
Ubiquitous across societarians' settlements and history, the khom is a small creature that adapted admirably to the cosy standards of living of people, and took to themselves to raid every barn and pantry they could get their paws in.  



Khoms are extremely small, quadruped, flightless avians. They have round, fluffy bodies covered in feathers, and a very small beak. They vary in colouration and pattern among subspecies, though all of them have areas of iridescence, generally around the neck and in the males' train.   Male khoms have more elaborate and colourful plumage than females, and during breeding season the adults develop a complex array of long iridescent feathers in their tail, that they use for their mating displays.  


The khom is a simple, gregarious creature that lives in colonies of variable size. A group of khoms is known as a flash, due to how the iridescent feathers on their neck can seem to "flash" when a group of them run away when surprised.
They live in burrows, under bushes or in the many crevices of societarian houses.
They are primarily crepuscular or nocturnal. They have very good night vision.  


Khoms reproduce rapidly, laying up to 8 egg clutches per year in hotter climates, with between 3 and 8 eggs per clutch that they incubate for around 12 days.
They lay their eggs in burrows, holes and under structures, and both sexes incubate and care for the young, which leave their nest at around 12 to 20 days old.  


Grains, seeds and small bugs are the main diet of khoms, though they might consume fruits and flowers and, in the bigger subspecies, may even hunt other small creatures.
They will gather and nest close to societarian food storages such as silos and barns, causing big losses.  


Khoms are part of the diet of almost all small and medium-sized predators in the archipelago. Hapists, lyraiks and mirkelins are some of their common threats.  

Geographic Distribution

Khoms are present in all islands of the Haan Archipelago, though their colonisation of the Larea islands is a more recent phenomenon, caused by individuals being brought into the islands by travelling in traders' ships.
It is not known where their population originated.  

Relationship with Societarians

The khom has long been considered a pest in societarian settlements, for their vast numbers and their love for societarian's food.  

Erradication Efforts

Lyraik N Toy
Farmers across the Archipelago have tried numerous methods to keep the khoms at bay. The most common is the use of kennet or even toy lyraiks (And more rarely hapists), which are trained to hunt them and sometimes fed almost exclusively khoms to habituate them to the task.   Traps, poisons and blocking of potential nest sites are other methods used, though none of those are very effective.  

In Larea

Larea islands by Naelin
The remote islands of Larea suffered a great environmental impact as traders from other islands brought with them exotic creatures and plants, including the khom. The new predators and competitors changed the landscape and caused the extinction of many local species, such as the lilac mjellic.   For this reason, the native Lareans took action in the form of legislation and eradication efforts to restore the local ecosystem.
Any khom found in Larea must be killed on sight, and any potential nest must be reported to the authorities.
Port towns are covered in traps and baits meant to destroy any khoms hidden in shipments and, while the possession of lyraiks is regulated or outright banned in some places of the island, khom hunters use trained kennet lyraiks to raid and destroy burrows.  


Khoms have recently started to be kept and bred by societarians.
Most of the captive-bred khoms are used as feed for trained hapists and kennet lyraiks in training, but in smaller numbers, they are kept as pets of the rich, or trained to perform simple tricks for entertainment groups.   Khoms are also seen as a food item in some places, particularly in Stunveldt and Ruh, where they are caught and served in a variety of dishes, often cooked with the same grains they usually eat.
Simple creature
Collective noun
A flash of khoms
2 years
Average Height
Geographic Distribution

Pet khoms

While most societarians consider khoms to be vermin, some rich people keep khoms of the most visually appealing subspecies as pets, in ornate cages and tanks.   While this is a relatively recent and unusual practice, the fast lifecycle of khoms already gave way to a few new variations in plumage that might turn into breeds in the future, as well as making captive-bred individuals significately tamer than their wild counterparts.

Entry for TJ Trewin's 400 Worldbuilding Prompts

Answering Prompt N°330: "Write about a city-dwelling pest in a region of your world."

Entry for Welkinal's Bestiary Challenge

Answering Prompt N°8: "Prey"


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Dec 9, 2023 09:25 by Simo

I love invasive shiny cuties :) Do they breed them only as food for the pets or did anyone try to eat them themselves?

Jun 11, 2024 00:35 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I know that they're pests, but I think I'd be secretly overjoyed if I discovered a flash of khoms living under my house.