
The Last Stand of Jerendella

  The moons hung low in the night sky, casting its silvery glow over the darkened forest. Jerendella, Paladin of Banor, stood resolute, her armor glinting in the ethereal light. Her eyes were fixed on the malevolent creature that lurched before her—a twisted abomination of darkness and malice.   With a prayer to Banor on her lips, Jerendella raised her enchanted sword, its blade shimmering with divine energy. "By the light of Banor, I banish you from this realm!" she proclaimed, her voice unwavering.   The creature hissed, its eyes glowing an ominous red. It lunged at her, but Jerendella was prepared. With a swift, graceful motion, she sidestepped the attack and swung her sword in a wide arc. The blade connected with the creature, releasing a burst of radiant light upon impact.   A guttural scream erupted from the creature as it disintegrated into a cloud of dark mist, vanquished by the divine power channeled through Jerendella's sword. As the mist dispersed, a sense of peace settled over the forest, as if the land itself sighed in relief.   Jerendella sheathed her sword and looked skyward, offering a silent prayer of gratitude to Banor. She felt a warm, comforting presence envelop her, as if her Deity was acknowledging her bravery and thanking her for restoring balance to the world.



In the world of Rolara, the path to becoming a Paladin is a complex tapestry woven from threads of divine calling, rigorous training, and unwavering conviction. The title of Paladin is not merely a designation but a solemn vow to uphold the tenets of justice, valor, and righteousness. However, the term "Paladin" is but one name among many for these holy warriors; they are known by various titles such as Holy Knights, Sohei, Templars, and Divine Sentinels, depending on the religious paths they follow and the cultures they hail from.  

Educational Foundations

  The journey to Paladinhood often begins in the hallowed halls of religious institutions, where aspirants receive a foundational education in theology, ethics, and the ancient scriptures. These institutions range from secluded monasteries to grand cathedrals, each aligned with a particular Deity or pantheon. Here, aspirants learn the rudiments of divine Magic, the history of their faith, and the principles that will guide their righteous path.  

Martial Training

  Parallel to their religious education, aspirants undergo rigorous martial training. This is often conducted under the tutelage of veteran Paladins or other martial experts. The training is grueling, designed not just to hone the body, but also to forge the spirit. Aspirants learn the art of combat, mastering weapons that are often symbolic of their faith—be it the longsword of a Holy Knight or the naginata of a Sohei.  

The Divine Calling

  While education and training are crucial, the true essence of a Paladin lies in their divine calling. Often, this manifests as a profound spiritual experience—a vision, a prophecy, or even a direct communion with their deity. This calling serves as the ultimate qualification, the irrefutable proof that the aspirant is chosen to be a divine emissary.  

Alternate Paths

  In some cultures and religious orders, the path to becoming a Paladin is less structured. For instance, a Sohei might rise through the ranks of warrior-monks based on their martial prowess and spiritual enlightenment, without the formalized education commonly found in other orders. Similarly, a Templar might be anointed by the high priests of their temple based on their unwavering devotion and miraculous deeds.  

Titles and Nomenclature

  The title bestowed upon a Paladin often reflects their religious path and cultural background. A Paladin serving under the deity of Anzu-Dorje might be known as a "Divine Scribe," emphasizing their role in upholding cosmic law. Meanwhile, a Paladin from the Land of Jiao could be referred to as a "Celestial Guardian," highlighting their duty to protect the balance between the mortal realm and the Celestial plane.

Career Progression

Initiate Stage

  The first step is often that of an Initiate, a novice in the religious order dedicated to their chosen Deity. For a Human worshipper of Banor, the deity known for bringing Law and Order to Rolara, this stage involves rigorous study of holy texts like the "Book of Laws" and the "Codex of Civilization." Initiates are expected to uphold the tenets of faith, which include the responsible use of Magic and technology, reflecting Banor's divine domains of order, civilization, agriculture, magic, and technology.  

Squire Stage

  After proving their dedication and understanding of the deity's principles, Initiates may be promoted to Squires. This stage involves more hands-on training, often under the mentorship of a seasoned Paladin. Squires accompany their mentors in various quests and duties, learning the practical aspects of being a Paladin.  

Paladin Stage

  Upon successful completion of their training and a series of trials, Squires are formally anointed as Paladins in a sacred ceremony. They are now full-fledged members of their religious order and are expected to undertake quests that align with their deity's domains. For worshippers of Banor, this could involve enforcing laws in newly established colonies or regulating the use of magic and technology to prevent an imbalance in the world.  

