
  It is a thing of wonder that almost al subspecies of mirkelin live confined within the coasts of the Red Crest Islands. With these creatures being so populous and clever, it seems to many a matter of time for a breeding pair to somehow close the gap between their native island and the rest of the Haan Archipelago.
In the meantime, the Red Crestians had been forced to learn to live among the gorgeous but mischevious beasts snatching their trelises, plucking the tail feathers of their lyraiks and messing with their clothing lines, but also sometimes braverly defending the societarians that were kind to them.  


The mirkelin are a quadruped, flightless and slender avian creature about the size of a tall lyraik.
They feature a long unspecialized beak, long thin ears and a wavy tail full of feathers that shoot to its sides.
Most subspecies are mainly white with some pattern, with the common mirkelin having a black streak behind the eyes, black tips on the tail feathers, and grey shoulders.   Males and females are similar out of breeding season, when males grow an arrangement of big feathers on both sides of the head, neck and legs used for display.  


Merkelins are gregarious, smart, pactual creatures that live in groups known as "arrangements" that can be from around 20 to more than a hundred individuals. Those groups can often be inconspicuous, as merkelins have an extraordinary sense of spatial awareness and can appear to be wandering on their own or in tiny groups, while the other members of their arrangement are dispersed in a big area.  


Mirkelins are opportunistic omnivores that will swallow whatever they deem nutritious enough that they can catch or steal, including fruits, seeds, nuts, carrion and small creatures of land and water. They are remarkable fishers and are also quick to take a liking for societarian food when living in and around cities.
Pactual Species
Collective Noun
An arrangement of mirkelins
Geographic Distribution


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