Nancy, Goddess of Spiders Character in Rebellion of the Heir | World Anvil

Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Written by Douglysium

1/2 of the Spider Gods, God of Schemes, The Puppeteer (a.k.a. Nann)

Divine Domains

Art, Creation, Editing, Weaving, Sowing, String Instruments, Clothes, Fabric, Foresight, the Future, Lies, Change, Writing, ∞, right brain, left eye, loopholes, optical illusions, spiders, webs, plans, puppets, manipulation, information, eyes, surveillance, cameras, video, patience, arachnophobia, ommetaphobia, scopophobia, prisons, traps, patterns, prediction, clocks, timelines, control, string.   His associated colors are black, brown, blue, and white.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Eyes caught in a web, webs, spiders, webs made of curved lines, gears caught in a web, gears with eyes and webs, spider web fractures, web-like nerve cells, chains, and a left hand with 4 fingers.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

His primary divine goal is to create the best possible future. With him constantly being able to see into almost all possible futures and his sister(Ana) constantly seeing almost all of the past he is constantly hyper-aware of how even the slightest motion can alter the future and she is constantly weaving schemes and plots while adjusting countless details to make sure the future is nudged in one direction or another. To him, the best possible future is one in which he and Ana are alive and in which as many sentient lifeforms as possible survive. The two gods are known to seem almost merciless to those outside their cult and remind outsiders that they are slaves to their fate and must follow it(and he himself will make sure they do so when necessary). On rare occasions, Mora and / or Shia will even send him out to make sure everything is in proper order. If someone distorts the natural balance in certain ways, should be dead, or potentially even still alive he is likely to appear. However, to those in his cult, he offers the power or freedom to change one’s destiny. Nancy and Ana will even give one the means to avoid or outsmart the likes of Mora and / or Shia if needed. This causes some to believe that the ideal future that the gods see is one in which they are either the biggest cult, everyone is a part of their cult, or even that they are the only cult.     The two gods have a secondary goal that is unknown to most mortals and even most gods. A goal that only some of their high priests and some gods, such as John de Luminarie, seem to be even remotely aware of. It is common knowledge that basically all gods are influenced by the ideals and associations of mortals, being warped and evolved by whatever mortals want them to be or think they are. A god can be forced into the role of a war god or calamity if enough mortals believe it to be so. Ana and Nancy simply aim to find a way to rise above that. If a god could somehow avoid having their being dictated by the whims of mortals they could possibly become all-powerful. As their strength would become less likely to wax, wane, or change(in theory anyway) as their power would become more “concrete.”     Some people believe that Ana and Nancy aim to become the god of all things via their manipulation and schemes.     Nancy and his brother named themselves after the god Anansi which appeared in West African belief and African-American folklore. They choose him as their inspiration as he is also a figure that aspires to gather knowledge and uses tricks in a manner that they end up paralleling.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In their mortal form Nancy and his brother take the form of arachne. However, they are also conjoined twins and are attached at the shoulders. Nancy’s right side is attached to his brother’s body and they share the same lower body(meeting at the waist). Oddly, they have stripped most of the flesh from their body and now inhabit mostly artificial puppet-like bodies. The puppet shares many of their original characteristics but its spider half appears like a wooden marionette covered in tarantula hair and eyes while doll-like joints are clearly visible on the joints of both the upper and lower halves of the gods. The joints in their spider half have special eyes acting in the place of where one would expect normal joints while the top of the thorax is covered in eyes. Normally, a constant ticking and tocking sound like that of a clock can be heard from the two god’s body(even if they are not moving). These apparently have something to do with their plans and normally increase the chances that something will go their way through some obscure butterfly effect that only a few can seem to comprehend. They have tarantula-like hairs on their back. Their spider half has 8 legs. Interestingly, the frontmost spider legs seem to usually be handcuffed together, but this does not seem to impede their movement. There appears to be a spider-like face on their lower half. Sometimes numerous spiders can be seen clinging to her thorax. These spiders usually have a human-like eye on their thorax. Each twin has an extra arm sprouting from where only one should be. So each side has two separate arms. They also have some sort of tv or screen in their stomach. Said screen has an oddly clean spider web fracture on it.     Nancy appears physically older than his sibling.     Their divine form takes the form of countless separate spiders as opposed to one full entity. They are capable of turning what few organic parts they have left into these spiders and can do so individually or independently from the rest of their body. When they take on their divine form numerous spiders may crawl out of their puppet body and leave it behind only to return to it later.

Body Features

Despite having the body of a puppet he is mostly bald but has strange threads of spider silk growing out of his head that takes the form of a spiderweb on his scalp. He has a hairy tarantula-like lower body which he shares with his brother. Despite his body being converted into a puppet it has thick and sharp tarantula-like hairs on his lower body and on his back.

