Panem Region Geographic Location in Space Western | World Anvil

Panem Region

The Panem region is the breadbasket of the Colonial Earth Empire. While the planets are sparse and far from each other, they produce over 80% of the food for the entire galactic empire. The worlds here are often vassals of powerful Imperial Noble families. Many of the lords and governors here can trace their roots to some powerful Navy admiral or were some kind of high ranking Corpo executive who climbed their way up the ranks.   While there is some small resentment towards the Throne Worlds, those lords here regularly understand that they are much better off than the Mid Rim on their own. They benefit from imperial security and oppression, so they play the imperial game. Many instead turn their aggression to the funding of expansion of the empire towards the Mid Rim sectors like Pacifica, Terminus or The Great Expanse, seeking their profits and the further exploitation.   The Panem region is far from just industrial agri-worlds, but also naval shipyards, industrial hive worlds, garrison worlds, and even Imperial Tomb Worlds. Those not within the top 10% of the wealth of the region find themselves as the laborers and serfs that keep the emperor afloat. Many of these folk live like humans did thousands of years ago, and have very little time to worry what happens on the rest of the world, let alone off-planet. Most spend their days toiling away on super-farms or arcologies made of factories, happy just to have a roof over their heads. The Colonial Security Bureau ensures that dissidents are taken care of.

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