High Paladin Stage

  A Paladin who has shown exceptional valor, wisdom, and dedication may be elevated to the rank of High Paladin. This is often the apogee of a Paladin's career, a position that involves not just fieldwork but also administrative and spiritual leadership within the order. High Paladins may also serve as advisors to secular leaders, especially in matters concerning the intersection of law, magic, and technology.  

Cultural Variations

  It's worth noting that the path to Paladinhood can vary significantly across Rolara. In Tatharia Capitolina, for example, worshippers of Banor are increasingly concerned about the rapid advancements in technology and magic, leading to a form of Paladinhood that emphasizes wisdom and restraint over martial prowess.

Payment & Reimbursement

The vocation of a Paladin is not merely a profession but a divine calling, a life dedicated to upholding the principles of their chosen Deity. While Gold and treasure are common offerings made by mortals to their gods, the rewards for Paladins are often of a different, more ethereal nature. However, this does not mean that they are without material compensation.  

Divine Blessings

  Paladins are often rewarded through divine blessings, which may manifest as enhanced abilities, magical items, or even direct interventions from their deity in times of need. For example, a Paladin devoted to Keraunee, the goddess of storms, shipwrecks, and marriage, might find themselves blessed with the power to control weather or navigate treacherous waters. Keraunee, known for her dual aspects as a beautiful woman holding a lightning bolt and a ship's anchor, is revered for her protective nature, especially among sailors and fishermen.  

Material Compensation

  While their primary rewards are spiritual, Paladins do receive material compensation for their services. This often comes in the form of donations to their religious order, which are then distributed among its members. Paladins may also receive gifts from grateful citizens or nobles whom they have aided. These can range from gold and precious gems to lands and titles, depending on the magnitude of their deeds.  

Cultural Variations

  The form and extent of compensation can vary widely depending on cultural and regional factors. In some areas of Rolara, Paladins may be offered a share of the harvest, reflecting the agricultural focus of their deity. In others, they might be granted magical artifacts or ancient scrolls as tokens of gratitude.  

Sacrifices and Offerings

  It's worth noting that Paladins themselves often make offerings to their deities, not as a transaction but as a form of devotion and thanksgiving. These offerings can range from material gifts like gold and gemstones to more abstract sacrifices such as vows of celibacy or fasting. In the case of worshippers of Keraunee, offerings might include incense, food, and flowers, as well as elaborate ceremonies involving song, dance, and prayer.

Other Benefits

The role of a Paladin extends beyond the mere execution of divine mandates; it also confers a range of social and personal benefits that vary depending on the Deity worshipped. While financial rewards are common, they are often overshadowed by the intangible benefits that come with this sacred vocation.  

Social Standing

  Paladins generally enjoy a high social standing, respected and even revered for their commitment to their deity's principles. This respect often translates into a form of social capital that can be leveraged in various ways, from influencing local politics to gaining access to restricted knowledge.  

Fame and Recognition

  The deeds of a Paladin are often the stuff of legends, sung by bards and chronicled by historians. This fame can be a double-edged sword; while it brings adoration and respect, it also attracts the attention of both allies and enemies.  

Spiritual Fulfillment

  Perhaps the most significant benefit is the sense of spiritual fulfillment that comes from serving a higher power. This is often the driving force behind a Paladin's actions, a form of intrinsic reward that transcends material compensation.  

The Unconventional Path


Paladins of Vorgathrax

  Vorgathrax, the Cosmic Tyrant and God of Tyranny, presents an intriguing case. His tenets, such as the Sanctity of Suffering and the Mastery of Cosmic Forces, are often associated with malevolence. However, it is possible for a Paladin to serve Vorgathrax while adhering to a personal code of ethics that challenges conventional expectations.  

Moral Complexity

  A Paladin devoted to Vorgathrax may not be evil but rather morally complex, grappling with the ethical implications of serving a deity associated with tyranny and oppression. They may interpret the Sanctity of Suffering as a call to alleviate suffering through rule of law, or see the Mastery of Cosmic Forces as a responsibility to prevent cosmic imbalances.  

Unlikely Alliances

  Such Paladins may find themselves forming alliances with unlikely factions, such as rebels fighting against oppressive regimes. Their unique position allows them to act as mediators or even change agents, leveraging their divine powers to bring about unexpected forms of justice.  