Facial Features

He has heterochromia. His right eye has a purple iris while his left eye has a blue iris, but he has replaced his left eye with a glowing blue jewel. He also has numerous extra eyes placed like that of a spider on his head, these eyes alternate between purple and blue in color. He also has numerous arms on his forearms and thorax     He has extra eyes on his forehead and the back of his head that are placed like that of a spider. His mouth resembles that of a marionette and moves around like such, but this does not seem to appear to affect his speech. If one looks closely they can see a more traditional humanoid jaw and teeth behind the marionette mouth when it opens as well as some speaker-esque device even further back within his mouth or throat. They appear to be mostly bald with the exception of spiderwebs growing out of his head that take on a web-like pattern.

Special abilities

Ana and Nancy’s aura is very odd in that it takes on a more string-like or wispy form as their essence evaporates. They also have incredible dexterity over their aura which in combination with the odd shape allows their aura to seemingly stretch across the entirety of the world in a string like fashion. Producing a sort of “web” around the world. However, these strands are thin and cannot reach literally every single place at once and completely envelope the world, resembling something that has been shredded to ribbons or wispy lines to some. Instead, they carefully lay and weave it to set up traps, plans, send messages, or monitor things using the reach of their aura. Because gods and dragons can see essence they have to be careful and make sure their strands of aura are sufficiently hidden or out of sight. This quality also means that they can operate puppets, certain spiders, or certain constructs and even cast spells from what is literally the other side of the planet. Ana and Nancy themselves can see aura, essence, and all kinds of spectrums of light(as many as a dragon can apparently) which aids them in keeping their “threads” hidden.     One of their most famous moments is the one that led to them getting their iconic puppet body. They morphed into their divine forms and then using a form of life magic they proceeded to infuse some of their cells into the bodies of various spiders, turned some of their own flesh into actual spiders, and mated with many spiders to create many “children.” The life magic and spell allowed their cells to persist with these spiders and continue to grow and multiply with the spiders. This causes most spiders to act as a sort of extension of the body of Ana and Nancy. They can take control of any spiders that have enough of their cells within their body by using their aura and can control these spiders like one would their own body. These spiders are capable of “talking” to people as long as Nancy or his sister control them thanks to the ability for gods to be understood regardless of the language they are speaking, and they can also create pictures or messages using their webs. These spiders are sometimes used to observe or watch others, and because of this some gods outright ban bringing spiders into their temples or letting their followers keep spiders as pets out of fear that Ana and/or Nancy will observe them.     Their physical body has the ability to produce webbing from their thorax, mouth, and fingers. The webbing is usually sticky but they have control over how sticky it is and can make their webbing stronger than steel but as light as silk. They can also quickly weave their webs into objects and the fabric they create can be bulletproof. They can detach parts of their body and continue to manipulate them from a distance using a physical piece of string, web, or water from, or connected to, their body. The webs can also be connected to one’s nervous system or electronic systems in order to manipulate living things or machines. They can also use their strings to produce sound by plucking or playing them like a string instrument. They can walk up and on most walls and ceilings like a spider no matter what form they take.     They are famous for having a love of puppets and being quite good at creating them. They can sculpt working ones from wood but can make them out of almost any material, even flesh, ice, etc. These puppets can be animated with magic or their aura. Some of these puppets resemble mannequins or large marionettes but they are known to make puppets that look like actual living things, with said puppets being quite convincing. Sometimes they may replace people or things with a puppet look alike. The giveaway is that usually the “muscles” of these puppets are often(but not always) composed of a complex system of magic along with strings instead of just normal muscle fibers. They can also control and pilot corpses(as long as the bodies are in good condition) and can even give the impression that the body is still alive by activating normal bodily functions manually from the recently deceased. Typically they puppet bodies by infesting its insides with a multitude of spiders that they control. This also extends to a proficiency in creating puppet-like prosthetics. Their puppetry is so great that they have actually created artificial copies of themselves using magic, cloning, and puppetry. There are 7 other main copies of them(making 8 main bodies in total). These bodies are exact copies and controlled as an extension of their body using their aura. They are virtually impossible to tell apart from the original to those who cannot see essence and can give the appearance that the spider gods are teleporting or in multiple places at once. Ana and Nancy’s true body spends most of the time concealed in a cocoon until it is precisely time for them to act in accordance with the plan of the spider gods. All of Ana and Nancy’s puppets and bodies can be “programmed” to perform certain actions in certain situations or controlled manually. The more bodies or puppets they are manually controlling the less complex the actions they can perform become due to the gods having to split their focus. The gods are known to create and alter new and existing life forms when needed. He can transfer one’s consciousness to machinery, such as computers or cars, as needed, and can meld machines to one’s body with a similar process. The process of which involves the creation of a cocoon and many spiders.     They can tell what someone is thinking about thanks to their enhanced sight and ability to see enough of the electromagnetic field to see the electric signals being sent throughout the nervous system. This only works if they are within their line of sight but they also have telescopic and 360-degree vision, so actually avoiding their sight when they are nearby is a tall order. This makes intentionally lying or telling half-truths in their presence virtually impossible without a powerful enough divine magic from specific gods. They can use Terra’s magnetic field to navigate and seem to always know their exact coordinates. Despite the fact that their ability to see thoughts and aura renders having to verbally communicate with the other respective sibling unneeded they will sometimes do so anyway. Typically, when doing so forwards their plans.     