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LANGUAGE FAMILY: SAU-SERIB   # SPEAKERS / WORLD RANKING: 8.075M / #4   SPOKEN IN: Del - 5M / Azon - 1.8M / Sau-Hezib - 600K / Draksineon - 350K / Arlos - 200K / Chalornok - 100K / Kaul - 25K   PERIOD OF USE:   SCRIPT USED:   PARENT LANGUAGE:  
  "...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind..."   Translation: shís míˈbaz ˈmáaz ché shíˈíbac dö́g shís séˈdaz ché ˈfúbac mǘch ˈyǘrgáüv bí   Pronunciation: ʃís míˈbaz ˈmáaz ʧʰé ʃíˈíbac tɵ́ɡ ʃís séˈtaz ʧʰé ˈfʊ́bac múʧ ˈjúrɡáuv bí     Hezdel word order: and stood holding hat his he and turned his face wet the wind to  

Modern Abjad

  Read top to bottom and right to left, in the traditionally vertical "Tree" orientation. "Snake" orientation is a more recent development, in which the script is read right to left, horizontally, mimicking Eastern alphabets, e.g. Draksi.  

Ancient Abjad

  Based on the game of Succulthagac.  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: /b f j kʰ m n nʲ r s t tʰ w wʲ x xʲ ɡ ɮ ɮʲ ʃ ʦ ʦʰ ʧ ʧʰ/  
Nasalmn nʲ
Stopbt tʰkʰ ɡ
Affricateʦ ʦʰʧ ʧʰ
Fricativefsʃx xʲ
Lateral fricativeɮ ɮʲ
  Co-articulated phonemes  
Approximantw wʲ
  Vowel inventory: /a e i u ɔ ɵ ʊ/   Tones: ́  
  Syllable structure: Custom defined
Stress pattern: No fixed stress
Word initial consonants: b, bɮ, f, j, kʰ, kʰtʰ, m, n, ntʰ, nʲ, r, s, t, tʰ, x, ɡ, ʃ, ʦ, ʦʰ, ʧ, ʧʰ
Mid-word consonants: ff, j, m, mn, ms, mt, mɡ, mʧ, mʧɮ, n, ns, nt, nts, nx, nɡ, nʦʰ, r, rs, rsɡ, rt, rtɮ, rtʰ, rw, rx, rɡ, rɮ, rʃ, rʦʰ, rʧʰ, s, sn, sr, ss, stʰ, sɡ, sɮ, t, tn, tr, tw, tɡ, tɮ, tʰ, tʰɡ, tʰɮ, w, ws, wtʰ, wx, wɮ, wʃ, wʦʰ, wʧʰɮ, x, xn, xt, xɡ, xɮ, ɡ, ɡs, ɡt, ɡts, ɡtʰ, ɡɮ, ɡʃ, ɡʧ, ɮ, ɮb, ɮs, ɮt, ɮtw, ɮtʰ, ɮtʰtʰ, ɮtʰɡ, ɮx, ɮɡ, ɮɮ, ɮʦʰ, ɮʧ, ɮʧʰɮ, ʃ, ʦ, ʦr, ʦʰ, ʦʰs, ʧ, ʧʰ, ʧʰs
Word final consonants: b, kʰ, kʰtʰ, m, mʧ, n, nt, nx, r, rt, rtʰ, rʧʰ, s, stʰ, t, tʰ, w, ws, wʧʰ, wʲ, x, xʲ, ɡ, ɡtʰ, ɡʃ, ɡʦʰ, ɡʧ, ɡʧʰ, ɮ, ɮs, ɮtʰ, ɮʧ, ɮʲ, ʃ, ʦ, ʦʰ, ʧ, ʧʰ   Phonological changes (in order of application):  
  • u → o / _Ca
  • n → ∅ / _s
  • a → æ / _(C)e
  • j → ð / V_
  Spelling rules:  
td / !_ʰ


  Main word order: Verb Object (Prepositional phrase) Subject.
"Mary opened the door with a key" turns into Opened the door with a key Mary.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned after the noun.
Adposition: postpositions  