Social Pariahs

  While they gain unique benefits, such as access to dark arcane arts and the ability to harness Aetheric Radiance, they may also become social pariahs, distrusted by both conventional Paladins and followers of darker paths. Yet, in this isolation, they often find a deeper connection with their deity, gaining unique blessings that allow them to walk this razor's edge between light and dark.



Guardians of Civilization

  Paladins serve as the bulwark between civilization and the chaos that lurks beyond its borders. In a world like Rolara, where monsters pose the most significant threat to settled societies, Paladins are often the first line of defense against such creatures.  

Enforcers of Divine Law

  Beyond their martial capabilities, Paladins are also the enforcers of divine law and ethical principles. They serve as moral compasses for their communities, guiding them through the complexities of a world where the line between good and evil is often blurred.  

Monster Slayers

  Given the prevalence of monsters in Rolara, many Paladins specialize in hunting and exterminating these threats. They are often well-versed in the lore of various monster species, using this knowledge to devise effective strategies for combating them.  

Community Leaders

  In many societies, Paladins also take on roles as community leaders. They may serve as advisors to kings, chieftains, or councils, lending their wisdom and divine insight to governance and policy-making, especially in matters related to defense against monsters.  

Diplomats and Mediators

  Paladins often act as diplomats, particularly in interfaith or interspecies conflicts that could divert resources away from the common threat of monsters. Their reputation for honesty and integrity makes them effective mediators.  

Educators and Trainers

  Given their extensive training in both martial and divine arts, Paladins often serve as educators. They train the next generation of warriors and clerics, imparting skills that are crucial for survival in a monster-infested world.  

Emergency Responders

  In the aftermath of monster attacks, Paladins are often among the first to provide aid, using their healing abilities to treat the injured and their leadership skills to coordinate rescue efforts.

Social Status

In most societies within Rolara, Paladins are held in high esteem, revered as the epitome of divine virtue and martial prowess. They are often accorded a level of deference and respect that few other professions receive, owing to their role as protectors of the realm and enforcers of divine law.  

Regional Variations

  However, this general perception is not uniform across all cultures and regions. The societal standing of Paladins can vary significantly, influenced by local beliefs, historical context, and the nature of the deities they serve.  
Dervishes of Al-Zaluma
  In the desert kingdom of Al-Zaluma, Dervishes dedicated to Alessandra and her Golden Sword, Eolande, find themselves in a paradoxical position. While their martial skills and divine blessings are invaluable in defending the realm, the very act of violence they often must employ is culturally abhorred. As a result, Dervishes are both esteemed and ostracized, considered a "necessary evil" by their society. They are honored for their service but often find themselves isolated from mainstream social activities, a reflection of the complex relationship between the divine and the mortal in Al-Zaluma.  
Kshatriya of Videha
  In stark contrast, the Kshatriya of Videha enjoy a uniformly high social standing, irrespective of the Deity they serve—be it Vishravas, the god of wisdom, or Jandara, the god of destruction. The Kshatriya caste is deeply embedded in the social fabric of Videha, respected not just for their martial abilities but also for their spiritual leadership. They are often consulted on matters of statecraft, law, and religious rites, their opinions carrying significant weight across the various cultures within the region.


In the diverse and expansive realm of Rolara, the profession of a Paladin is a rare calling, one that few are equipped to answer. According to various censuses and religious records, fewer than 1 in 5,000 individuals ever gain a title related to this esteemed vocation and learn the basic rites and spells of their respective Orders. This scarcity adds to the mystique and reverence surrounding the role, making each Paladin a figure of considerable importance and influence.  

Factors Contributing to Rarity

  Several factors contribute to the rarity of Paladins in Rolara. The rigorous training, both physical and spiritual, serves as a formidable barrier to entry. Additionally, the ethical and moral standards required are exacting, and not all who aspire to Paladinhood possess the fortitude to uphold these tenets. Moreover, the divine calling itself is a mysterious and unpredictable force, choosing its champions through inscrutable criteria that go beyond mere skill or ambition.  

Legends Among the Rare

  Within this already select group, an even smaller fraction rises to the level of legend. These exceptional individuals are the subjects of epic tales and historical chronicles, their deeds resonating through the annals of Rolara for generations. They are the Paladins whose names become synonymous with heroism, sacrifice, and divine providence, serving as both inspiration and cautionary tales for those who would follow in their footsteps.
Player Class
Alternative Names
Sohei, Dervish, Chevalier, Asafo, Kshatriya, Jaguar Knight
Famous in the Field


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