He is capable of permanently or temporarily swapping bodies with his brother as needed. They can also scratch out long and complex equations and mathematics quite quickly into most surfaces with their spider legs.     Their children and certain descendants will sometimes be born with magical eyes or extra fully functioning eyes.     The most famous power of Nancy is that of being able to see almost all possible futures while his sister can see almost all of the past. How they obtained this ability was a plan that took centuries to unfold. It began when they were first allowed to see into the roots and branches of fate during a meeting of the gods long ago. Enamored by it and filled with its knowledge they felt empty and incomplete when they were inevitably forced to avert their gaze from the branches of fate. However, within fate itself they saw something and with that knowledge they began to do what many mortals believe they do best. They began to scheme and calculate. Writing an almost seemingly endless equation to calculate the perfect spell for their plans. Then they waited with a patience that put even most spiders to shame for hundreds of years. Soon, during a fateful meeting of the gods all preparations were set and they were once again allowed to see into the branching roots once again. During that moment they cast a complex spell of time and space that “anchored” part of their very perception to that moment in time. To their delight it was clear the plan had worked as even after the reading had ended they could still gaze into the nigh infinite knowledge branching within the roots. With that Ana could see almost all the past events that had occurred and Nancy could see almost all the possible futures that could occur. This allows Nancy to predict the occurrence of almost any event or behavior with disturbing accuracy. This comes with the downside of negatively affecting his hindsight and making it hard for him to recall most long-term memories because his brain is constantly processing the visions and memories of the future that constantly pour into it. However, he is granted an unnaturally accurate ability to predict the most likely actions almost any being will take and the ramifications it will have on the future. This also causes him to behave oddly and move quite mechanically in order to properly react to butterfly-style effects he sees in ever-changing possibilities of the future. Along with his twin, he spends most of his time dormant in a cocoon of spider silk, awakening when their plan requires them to or when a notable enough vision of the future wakes him up and forces him and his twin to recalculate their plans. Sometimes, Shia simply wakes them up when there is an increased amount of work that must be performed by shi respective cult. The sheer information and minute details involved in the plans of Ana and Nancy can often fly beyond the comprehension or scope of mortals as it can easily involve all kinds of butterfly or domino-style effects from the smallest action. Sometimes making someone eat dinner 1 millisecond later is just as, or more, important to his plans as the life or death of a major god. This also means he tends to see most entities as relatively equal in importance. Sometimes he and his sibling will sit in odd poses at specific times in order to ensure their plan goes accordingly. Sometimes this lasts for mere seconds and sometimes it lasts for weeks. There is a limit to his power though in the sense that he can reach/see a future that is a “dead end.” Which are futures that can only end in one way or have an event that seemingly can’t be avoided. For example, if there was an asteroid too big to stop hurdling toward Terra no amount of scheming or foresight would allow him or his sibling to stop its impact. Plus, he is not truly omniscient even if his mental state tends to operate much above that of a mortal or even most other gods. He does not see all that is happening in all of the universe at all times because that would overwhelm his mind and he seems to be unable, or unwilling, to view things that happen beyond a certain distance from terra. There are also ways to obscure his vision with strong and specific magic of the gods. While difficult, it is not impossible for certain gods to create areas that he can’t see into with his sight due to his senses being obscured so greatly that he cannot process what he is seeing.     Most gods presiding over bugs seem to have some level of arachnophobia or uneasiness of spiders even if they did not have one as a mortal. Many dragons seem to dislike him or feel uneasy around him due to his association with eyes.     He has a noticeably more defensive fighting style than their twin by looking into the potential futures of his opponents and calculating/reacting to their moves before they’ve even made them. Leading to most attacks being blocked or avoided by Nancy. Nancy can even counter spells by creating an equal and opposite reaction than that of whatever magic he sees in the future. Essentially, cancelling them out.     Ana and Nancy are considered one of the most powerful minor gods. However, this is not because of their raw strength or being able to best other minor gods in a direct fight but rather the sheer virtually incalculable amount of information and surveillance they have as well as their complex and sometimes seemingly untrackable plans. They know something about just about every god and some say attempting to hide from the gaze of Ananancy is like trying not to breathe. It might be possible for a period of time but one day they will see you for what you really are. It is said that if you ever feel like you're being watched but cannot find any eyes, whether they be divine or mortal, or cameras gazing upon you then it is probably one or both of the spider gods watching you. In a way, they are one of the gods with the most influence, which is where their true power lies.     They have a lot of divine domains which can partially be attributed to the fact that they share many of them, as many people lump Ana and Nancy together or don’t bother to learn the difference, and because they are constantly gaining new ones due to their various schemes and tricks.     He does have ways of manifesting independently from his brother.     They manage a website that is rumored to contain all the world’s myths and stories.     When the spider gods sire children with others they are almost always identical twins.