  Nouns have three cases:
  • Nominative is the doer of a verb: dog bites man.
  • Accusative is the done-to of a verb: man bites dog.
  • Genitive is the possessor of something: dog’s tail hits man.
NominativeNo affix ˈsómüv /ˈsɔ́muv/ doɡ (doinɡ the verb)
AccusativeIf ends with vowel: Suffix -ɡ Else: Suffix -áɡ sóˈmüvág /sɔ́ˈmuváɡ/ (verb done to) doɡ
GenitiveSuffix -ɔ́mʧ sóˈmüvómch /sɔ́ˈmuvɔ́mʧ/ doɡʼs
SingularNo affix ˈyínbac /ˈjínbac/ man No affix ˈdíüv /ˈtíuv/ woman
PluralIf ends with vowel: Suffix -m Else: Suffix -úm ˈyínbacǘm /ˈjínbacúm/ men If ends with vowel: Suffix -ɡ Else: Suffix -úɡ díˈüvǘg /tíˈuvúɡ/ women


Definitemö́s /mɵ́s/ the
Indefinitení /ní/ a, some


1st singularfón /fɔ́n/ I má /má/ me dö́l /tɵ́ɮʲ/ mine
2nd singularntö́n /ntʰɵ́n/ you (masc) náb /náw/ you mú /mʊ́/ yours
3rd singular mascdö́g /tɵ́ɡ/ he, it chéd /ʧʰét/ him, it yǘm /júm/ his, its
3rd singular femyí /jí/ she, it gǘ /ɡú/ her, it yé /jé/ hers, its
1st pluralmǘ /mú/ we ínx /ínx/ us bá /bá/ ours
2nd pluralfú /fʊ́/ you all ní /ní/ you all yó /jɔ́/ yours (pl)
3rd plural mascáb /áw/ they (masc) /á/ them (masc) sú /sʊ́/ theirs (masc)
3rd plural femchö́s /ʧɵ́s/ they (fem) bí /bí/ them (fem) mö́g /mɵ́ɡ/ theirs (fem)

Possessive determiners

1st singularyód /jɔ́t/ my
2nd singularyǘb /júw/ your
3rd singular mascché /ʧʰé/ his
3rd singular femdú /tʊ́/ her
1st pluralsóm /sɔ́m/ our
2nd pluralgǘ /ɡú/ your (pl)
3rd plural mascyóm /jɔ́m/ their (masc)
3rd plural femmí /mí/ their (fem)


PresentNo affix yáˈaz /jáˈaz/ learn
PastSuffix -íw yáˈazíb /jáˈazíw/ learned
Remote pastIf ends with vowel: Suffix -w Else: Suffix -áw ˈyáazáb /ˈjáazáw/ learned (lonɡ aɡo)
  Hezdel uses a standalone particle word for future tense:
FutureParticle before the verb: já - yá ˈyáaz /já ˈjáaz/ will learn
  Perfect aspect   The perfect aspect in English is exemplified in ‘I have read this book’, which expresses an event that took place before the time spoken but which has an effect on or is in some way still relevant to the present.   Hezdel uses an affix for the perfect aspect:  
PerfectIf ends with vowel: Suffix -ɮs Else: Suffix -ɔ́ɮs ˈyáazóls /ˈjáazɔ́ɮs/ have learned


  Hezdel has a base-10 number system:   1 - yíd
2 - mó
3 - ít
4 - ché
5 - íb
6 - gǘs
7 - íd
8 - yúb
9 - yǘ
10 - sǘ
11 - sǘ shís yíd “ten and one”
100 - yíd míd “one hundred”
101 - yíd míd yíd “one hundred one”
200 - mó míd
1000 - yíd ˈmámá “one thousand”

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = If ends with vowel: Suffix -n Else: Suffix -ín
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -m Else: Suffix -ím
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -r Else: Suffix -ɵ́r
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ʧ Else: Suffix -úʧ
Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -s Else: Suffix -és
Noun to verb = If ends with vowel: Suffix -m Else: Suffix -ém
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -wʲ Else: Suffix -úwʲ
Tending to = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ʦʰ Else: Suffix -áʦʰ
Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = Suffix -ú
Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -m Else: Suffix -ím
One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = Suffix -í
Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -t Else: Suffix -ʊ́t
Diminutive = Suffix -íʦ
Augmentative = If ends with vowel: Suffix -b Else: Suffix -áb


4460 Words.


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