Debuggers Organization in Soulbank | World Anvil


The Debuggers are a law enforcement agency specifically dedicated to dealing with malware, shades, and rogue process. Though they are supposedly a neutral faction, they are very much subject to corruption. Currently they seem to be working with the Amber Knights to hunt down shades and rogue process in The Boneyard and The Hive. Their efforts are largely concentrated in the Boneyard, cleaning Glitch Virus from junk data and in the Peer-to-Pier, preventing its spread.


Debuggers have access to unique anti-Glitch software and troubleshooter equipment for dealing with rogue process.

Crew Type: Moderator

Starting Tiers:

The Boneyard: 3

Peer-to-Pier: 3

Tier Variation

Tier 1: Local operation for addressing Glitch-related issues. Investigates Shades and rogue Process on an individual basis. Small armory with experimental anti-Glitch equipment. Grizzled detectives.

Tier 3: District-wide operation. Data purity laws. Regular patrols scanning for Glitch and Shades. Anti-Glitch STRIKE teams. Professional Runners hunt down fugitive Process and Shades.

Tier 5: Draconian data purity laws. “Randomized” scans for signs of Glitch exposure. Quarantine zones for those who test positive. Highly restricted traffic from server to server. Data structures reinforced as defragmentation procedures take districts offline for indeterminate periods of time.

Faction Goals

Tier 1

Hunt down a shade (repeating) (6)

Develop anti-Glitch weaponry. (6)

Tier 3

Sweep for signs of rogue Process and Glitch outbreaks (8)

...A member of your crew is under suspicion. (4)

Tier 5

Quarantine a section of the city for Glitch inspection (8)

Push for routine reformatting of Process (12)

Government, Law Enforcement
Controlled Territories


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