Force Sensitive Condition in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil

Force Sensitive

VNY's notes:

A lot of attempts I have seen at defining this condition fall short.
Upon comparison, I see a common thread: they describe what it feels like to sense a connection from the point of view of sentients who don't.
So one of two cases is true here: Either the author has never been a "sensitive", therefore projects a hypothesis based on several lurid daydreams and that one really nasty migraine with the hallucinations; or the author has always been a "sensitive", therefore has a stilted idea of what it's like to be unaware.
Neither of which approaches are going to make any sense to certain segments of the population.

If you are still looking around for an explanation, then maybe you need a different approach?

If you occasionally find yourself wondering why other people of your same species in the conversation do not know something by observation, you might be sensitive to the Force.

Let's say you're a Defel. I am not! I spent more than half a year working and living in extremely close quarters with one, though, and we got to talking. For biological reasons, their view of the world is so much different than mine. For "being a minority in a big Galaxy" reasons, they get practiced at translating their experiences to and from what a Human life contains.
Therefore: You're a Defel. You can describe what you see in the usual rainbow of colors:
    • vrusp,
    • dorno,
    • byeurog,
    • uselg,
    • moul,
    • nyujjro,
    • hul,
    • lyman,
  • and of course ozglono.
But while those are adequate to describe inert matter or even holograms, for anything that interacts with you during the course of a work week you will need at least two more descriptive intensity terms: some people or places or items are clearly vhyutfg, while others are intensely jara. To make matters even more complex, a given conversational subject is likely to be a mix of colors and intensities -- nobody has fur and snout in matching shades, not to mention the gill slits always stand out from the rest, so it only stands to reason that most people are a conglomeration of muddled vhyutfg and jara.
Except that most Defel only refer to the intensity of light in the cases of metal-smelting, or warnings about dangerous longer-frequency light spectra, or particularly in relation to holographic projections.
That has got to feel a little odd, right? Nobody in your workgroup describes a potential trader as being awfully jara whenever the new meleenium vein gets mentioned. Nobody chooses breakfast soup based on the relative vhyutfg of the ingredients. In fact, most of one's companions deny seeing any variation of brightness or cloudiness from one pot to the next. And they have gotten used to how you always know which of them is passing close behind you; and if you suddenly get the jitters, insisting that the workgroup needs to withdraw from a mine shaft until some droids can do maintenance, they take you at your word despite the expense of a delay.

Our hypothetical Defel whose visual observations pick up more than their peers is able to perceive a field of energy to which most folks are insensate.

I have the advantage that some folks with the equivalent of doctorates have explained to me what I have always noticed, which my peers at Skirzden Star Creche refuted and which the adults around me mostly never mentioned (or passed off as "luck" or "vibes"). And then we spent half a year with those educated experts thoroughly teaching me how to better register and analyze what I perceive -- a lot like a maître fromager has to train up their sense of smell to out-detect fine particulate sensors on droids. There are experiences I describe in visual terms that are really not visual at all, more akin to pressure or momentum or electromagnetic ionization or just.
A pure emotion.
Intense enough to drown away all other sensations.
Only, if I'm to be of any use to myself (much less the rest of existence), then I need to be able to experience, catalogue, analyze, and continue to observe all the other components of the moment. And still act, too.

Sometimes it's easier to just talk in terms of my preferred metaphor, which is usually related to a body of water.

If you have parts of your daily or weekly existence that make my word cloud up here seem relatable, you are not alone. You are not weird. You are not imagining things.
You don't have to pick up a burden of debt to society, the Galaxy, or whatever for happening to be who you are, either! Nothing says you've got to become a monk or a pastor or a deacon.
If you want to develop a smidgen more ease with your sensitivity, visit any affiliate from the Council of Guardians for a list of your educational options.

- database entry updated Datunda
14 Selona

Game Mechanics

  • Characters either are Force Sensitive or are not.
  • To become Force Sensitive after the start of play is possible. See Personal Growth for the process.
  • This condition (or the lack thereof) is marked at the top of the character sheet.
  • Characters who are Force Sensitive will be able to bank more unexpended Force points than those who are not Force Sensitive.
  • Characters who are Force Sensitive are also slightly more susceptible to influence from the Dark Side of the Force.


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