Apparel & Accessories

His clothes are weaved from spider silk. These clothes are bulletproof     He has a pair of scissors that aids in cutting string after Ana has measured it.

Specialized Equipment

He is in possession of handcuffs and chains that can be manipulated with great dexterity. The length of his cuffs can be extended. He can also weave a variety of fabrics, clothes, ropes, nets, etc. using his webbing. He can make these weaves as strong as steel.     Within the stomach of him and his brother sits some sort of screen resembling a tv. The screen has an oddly clean spider web fracture and plays a variety of videos and images. It can play video and audio from the internet or various radio and wi-fi signals and it can display the thoughts and visions of Nancy and his brother. Each part of the screen that is sectioned off by cracks can act as its own separate screen and play things individually from the rest of the screen. This can sometimes cause the tv to create a cacophony of audio and video.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The spider gods, Ana and Nancy, were born as conjoined twins. However, rather interestingly, Ana was a god and Nancy was not. Over time, Nancy grew older and Ana, out of fear of losing the twin she loved so dearly and worry of what could happen to their shared body if her twin died, concocted a plan with Nancy. Nancy made a list of every species of spider and then declared Nancy her heir for half of those species before using a complex spell of death and life magic created from rigorous calculation to temporarily kill herself and pass the subsequent domains over to Nancy. She was then resuscitated with life magic before another heir could be declared for the rest of her domains, reinstating her as a spider god.     The two spider gods are at least partially responsible for the creation of the arachne race. Presumably, they were created to fill in a gap that had been created within the food chain and the world’s natural order that when filled with the proper sentient species would open the door for a better future. Some in the past have been turned into arachne by Ana and Nancy in accordance with their wish to become better and more patient hunters like that of a spider.     At some point Ana and Nancy were allowed to gaze upon the roots of fate during a meeting of the gods. After the reading had ended they used the information they gathered from the reading in order to use a mathematical formula that would allow for the calculation of a spell that in turn would use time magic to “anchor” a part of their very perception and being to the very moment of the reading. They cast this spell during their next reading and this has allowed them to continuously peer into the roots of fate even though their reading has long since ended. This has granted Ana the ability to see almost all of the past and Nancy to see almost all possible futures.     He grew in popularity in part because his association with eyes would cause people to draw a connection between him and how some dragons were warded off by large eye-like patterns. His schemes also involved limiting the power of the dragons so he was known to liberate those being ruled over by violent dragons and even gave his followers the means to trick and outsmart much more powerful dragons if they joined his cult. He was also very open to many different people, as anyone could have a place in the great divine plan of the spider gods allowing people from all walks of life, even those who lacked any sort of power, to gain important uses and talents.     He had a pivotal hand in helping reestablish most of the internet sometime after the fall of humans and her cult has many internet providers. He would eventually develop “Web World.” Which can be likened to a highly complex VR or simulation that is a mix of science and magic. Despite not technically starting as a game it has many video game like aspects so many people ended up treating it as a sort of game or online hangout spot, and it even has an accompanying app. The true purpose of Web World was the gods’ attempt to create a world where they were not bound to the perception of mortals but it is now mostly run and maintained by her cult. The gods have even created entities composed of pure data and/or machines. These actions have led to Ana and Nancy being associated with the internet.     At some point they made JL’s prosthetic leg for an unknown reason or purpose. There is also a myth that states the Chevalier first became enamored with music after becoming caught in one of Ana and Nancy’s webs. As he struggled he began to accidentally pluck and play some of the threads which created a sound so wondrous that Ana and Nancy seemed satisfied with what had been created and simply let him go before later crafting him his famous violin with a magical golding string. The two are also the one who crafted Chevalier’s prosthetic legs but the reason why is unknown to all those but a handful of people. Some people think that they include Chevalier and Appylon in their plans as a way to gain more control over day and night or to potentially ascend Chevalier to become “he who carries the moon” in order to create some sort of divine balance. How this would work exactly is up for speculation as if the plan did turn out to be true the reason why the gods did it would probably be so complex and nuanced it would fly over the heads of mortal minds.     In some version of the “Lyre of Appylon” story Ana and Nancy are the ones who provide the god with the webbing he would use to craft his lyre. Some versions of the story detail that as Appylon struggled spiders could be seen moving to and fro between the webbing that became caught in his antlers and then when the sun became tangled amongst them spiders worked furiously to tie it in place, and this acts as an explanation for why some species of spiders are completely black in color. The exact details seem to be unknown but there appears to be some grain of truth as when asked about it the gods often answer “Do you think that webbing was just lying around? And how do you suppose he got so much and had enough time to focus on creating his instrument and gathering his webs?” Some other versions of the story also say that the spiders gave Appylon the calculations necessary to create the lyre or that after Appylon fell asleep the spider gods tuned and refined the instrument so that it would work as well as it did. Lawyers of the Spider Cult seem to think that at some point Appylon made a deal or contract with the god that promised to grant him the power of the sun or to make sure that the bird gods wouldn’t sabotage or interfere with his work before the competition.     The spider gods have worked and helped John de Luminarie on several occasions, some of which were during his quest for the bat god’s hand in marriage. The War of the Moon has been tough on Ana and Nancy. They remain as cryptic and plotting as ever. This has only bolstered the distrust some gods feel towards them and some have become convinced that Ana and/or Nancy are traitors or will betray them.

