the Renedge system Geographic Location in Renedge | World Anvil

the Renedge system

The solar system (and celestial sphere) that currently contains the planet of Renedge.   The Renedge system revolves around a star commonly referred to simply as the sun. In order from closest to most distant, the celestial objects in the system are the following:
  1. Alpha
  2. Beta
  3. Renedge
  4. Durance
  5. The Asteroid Belt
  6. Dragon Heart
  7. Chulcu
  8. Gorthdraec
  9. Vertex
  10. Aerial
  11. Trilar
In addition to the above, the system has a number of additional celestial objects that don't follow the normal rules. Cubit, the dungeon planet, wanders around the system at the whim of the gods and doesn't act much like a normal planet. The planet Cistral may be the real ninth planet (displacing Vertex and those further out), but it is/was/will be a cognitohazard and also doesn't exist, so its presence in the list is dubious at best.   Beyond the edge of the system, on the crystal sphere itself are The Celestial Temple, The City, and The Library of the Seekers of Knowledge.


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