Mark of the Bright

One of the first stories a child in Rubefià Empire or the northern mountain kingdoms will hear is the story of the Mark of the Bright. An old tale, dating back longer than written history, Mark of the Bright is about the first people Marked by Tràyalià.


Long ago, Tràyalià found that her power, while great, could not touch everyone in need. For while she could see any her starlight touched, she couldn't do anything for her believers. For so many to call out but be left unanswered; it incurred a debt. An imbalance. And the Star Goddess could leave no such imbalances alone, not even her own.
The solution she found was simple, at least in theory. The Star Goddess would grant a person she found worthy the power of one of her Constellations. Tràyalià spent years looking through different people's fates, looking for someone who tried to do the right thing, to help but found themselves with not quite enough power. After a long time, she granted eighty-eight people a Mark. The Mark was woven into their magic, linking them to the stars they now could access power from. Each had those stars woven into the skin, visible for all to see.
However, with this, she had changed their fate, brought them outside her tapestry. No longer could Tràyalià predict their changes, and unfortunately, many of the Marked did change. While many had pure hearts, untainted by greed, some fell under the sway of their power. So if one sees a Mark, be aware that magic alone is not the source of a good person.

Historical Basis

While no-one knows if the gods truly exist, the Marked have left their tracks throughout history. This fairy tale was created to teach children about the Marked and their place in society. The detail about how many Marked there were is a recent addition, however. Marked were rare enough that for many years, the population simply wasn't large enough for all to show up. Some superstitious say that the world wasn't in enough need, that Tràyalià had decided they weren't required yet. More likely is the fact some generations are lucky to see twenty to thirty Marked today. For all eighty-eight to be recorded in smaller, more closed communities would be a miracle.


Wherever humans are, this myth can be found in their company. Those of the north mountains and Rubefià like to tell this story the most, though.
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Character | Jul 5, 2018

Star Goddess

The Marked
Condition | Dec 7, 2018

Blessing (or Curse) from the Stars


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Jul 5, 2018 01:28 by Koray Birenheide

"For so many to call out, but be left unanswered, it left a debt." consider "For so many to call out but be left unanswered; it caused a vacuum." or "For so many to call out but be left unanswered; it incurred a debt."   "The solution she found, was simple, at least in theory." the first comma is superfluous.   "While no-one knows if the gods truly exist, the Marked can be tracked through history." consider "While no-one knows if the gods truly exist, the Marked have left their tracks throughout history."   "Some superstitious say that the world wasn't in enough need, that Tràyalià had decided they weren't needed." consider "Some superstitious say that the world wasn't in enough need, that Tràyalià had decided they weren't required yet."   "For all 88 to be recorded, with smaller more closed communities would be a miracle." consider "For all 88 to be recorded, considering the small size of contemporary communities would be a miracle." or "For all 88 to be recorded in smaller, more closed communities would be a miracle."   "The myth can be found where-ever humans are found." consider "Wherever humans are, this myth can be found in their company."   "The north mountains and Rubefià like to tell this story the most, though." consider "Those of the north mountains and Rubefià like to tell this story the most, though."   short, concise, and interesting. Good job as always, and your formatting is really on point by now; what a wonderfully wrapped bundle.   You know, this made me think of my old character Îsa Nite, a nixie from the High Forest of Faerûn (Forgotten Realms Setting in D&D). She loved the stars and even prayed to the heavenly wanderer and god of astronomy Celestian, even though he was actually a Greyhawk god I believe. Her master in the art of swordmagic taught her about Celestian when they went on their twenty year journey to the Vast. This master, a moonelf named Tandril Nite (she got her last name from him, they are not blood related), had actually come from the far off realm of Greyhawk, being a planar traveler himself. With him he brought his beliefs in the god of wanderers, and Îsa was all too eager to spread his good word. God I miss her ^-^

Jul 5, 2018 01:39 by Mint

Thank you very much for both the review and the edits! That character sounds really nice, I can't blame her for loving the stars that much. If you can't tell, this setting is basically a love letter to the stars and their myths, haha.

Jul 5, 2018 01:42 by Koray Birenheide

I approve of this premise. Also, she's the character in my avatar picture ^-^

Jul 5, 2018 01:46 by Mint

I see! So that's who's in your avatar!

Jul 5, 2018 03:44 by Daniel Jackson

The mark sounds pretty interesting. With how few numbers your article has, writing them out with words might help readability.

Jul 5, 2018 04:38 by Mint

Thank you! I'll do that, seems like a good idea!

Jul 5, 2018 03:49 by Heath O'Donnell

A very concise article on the creation of what is also an ethnicity I assume. Very nicely done Mint!

Jul 5, 2018 04:38 by Mint

Thank you! That's not entirely correct, its more of... a condition? Too few people per generation to count, but the culture does center around it, to a certain degree, so you're right too!

Jul 5, 2018 07:29 by Tikal

Great color choices! and the layout. The Marked is a really interesting idea.

Jul 5, 2018 15:17 by Mint

Thank you! Getting the color scheme right was a tough job. And I'm glad you like the Marked! They were one of the ideas that sparked this world, so I'm glad I follow through well!