Mountain of Shui Den Geographic Location in Renedge | World Anvil

Mountain of Shui Den (Shwee-den)

The Mountain of Shui Den is in the middle of a valley formed by a horseshoe-shaped collection of smaller mountains on Shisui. Life is weak there, so the terrain is bleak and any plants or monsters people try to introduce tend to turn monstrous in short order. There are theories that this place was created by demons to help them summon some sort of king demon. Other theories say it’s a secret entrance to a secret kappa kingdom, though the kappa have no idea what they’re talking about.   In the summer of 23 ARL, the Shadows of Existence discovered that much of the mountain seemed to be made up of shards of black volcanic glass that contained souls or fragments of a soul. After some investigation (and the use of a phoenix-powered blast furnace), the Shadows combined enough of these shards to cause the being to whom they belonged to regain consciousness. Indications are that the entire mountain was once a Drus Nak, a primordial wolf spirit with godlike power who opposed the The Rift Dweller in the distant past.   During the destruction of the Rift Dweller on the following day, a member of the Shadows accidentally caused the Drus Nak, named Kuro, to be resurrected in a smaller form from a bag of his shards. What effect, if any, this had on the vast quantity of shards still making up the Mountain of Shui Den has yet to be seen.
Mountain / Hill
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