the empire prevailed, but the reigning emperor was lost, and the elves fought their way to the very gates of Cardena.   In 435 AC the empire fell to civil war when the sons of the twin emperors were both supported by vying factions within the imperial court.
Founding Date
20 BC
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Empire
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations

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