Gender Identity

Nancy is fine with both he / him, it, and she / her pronouns but she tends to prefer he / him pronouns ever so slightly. However, he may be asked to be referred to by another pronoun in order to create a more ideal future so she can be considered genderfluid along with his brother.



Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Nancy has a love of puppets and can appreciate good craftsmanship. He likes making them and also collects puppets. He also seems to have a fondness for eyes and will preserve the eyes of various creatures and mortals in jars. He is also known to have various prosthetic or fake eyes lying around. He also enjoys solving puzzles and testing his brain with riddles and the like. He is an artist and writer who loves sci-fi stories and also writes his own. He often paints or draws the many he futures he sees as strange or surreal images, some of which have become famous and made their way into museums. Not every painting he makes comes to pass though, as many of them only show possible futures. He also likes to write often vague poems about the future of particular individuals or places(but these are often also about potential futures). Sometimes he will give priests or followers of the spider cult specific pieces of art or poetry so they may discern what it is that he wants them to do or understand the scope and purpose of a future they will be important to. He also loves playing string instruments and is quite good at it. He believes that if people let go of their emotions more often and thought more about the future instead of their short desires then they would understand his plans a bit more He is also a masterful editor and enjoys good camera work and technique. He usually makes animated films or those of the sci-fi variety and is famous for his immersive special effects. He likes to browse the internet and perform readings on his video channel. He also enjoys weaving plans. He seems to be annoyed when he has to help his brother consider the ramification of certain actions of future events but also seems to enjoy correcting and teasing him about it. Unlike his brother, he prefers things that are more fluid and malleable. Things that have the potential to be changed. He also likes making sure the followers in his cult can reach their full potential.     He has a dislike for pure chaos and loves careful considered change. If something chaotic is happening it should be happening for a specific reason and purpose that aids his plan. On the rare occasion that the plans of the spider twins do not go well or work as intended he may become distressed(but seeing him in this state is a rarity since he usually at least has 7 other backup plans). He finds it funny when people make mistakes that could have been easily avoided.

Vices & Personality flaws

Both the gods are notorious for being chronically manipulative(nothing they do is without reason or plan) which causes many gods to dislike them, fear them, or both. Their plans almost always take priority and while they often tell the truth they will also weave great and complex lies or betray others without hesitation if it leads to a future they consider to be ideal. This can also make it nearly impossible to know when and how Nancy is being genuine about his feelings even if he is telling the truth, as his honestly might also be a part of his grand plan. They can also become very agitated when snares or snags occur in their plan. Also, not usually being able to understand what they are planning or why they are doing it until after all is said and done can be alienating, off putting, and make them hard to trust even when the gods only have the best of intentions in mind. Many also find their mannerisms disconcerting or creepy. Because of this they have very few genuine friends and have even said “If you had seen even half the futures I had seen, friends would not be high on your priority list.” JL and his twin, Ana, seem to be some of Nancy’s only genuine close friends but some question if the three gods are simply all just using each other for something.     They have little regard for privacy if they need information to enact a plan.

Personality Quirks

He tends to come off as more of an airhead than his twin. Sometimes spacing out when he gazes upon a particularly interesting future or a person with an interesting future. He is known to stare a lot. He often holds exaggerated or weird expressions from the events he is witnessing. For example, he may hold a happy face if he sees something good is probably going to happen or a sad face if he sees something tragic might happen. However, he doesn’t emote as much in reaction to present events because he has usually seen them far in advanced and had plenty of time to process it as a potential outcome.


Family Ties

They consider most spiders and members of their cult to be a member of their family.


He moves very robotically and unnaturally most of the time as the spider gods must be very precise with their movements in order to make sure everything is going to plan. He spends most of his time asleep in a cocoon of spider silk unless he must wake up for one of his plans or a vision of a potential future wakes him up. Sometimes he will pose still as a statue along with his brother in seemingly random places as part of plans. This can last anywhere from a few seconds to several weeks.


