Sunsword Geographic Location in Space Western | World Anvil


Sunsword used to be an independent system within Pacifica, freely trading to and with everyone around them. When the Grand Baronies of Carthage attempted to make a full take over, they were unable to move fast enough to quell the rebellious factions on the planet.    Now it has become a brutal slog, for not only the Baronies, but the over-extended Imperial Navy forces that have been called in to deal with the rising insurgent Pacifica Liberation Front forces that have regularly been fighting here. There are also great rumors of HORUS deploying a great number of mechs. From continent to continent Imperial and Baron forces are having to expel extremely dug-in local warlords, freedom fighters, and criminal elements. Weapons are regularly smuggled in, while Red Rage is regularly smuggled out.   Every foothold made by security forces are tenative, and usually face regular harrasment from local fighting groups. These groups are armed by many of their neighbors, who want to see Imperial influence curved this far into Pacifica. Behind closed doors, there are many in the Empire who even question the Emperor's deployment of naval forces to the planet, as it has costed the Empire greatly to keep even the smallest of territorial gains, and every step has been paved with huge amounts of civilian casualties. This continues to fuel growing resentment on the planet for Imperials, resulting in a stalemate of violence.


The majority of Sunsword is a massive city, however after years and years of orbital bombardment and regular warfare has reduced entire continents to essentially lived-in rubble. Other places of the planet operate much like a city you would see on Thraka, save for the massive walls erected to keep the population divided. Trains are regularly stopped by authorities, and raided by Imperial authorities looking for enemies of the Imperial State. The largest city sector that is relatively untouched by war is administered by the "ruling" Grand Baronies. It is heavily policed by Baronic forces, who they bring in offworld from Carthage, or corpo-security hired from the Corporate Assembly  Resistance movements and displaced citizens live underground, utilizing a wide network of mining tunnels and super-subways built prior to the Silence. The records of these blueprints have been mostly lost or erased (Some claim by heli.OS), leaving the navigation of these grand underground networks left to a select few knowledgable guides. These networks span entire continents, and the largest contain roaming nomadic tribes of scavengers, refugees, and resistance fighters.


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