Cavestial Geographic Location in Renedge | World Anvil


The continent of Cavestial lies far to the east and south of Meridan. From The North West Corner clockwise along the coast it contains the countries of Vetrakus, Chysanthia, Teradiel, Brigantia, Han Shui, Asushira. At the center of the continent is the country of Cevastial, which itself has 9 sky islands concealed in the clouds above that house the fortresses and cities of the Engels and the Dragon Lord's Citadel.   Vetrakus is a wasteland country divided between warriors of the wasteland (Rakus) and the rich wizard enclave (Vet). (Mad Max-style desert warriors and haughty wizards.)   Chysathia is the Realm of the God Emperor, a divine being on the mortal plane obsessed with conquest of and domination of his neighbors. He is a being of extreme law and despite his many followers his conquests have been limited to the NE corner of the continent. (Greco-Macedonian divine dictatorship.)   Teradiel is a land of high fantasy. Elves, dragons, fae lords and mystic beings abound in this region of high mountains and forests. (The legendary powerful elven and dragon kingdom that DID NOT FALL in olden times.)   Brigantia is a moor land of forest, hill, and broken highland plains where half-elves and the cast-outs of Teradiel dwell. (Basically Scotland with pointy ears.)   Han Shui is the largest country on the continent, ruled by an emperor. They have a massive, happy population based around 4 rivers that run through and connect their land. (Basically China with more halflings.)   Asushira is a inhospitable mountain kingdom of the dwarves, renowned for both their weaponsmithing and soul-containing mystical blades. (Samurai dwarves.)
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