Thraka Geographic Location in Space Western | World Anvil


Thraka is a bustling an industrial city planet, that has been plagued by war and violence since the Colonial Earth Empire took over the planet. It was once an independent planet, a trade and industrial hub that was the beating heart of the Pacifica region. It was lost during the silence, but the population maintained and survived. It is strategically located right along a key point of the Fasaryr Run.   When the Empire started moving into Pacifica, they realized they needed to take Thraka quickly, or they would have faced greater resistance as time had moved on. Thus, a lighting strike against the planet forced a capitulation. However, holding the planet has been nothing but a strain on the Empire. Humans right abuses are rampant, especially among the private security used by the Noble Houses and the Empire.   Regular rebellion, both independent and guided by the Pacifica Liberation Front, grind against the oppression of their invaders. They hide in the depths of the city the imperial forces are too afraid to pacify, striking out only against oppurtune moments. The local rebellion has even been getting land-to-orbit delpoyable munitions , which have been targeting imperial ships over Thraka. Regular weapons and arms are smuggled in, stolen or bought (through bribes) from the imperials directly. Mechanized chassis have also been making a regular appearance, mostly home-wrought industrial mechs outfitted with HORUS upgrades or the build-a-bot kits that come from the IPS-N designers.   The Empire in return has kept a regular force of both the Imperial Navy and Army to keep these rebellions from growing too large. However, in certain instances, like the infamous Siege of Jadotberg, the Empire has been shown to be ineffective at holding the growing revolutionaries down. A guerilla war has sprung up in the streets, all around the massive planet. Dissenters are hard for even the Secret Service to find, as they melt away into the trillions of faces who look at the empire as invaders.      


  Thraka, since being taken over by the Empire has had a Court appointed governor, usually a former Grand Admiral or some influential Army commander. Dozens have been assassinated since they have taken over, the governership is not a position sought out by many.   The House of Stars technically controls most of the day-to-day operations of the planet, and consistently reaps the benefits of the Imperial friendly corporations that have taken over the industries. But smaller sections of the planet are also controlled by Houses of Sand, Steel and Flowers. All are engaged in a shadow war with one another, trying to wrest utter control of the planet from one another. All the while, the P.L.F. takes advantage of the cracks, striking at the imperial bases and military operations on the planet.   The day to day sectors of the planet are each run by a different appointed boss. Some sectors are run just by corporate bosses, others could be run by a local Army commander. Each sector can experience different lives on the daily, but the overlooming presensce of the Empire is normal on this planet.   Because of its location along the Fasaryr Run, it is home to all manner of populations, hailing from all corners of the galaxy.


The entirety of Thraka is a city, built on a dusty dry planet rich in mineral resources. Underneath the massive cities, miles down, lie carefully carved out mines and quarries. They are careful to not weaken the crust of the planet that holds the cities up. However, since Imperial assets have been taking over the mines, more regular sinkholes have appeared on the planet, dragging skyscrapers down with them.    Pollution has also been growing as more and more industries are taken over by Imperial friendly corporate assets. In response, PLF forces have been bombing Imperial owned factories, landing pads, and military installations.
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