Direfall Dungeon Building / Landmark in Renedge | World Anvil

Direfall Dungeon

A vast dungeon complex that exists in a wild region in central Escartia. The dungeon has a vertical arrangement, designed to provide for its unique gimmick: Starting at the top, each subsequent floor becomes more difficult and dangerous, and it is not known whether there is any end to the floors. Teleportation out of the floors is considered impossible and attempts to rest and regain spells within those floors fail. The floors are arranged in sets of three: Each has no exit but the passage to the next floor, forcing adventurers to successfully pass through the full set with their starting resources or die trying. The last floor of each set leads out into an external landing area that acts as a teleport zone and rest stop.   The dungeon tends towards elemental and creation themes but is by no means limited to them. The dungeon is linked to the magic of the world in its region, so breaking it via damage or exotic effects, even in an attempt at emergency escape, is considered unwise.


In July of 23 ARL, the goblin god Maglubiyet called his followers to set a curse on Sith, attempting to draw Sith and those around him into the midst of the most difficult floor yet encountered in Direfall Dungeon. While the curse was countered, Sith and his party at the time (the Shadows of Existence) elected to deliberately enter the dungeon and fight their way through floors 31-34 in order to appease the goblin god's wrath.
Alternative Names
The Many-leveled Dungeon
Parent Location


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