It is believed by many mortals that one twin always lies and one always tells the truth while others say that any twin can tell the truth but when they do the other must tell a lie and vice versa or that the twins are constantly swapping bodies to leave one guessing at who is lying and who is telling the truth. Others say that Ana must always tell the truth and Nancy must always lie due to their relationship with the past and future. However, none of these are true, both twins can and do lie and tell the truth as needed based on their visions. The misconception seems to come from the fact that Ana has more emphasis on the past(which is more concrete and unchanging) while Nancy has a connection to all the possible futures(which are constantly fluctuating with possibility).     They often talk in different accents and manners based on what forwards their plans. He is known to sometimes suddenly pause or speak faster or slower based on what he and his sibling are seeing in their visions. However, his “default” accent is that of an American one and he often speaks with AAVE. Both brothers are often noted as having voices that sound as if they are playing from a recording or radio with static.     When Nancy is answering something individually he talks how one would expect but if both him and Ana have something to say they will often alternate when talking. However, not in the sense that they simply finish each other's sentences but they say the sentence out of order as each one says half of it. For example, "In truth I am just as much of a puppet as you mortal, and yet you are also the puppeteer." could become Ana saying "In I just much a as mortal, yet are the" followed by Nancy saying "truth, am as of puppet you and you also puppeteer. They may talk normally in unison or complete each other's sentences normally if their plan requires it.


Ana, God of Spiders

Friend (Vital)

Towards Nancy, Goddess of Spiders



Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Friend (Vital)

Towards Ana, God of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

She is incredibly close with her sister, and due to them being able to see each other's thoughts and sharing the same body, there are literally no secrets between them. Her sister seems to be one of her few genuine friends and she becomes nervous over time if she does not have her sister to interact with. There is also solidarity in the fact that her sister is the only one who understands the full scope and reasonings behind her plans along with herself. They can often be seen teasing each other with constant corrections and reminders as Ana is constantly reminding her sister of past events she has forgotten while Nancy reminds her what the end result of their plans are supposed to be and corrects her on various hypotheses and predictions she makes about the future.

Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Friend (Vital)

Towards Ana, God of Spiders



Ana, God of Spiders

Friend (Vital)

Towards Nancy, Goddess of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

He is incredibly close with his brother, and due to the twins being able to see each other’s thoughts and sharing the same body, there are literally no secrets between them. His brother seems to be one of his few genuine friends and he becomes nervous over time if he does not have his brother to interact with. There is also solidarity in the fact that his brother is the only one who understands the full scope and reasonings of his plans along with himself. They can often be seen teasing each other with constant corrections and reminders as Ana is constantly reminding Nancy of past events he has forgotten while Nancy reminds her what the end result of their plans are supposed to be and corrects her on various hypotheses and predictions she makes about the future.

Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Friend (Important)

Towards John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies



John de Luminarie, Goddess of Fireflies

Friend (Important)

Towards Nancy, Goddess of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

Oddly, John seems to be one of her few genuine friends. However, many suspect the validity of their relationship as JL is a notorious trickster god while Ana and Nancy are infamous manipulators, leading some to conclude that the spiders have managed to trick John or John is trying to trick the spider. Some even think they are both trying to trick each other. JL claims he can tell whenever the spider gods tell a lie but there is no concrete information proving this is true or false. Others think that at some point JL simply saw what the spider gods saw within the branching roots of fate or that they wanted to take advantage of his large cult and influence and the fact that fireflies have a more favorable reputation than spiders. Either way, Ana and Nancy helped him in the past when he was mortal and he seems to trust them to some degree, it is at the very least in their best interest to keep him alive and popular for now. Joining the Cult of Spiders also comes with the benefit of the gods promising that they can change your fate or rewrite one’s destiny as needed instead of just being a slave to it like others outside their cult. Nancy is currently the god champion of the Cult of Luminarie’s yellow ray, which they enjoy making and critiquing art for. While Nancy is technically the only god champion of the ray both Ana and Nancy tend to hold equal sway within it.

Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Ally (Important)

Towards Ryoma, God of Tuna



Ryoma, God of Tuna

Ally (Important)

Towards Nancy, Goddess of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

The tuna god isn't any sort of friend of Nancy and his sibling and he seems wary of him like most. However, he seems to understand that the spider gods usually have the best of intentions in mind and Ana seems to enjoy talking about history with him. However, the twins have gottent into conflicts with Ryoma in the past due to the spider gods starting wars or conflicts in order to create a more ideal future while Ryoma advocates more so for peace. Also, Ana and Nancy’s self-preservation means that they can have slightly different ideas of what the ideal future even is to begin with.

Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Ally / Enemy (Important)

Towards Sasakia, God of Butterflies



Sasakia, God of Butterflies

Enemy (Important)

Towards Nancy, Goddess of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

While Sasakia is incredibly polite and well-mannered to the gods on the rare occasions she meets them in person(which is something that Ana and Nancy tend to find humorous as putting up a front or lying to them is usually seen as a futile effort to them) she has a well-known dislike of Ana and Nancy and has cut off all contact with them and refuses to listen to any messages, emails, visits, or the like from them. While some mortal believe this to be caused from arachnophobia or the fact that spiders feed on insects like butterflies when one considers the connection the spider gods have to information, surveillance, and manipulation it is easy to assume that they saw or know about something they shouldn’t and crossed a line that should not have been crossed. Since the gods have little care about privacy if they need to get something done. Spiders are not allowed in the temple of the butterfly god as some can act as extensions of Ana and Nancy’s will.

Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Enemy (Important)

Towards Hilathu




Enemy (Important)

Towards Nancy, Goddess of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

Before the fall of the god, Ana and Nancy actually approached the serpent and warned him of his possible fate before promising that they could prevent this fate and make him a weaver of his own destiny if they joined their cult. This only angered the god as they thought it to be a trick or ploy to gain control of his domains so they attacked them and ignored their warnings and currently harbor an immense spite towards the two gods. As they probably knew of his fate and reaction, making their approach a trick to ensure he would end up in his wretched state. He also views Mora and Shia as hypocrites because to him gods like Ana and Nancy can appear just as manipulative or “underhanded” as he is. A comparison that usually just leads to Ana laughing in response.

Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Rival (Important)

Towards Hikaru Vulapin, God of Foxes



Hikaru Vulapin, God of Foxes

Rival (Important)

Towards Nancy, Goddess of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

Hikaru is known to interact closely with the spider gods but this is not out of friendship or kinship from being trickster gods or the like but rather the fox god’s habit of forging strong alliances and keeping her enemies close. While the gods do officially have an alliance and work together there is always a hidden tension as each one weaves their own plans and tricks. Their interactions can be mind-boggling to a mortal as Hikaru may attempt to trick Nancy but Nancy saw the trick coming as a possible future so they in turn trick Hikaru who saw that trick coming and so on and so forth. Their interactions are often long and odd to say the least but they are known to both seemingly aid each other from time to time, but this is usually done with some sort of other purpose or intention in mind and not out of pure kindness. He will proactively trick Hikaru on occasion as a way of getting back at the fox god for a trick they are about to pull.

Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Ally??? (Important)

Towards Soliairs Taeyang



Soliairs Taeyang

Ally??? (Important)

Towards Nancy, Goddess of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

The spider gods are known to sometimes offer or feed Soliairs information and hints on how to outwit or trick Shia, an odd behavior for one outside their cult. However, Soliairs often takes these suggestions with a grain of salt as the gods are also constantly trying to coax them into joining the Spider Cult. According to the spider gods Soliairs is “One who is destined to join the Spider Cult but they can break free from their fate by joining the Cult of Spiders.” A statement that Soliairs seems to interpret with caution and frustration by its seemingly contradictory and nonsensical nature. Soliairs, and Benjamin seem to currently agree that the two gods are most likely saying that Soliairs will somehow end up joining their cult at some point no matter what. However, when or how this is supposed to happen is still up in the air. A small number of the ships within the Crane Cult have reported that some of their members have joined the Spider Cult due to being given more access to information about loopholes and technicalities in regard to Shia and the Cult of Death along with promises of altering their otherwise unavoidable fates. Most other cult members look upon them with suspicion and worry about a possibly growing influence of the Spider Cult within their own ranks. While these members are often helpful, especially in regards to strategy and calculating trajectories, wind speeds, and how long it takes to reach a destination, they are usually monitored closely because of this and not allowed to enter the Crane Temple. They are few in number but growing slowly. Some will lock themselves in a room on the ship and emerge with more information on how to subvert Shia and their cult. The gods seem to be wary allies for now.

Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Ally??? (Important)

Towards Benjamen Stridde



Benjamen Stridde

Ally??? (Important)

Towards Nancy, Goddess of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

The spider gods are known to sometimes offer or feed Benjamien information and hints on how to outwit or trick Shia and the Cult of Death. However, Benjamen is still extremely suspicious of the god due to their history of trickery and espionage.

Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Ally (Vital)

Towards Mora, The God of Life



Mora, The God of Life

Ally (Important)

Towards Nancy, Goddess of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

Ana and Nancy seem to actually get along quite well with Mora. it would appear that the goals of the spider god and the god of life usually align. Mora sometimes sends Ana and Nancy to make sure things are in order or flowing as they should. Mora does not usually seem too picky with the how and why the two spider gods choose to resolve the issues as long as it perpetuates the continuation of life and its resulting greater good. There is also the fact that Mora probably has a better grasp of their plans and why they are doing them due to the roots of fate. The continuation of life is something that Ana and Nancy need in order for any of their plans to work, but Ana and Nancy care more about the propagation of intelligent life in particular than Mora does. Meanwhile, Mora only cares that life continues no matter the state in which it does.

Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Ally (Vital)

Towards Shia, the God of Death



Shia, the God of Death

Ally (Important)

Towards Nancy, Goddess of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

Ana and Nancy seem to actually get along quite well with Mora. it would appear that the goals of the spider god and the god of life usually align. Mora sometimes sends Ana and Nancy to make sure things are in order or flowing as they should. Mora does not usually seem too picky with the how and why the two spider gods choose to resolve the issues as long as it perpetuates the continuation of life and its resulting greater good. There is also the fact that Mora probably has a better grasp of their plans and why they are doing them due to the roots of fate. The continuation of life is something that Ana and Nancy need in order for any of their plans to work, but Ana and Nancy care more about the propagation of intelligent life in particular than Mora does. Meanwhile, Mora only cares that life continues no matter the state in which it does.

Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Rival / Enemy (Important)

Towards Mą’ii, the Coyote God



Mą’ii, the Coyote God

Rival / Enemy (Important)

Towards Nancy, Goddess of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

Despite the gods both being trickster gods they often act as opposing forces, enemies, and rivals. This is because Ana and Nancy tend to be more associated with order, planning, and law while Mą’ii tends to be associated with chaos(which can conflict with or fly in the face of their carefully considered plans). Plus, there is the coyote god’s association with secrets while the spider gods are associated with discovering information and secrets via observation and planning. Interestingly, Nancy seems to like Mą’ii more than his sibling. Mostly likely, due to the possible connection chaos can have with possibility and change. There is a rivalry between their two cults because they both contain some of the world’s best lawyers, and they often find each other on opposing sides in the courtroom. They are known to sometimes manipulate and use each other for their own ends. As sometimes chaos is needed for Nancya to enact her plans and sometimes order is needed to create the ideal amount of chaos. Mą’ii seems to have some sort of grudge against the gods and makes themselves a thorn in both the sides of the Spider Cult and their respective god and the spider gods likewise often return the favor. This has led to a constant back and forth between the gods known as the “great game” by members of the Spider Cult.

Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Ally (Important)

Towards Ferventi, God of Wolves



Ferventi, God of Wolves

Ally (Important)

Towards Nancy, Goddess of Spiders



Relationship Reasoning

The spider gods actually get along with Fervanti quite well, much to the surprise of some. While Ana and Nancy may sometimes see the wolf god as barbaric he has some level of respect for them as the gods are proficient at weaving and sewing as well as just being generally adept with their hands. It should also be known that spiders are just as much of a hunter as wolves are and they are both long lived gods with a stable and large following(but Fervanti is ever so slightly older due to being a generation removed). This gives them both an incredible sense of wisdom and patience and they will sometimes best their foes or get what they want by simply waiting for the right time to strike. Like other gods, Fervanti holds little to no bias towards Ana and her sister even when he gets caught up in their schemes for better or worse. While a mortal first gazing upon Fervanti may see him as opposites or conflicting entities with Ana and Nancy’s robotic and calculating nature along with their emotional detachment and Fervanti’s more emotional, aggressive, and wild behavior they actually hold more similarities than differences. Their respective cults tend to be on amicable terms because of this and often engage in trade.

"Umbra", God of Giant Squid

Enemy (Important)

Towards Nancy, Goddess of Spiders



Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Enemy (Important)

Towards "Umbra", God of Giant Squid



Relationship Reasoning

Umbra does not get along with Ana and Nancy as the spider gods are gods related to knowledge and surveillance while Umbra is related to secrecy and the like. While they do both have a connection to forbidden knowledge Umbra does not like how much Ana and Nancy’s constant prying and spying. Meanwhile Ana and Nancy do not like Umbra’s proclivity of hiding knowledge or rendering it all but lost.

Nergalzeb, God of Flies

Ally/Enemy/Pawn (Important)

Towards Nancy, Goddess of Spiders



Nancy, Goddess of Spiders

Ally/Enemy (Important)

Towards Nergalzeb, God of Flies



Relationship Reasoning

Ana and Nancy are the gods presiding over one of the natural predators of flies. However, Nergalzeb doesn’t seem to mind because flies have lots of natural predators anyway and due to her love of the cycle of life and death and she doesn’t mind killing as long as it eventually gives birth to new life. Although the spider gods apparently tricked Nergalzeb once and the fly god has a great distaste of their schemes and how they promise their followers ways to avoid their natural fate. This is because Nergalzeb believes true happiness comes from accepting one’s fate to one day wither and rot.

Divine Classification
Current Location
Man, genderfluid
He has heterochromia. His right eye has a purple iris while his left eye has a blue iris, but he has replaced his left eye with a glowing blue jewel.
He is mostly bald but has strange threads of spider silk growing out of his head that takes the form of a spiderweb on his scalp.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
They have brown skin
About 15” or about 4.6 meters
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
They learned Common, English, Ewe, and Japanese when they were mortal. As a god they can be understood by whoever is listening regardless of what language they are speaking.


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