Crosso Geographic Location in Space Western | World Anvil


An outpost in the Mid Rim, Crosso is currently be used by the Imperial Navy is currently using this as a refueling and outfitting station for imperial vessels.    Crosso is also openly a penal colony, operated by the Colonial Security Bureau. Great swathes of imperial prisoners are brought to the mines as slaves, and subject to grueling labor. These mines are scattered through the planet, and many of the resources gathered here are brought back to the Core Systems and used to fuel the war machine currently raging in the rest of greater Pacifica. A good precentage of prisoners here are brought from Pacifica itself, with a smaller precentage being political dissenters from the Panem Region.   Most of these prisoners rarely ever leave Crosso, and those that are eventually released can only talk of the horrors inflicted on them there. Dissidents associated with the Pacifica Liberation Front have begun to conduct operations on Crosso, somehow eluding the ever present eyes of the CSB. These have led to prison revolts, and in return the Imperial forces have begun to close their fist around the populace.
Location under
Owning Organization
System Gate 
Security Rating
High Security


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